The book was first isolated object of study geology, geological global system (including the asthenosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biota). Using a systematic methodology, the author examined the functional structure of the system, its energy and momentum, external influences on it from the deep bowels of the earth and the cosmos, the impact of the system on its surroundings. The author managed to get a consistent explanation of the genesis of the major geological events and patterns of the planet. The author's name - Ph.D. - made in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. His specialty - the study of the causes of long-term changes in Earth's climate. The book will be useful for earth science professionals, interested in the problems geoevolyutsii. Geological and industrial atlas Kansk-Achinsk coal basin. - Krasnoyarsk Publishing House "Univers", 2001. - 58. Atlas compiled by JSC "Krasnoyarsk Mining and Geological Company" (OAO "Krasnoyarskgeologiya") and published by decision of the Scientific and Technical Council on Environmental Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In Kansk-Achinsk coal is concentrated 38% of proven coal reserves, including 98% of brown coal in Russia, are suitable for open pit. Swimming pool - unique mineral resources of coal, power and chemical industries. Atlas includes a set of general and special thematic maps showing the geological structure of the basin, its hydrogeological, geotechnical and environmental conditions, as well as the geological characteristics of coal deposits in commercial and land. Maps are accompanied by explanatory text. 45 maps and charts of the atlas are grouped into 4 sections; opening - 8 maps and charts, general geology - 12 maps and charts, coal subjects - 7, geological and industrial - 18. The publication is targeted at a wide range of scientific, technical and managerial personnel, as well as entrepreneurs.