Главная Книжный магазин Нефтепромысловая химия Physico-chemical methods of enhanced oil recovery by waterflooding

Shvetsov, I., V. Manyrin "Physico-chemical methods of enhanced oil recovery by water flooding." - Samara House Press, 2002. - 392.

The monograph is a compilation of many years of experience and large-scale deployment of field studies of physical and chemical methods to increase oil recovery by waterflooding oil reservoirs in the various oil regions of Russia. The book reflects the suggestions and recommendations of readers of the first edition of the book "Physical and chemical methods of enhanced oil recovery. Analysis and design. " In the revised version of the book are more fully described in the most common commercial practice, Russian Physico-chemical methods that enhance oil recovery heterogeneous reservoirs. We consider the hydrodynamic models of calculating the development of oil fields with the use of physical and chemical stimulation methods.

We propose a method for assessing the effectiveness of methods of enhanced oil recovery, based on the adaptation of mathematical models to develop estimates of the approximation to fakticheskim.Dan analysis and calculated the value of additional oil in the case of application of various technologies stimulation in Western Siberia and the facilities of OAO "Tatneft". To facilitate the understanding of the material presented in this book are applicable terminology and abbreviations. The annex presents a summary of the EOR used in the United States. The book is intended for scientific and technical workers of the oil industry, employment creation, improvement and application of physico-chemical methods of enhanced oil recovery. May be useful for students of universities of oil.

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(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)