Главная №1 2012г.

№ 1 2012.

№ 1 2012.

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"Oil. Gas. Innovations "

Main theme of the issue: ╚VIII International scientific-practical conference Ashirovskie reading"

The study wells

On the possibility of separation of fractured zones in the interaction of waves with acoustic logging

Kudrin, TS

On a Possibility to Select Fractured Zones As Per Interaction of Waves in Acoustic Logging

Kudrina TS
{Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Kudrin TS / Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia / Kudrina TS (Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia) {tab = Keywords} acoustic logging, the interaction of acoustic waves, transverse wave at the difference frequency, fracture. {Tab = Key words} acoustic logging, interaction of acoustic waves, transverse wave of various frequencies, fracturing {tab = Abstract} is proposed to use to highlight fractured zones modification of sonic logging, based on the interaction of two high-frequency waves, longitudinal and transverse or two longitudinal propagating at an angle Θ with close but not equal frequencies and recording the amplitude and velocity of the transverse low-frequency waves, the difference frequency emitted by the interaction of the initial waves. {Tab = Abstract} The author proposes to use the modification of acoustic logging for the purposes of selecting fractured zones, that is based upon the interaction of two high-frequency waves, longitudinal and transverse or two longitudinal ones that are spreading with an angle Θ with close but not equal frequencies, and recording of the amplitude and speed of this longitudinal low-frequency wave, of various frequency emitted from the area where the initial waves interact.

Geological and Hydrodynamic framework to improve the quality of forecasting the development of productive strata

Kovalev AA, Popkov, VI, Khamitov IG, Postanogov OS, Danshova SN

Geological and Hydro-dynamic Basis to Improve the Prediction Quality Developing the Reservoirs

Kovalev AA, Popkov VI, Khamitov IG, Postanogova O.S., Danshova SN {slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Kovalev AA / JSC "Samara-Nafta" / VI Popkov, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, Khamitov IG, Ph.D., Postanogov OS , Danshova SN / LTD "SamaraNIPIneft", Samara, Russia / Kovalev, AA / ZAO "Samara-Nafta" /, PopkovV.I., PhD., Khamitov IG, PhD., Postanogova O.S., Danshova SN / Open Company "SamaraNIPIneft", Samara, Russia / {tab = Keywords} oil-saturated reservoir, stress-strain state, decompression of the roof, the macro-level, micro level, filtration-capacity properties. {Tab = Key words} oil-saturated reservoir, stress deformation status, roof deconsolidation, macro-level, micro-level, filtration capacity properties {tab = Abstract} The analysis of the processes of oil displacement by water in the micro and macro level, the conclusion about the similarity running processes, and suggested the formation of "dead zones" based on the stress-strain state of rocks. {Tab = Abstract} The authors present the analysis of oil displacement by water at micro-and macro-levels; they make the conclusion on a similar nature of the actual processes as well as make a proposal on having the "stagnant zones" in due consideration with stress-deformation rock status ..

Studying the properties of high-viscosity oils

Analysis of the temperature dependence of the viscosity of crude oil and oil emulsions

Krestelev A., Kim, VK

Analysis of Temperature Dependencies of Oil and Oil Emulsion Viscosity

Krestelev AI, Kim VK
{Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Krestelev A. Ph.D, Associate Professor (a.krestelev @ yandex.ru), Kim, VK / Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia / Krestelev AI, PhD., Assistant professor, (a.krestelev @ yandex.ru), Kim VK (Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia) {tab = Keywords} Oil , oil emulsions, the viscosity approximation. {Tab = Key words} oil, oil emulsions, viscosity, approximation {tab = Abstract} The method of approximating the experimental dependence of the viscosity of crude oil and oil emulsions on the temperature of the theoretical curve. The conditions of minimum approximation error. {Tab = Abstract} The authors discuss the method of approximation for the experimental dependency between oil and oil emulsion viscosity versus the temperature theoretical plot.

