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Editorial board

In the editorial board consists of excellent scholars and practitioners of oil and gas business, which his experience and erudition to make a contribution to the work of the publisher.

The editorial board, see here:

Love Altunina K.
Belyanin Herman N.
Bokserman Arkady A.
Bykov, Dmitry E.
Brilliant Leonid Samuilovich
Volkov, Yuri A.
Ismagilov Azamat Faritovich
Kulchitsky Valery
Manyrin Vyacheslav
Renat Muslimov Khaliullovich
Harry S. Oganov
Tretiak, Alexander Y.
Tian, ​​Vladimir Konstantinovich
Urmancheev Vyacheslav Ismagilovich
Shabashev Eugene Fadeevich
Shaydakov Vladimir Vladimirovich
Shashel Vadim
Epov Mikhail Ivanovich
Schmal Gennady I.

The Editorial Board was formed out of people, discussing issues related to the activities and development of the journal

The Editorial Board includes

Borovsky, Mikhail Y.
Brilliant Samuel G.
Gennady A. Makeev
Pozdnyshev Gennady

Новое - хорошо забытое старое

(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)