Development of gas and oil fields

Cells asymmetric flooding problems in the simulation process oil and gas development

Popkov, VI, Khamitov IG, Shakshin VP Kovalev AA, OV Solkin

Units of Asymmetric Flooding While Performing the Hydro-dynamic Simulation of Oil and Gas Field Development

Popkov VI, Khamitov IG, Shakshin VP, Kovalev AA, Solkina OV
{Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} VI Popkov Ph.D., Senior Scientist, Khamitov IG, Ph.D., VP Shakshin / LTD "SamaraNIPIneft" / Kovalev, AA / JSC "Samara-Nafta" / Solkin O. / LTD "SamaraNIPIneft" / Popkov VI, PhD., Khamitov IG, PhD., Shakshin VP (OOO "SamaraNIPIneft"), Kovalev AA (ZAO "Samara-Nafta"), Solkina OV (OOO "SamaraNIPIneft") {tab = Key word} relative permeabilities, capillary number, asymmetrical flooding. {Tab = Key words} relative phase permeability, capillary value, asymmetric flooding {tab = Introduction} Summary relative permeabilities dependent on capillary number should increase the compliance model processes occurring in the reservoir, especially in areas with lowest rate. This approach makes it possible to form an asymmetric time geological and hydrodynamic model of the processes of flooding. {Tab = Abstract} The introduction of relative phase permeability dependencies upon the capillary value should increase the correspondence of the models to the processes that are taking place in a reservoir, especially in the areas with its lower parameter. Such an approach gives the possibility to arrange the asymmetrical in time geological / hydro-dynamic model of flooding processes.

Redistribution of selections for the gas treatment plant zones of the Cenomanian deposits of gas and oil deposits Polar (GNKM)

Kulagina MD, Kuznetsova TI

Redistribution of Gas Recovery by Zones of Gas Treatment Units (GTU) of Cenomanian Pools at Extreme North Gas / Oil / Condensate Field

Kulagin MD, PhD., Kuznetsova TI
{Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Kulagina MD, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Kuznetsova TI, Ph.D., Associate Professor / Samara State Technical University, Samara , Russia / Kulagin MD, PhD., Kuznetsova TI, PhD. (Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia) {tab = Keywords} depressional funnel, gas flows, depression in the bed. {Tab = Key words} cone of depression, gas cross-flows, depression upon reservoir {tab = Abstract} Because of the time difference in entering the drilling of new wells in the CPF-1C, 2C, 3C, on the GTU-1S formed depressional funnel. This is due to the uneven decline of reservoir pressure, resulting in gas flows occur between zones CPF. The calculation carried out on the material balance equation, provided an opportunity for the redistribution of CPF selections, which will result in a uniform drop in reservoir pressure in all three areas. This will facilitate uniform throughout the development of deposits of stocks that will benefit the largest gas recovery. {Tab = Abstract} Due to the fact that new wells at GTU-1C,-2C,-3C were not commissioned the same time, the gas treatment unit GTU-1C has faced the problem with cone of depression. This is related with the uneven reservoir pressure drop. As a result of this there appeared the gas cross-flows between the zones of gas treatment unit. The calculations done as per material balance equation have provided us with a possibility to redistribute the recovery at GTU, and the obtained result will enable to have even reservoir pressure drop by all three areas of the field. This will promote the flattening of reservoir depletion throughout the pool and will favorably effect upon the parameters of gas recovery.

The intensification of the process of development of deposits of viscous and heavy oil

Titov VE

Stimulation of Development Process at the Pools with Viscous and High-Viscous Oil

Titov VE {slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} V. Titov, Associate Professor, Ph.D., / Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia / Titov VE, assistant professor, PhD., ( Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia) {tab =} Key words: development, highly viscous oil reservoir, hard-to-oil reserves. {Tab = Key words} development, high-viscous oil, pool, hard-to-recover oil reserves {tab = Abstract} The issues of development of deposits of hard-to-oil reserves, it is proposed an efficient variant of development of deposits of viscous and highly viscous oil. {Tab = Abstract} The author considers the problems of pool development that contain hard-to-recover oil reserves and proposes the effective procedure to develop the pools with viscous and high-viscous oil.

Technology development of oil deposits, confined to a fractured carbonate reservoirs

Titov, V., Kulikov KY

Oil Pool Development Procedures Related to Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs

Titov VE, Kulikova K.Yu. {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} V. Titov, Associate Professor, Ph.D., renigm.samgtu @ gmail.com, Kulikova, KY / Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia / Titov VE, assistant professor, PhD., (Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia), Kulikova K.Yu. / Samara StateTechnical University, Samara, Russia / {tab =} Key words: development of fields with hard deposits of oil, carbonate reservoirs, the intensification of oil production, the field Fullerton, waterflood oil reservoir infill wells {tab = Key words} development of hard- to-recover oil fields, carbonate reservoirs, stimulation of oil production, Fullerton field, oil reservoir flooding, well in-fill drilling {tab = Abstract} We analyze the current system of development of a number of oil in carbonate reservoirs. It is proposed taking into account the heterogeneity of reservoir conditions and completion of wells put into the development of technologies implemented corrections facilities that contribute to the intensification of the process {tab = Abstract} The authors analyze the existing oil pool development system in Carbonate formations. They propose due to reservoir heterogeneity and various conditions of well completion to put some updating into the current reservoir development procedures that will stimulate the process.

The calculation of temperature fields, the longitudinal and radial deformation of casing and production tubing

Tyutyaev AV Shterenberg AM Popov, DV Novikov, VA

Calculation of Temperature Fields, Longitudinal and Radial Deformations in Casing and Tubing

Tutiaev A.V., Shterenberg AM, Popov DV Novikov V.A.
{Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Tyutyaev A., Ph.D., Associate Professor, (846) 242-44-45, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , Shterenberg AM, Prof., (846) 242-44-45, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , Popov DV, (846) 242-44-45, Novikov, VA (846) 242-44-45 / Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia / Tutiaev A.V., PhD, assistant professor, (846) 242-44-45, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , Shterenberg A.M ., ScD, professor, (846) 242-44-45, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , Popov DV (846) 242-44-45, Novikov V.A. (846) 242-44 (Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia) {tab = Keywords} well, thermal methods of production casing, tubing, evaluation of temperature fields of temperature, axial strain, strain. {Tab = Key words}: well, thermal production methods, casing, pipes, temperature field evaluation, longitudinal deformations, deformation {tab =} Abstract: A method for estimating the thermal deformation of pipes feeding the coolant on the inner tube to the reservoir, taking into account the convective heat transfer in the longitudinal direction and conductive transfer in the radial direction. To do this, the first phase of the approximate solution of the stationary two-dimensional problem of determining the temperature profile, and then, the values ​​found for the temperature is conducted approximate evaluation of the deformation. {Tab = Abstract} The authors have developed the method to evaluate the pipe temperature deformation in case with heat carries that is supplies in the inner pipe to the reservoir with due consideration of convective heat transfer in longitudinal direction and conductive heat transfer in radial directions. For this at the first stage they make the approximation solution for stationary 2D problem in determining the temperature profile, and further basing upon the discovered temperatures to perform the approximate analysis of deformations.

Drilling of horizontal and directional wells

Directional survey: cost of failure (work experience)

Arkhipov, VS

Directional Survey: the Value of an Error (Based upon Practical Experience)

Arkhipov VS
{Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} V. Arkhipov, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it / Open Company "SamaraNIPIneft", Samara, Russia / Arkhipov VS, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it / Open Company "SamaraNIPIneft", Samara, Russia / {tab = Keywords} directional wells, directional survey, measurement error, the lengthening of the trunk, hypsometric position of the model reservoir {tab = Key words}: inclined directional well, directional survey, error in measurements, bore-hole elongation, hypsographic position , reservoir model {tab = Abstract}: We describe an example from industrial practice, illustrating how serious consequences to the cause of the measurement error of deviation angles trunks directional wells from the vertical. On one of the fields due to errors in measurement of angles such as inclinometers KIT in calculating reserves were made significant errors in the calculation of absolute marks and plastoperesecheny INC was created incorrect model of the deposit. As a result of repeated deviation survey carried out by a more accurate gyroscopic inclinometer, the errors were identified and created refined geological model of the reservoir, significantly different from the original. {Tab = Abstract} The paper contains an example from the practice that shows to what serious results may the errors in metering the vertical bore-hole deviation angles come during the process of inclined directional well construction. At one of the fields due to the tolerances in metering the angles using KIT directional survey tool they have made severe mistakes in the calculations of inter-bed crossing absolute elevations and OWC and as this have resulted in inappropriate reservoir model. As a result of the second directional survey performed using more exact gyroscopic directional survey they have discovered these mistakes and made more exact geological model of the reservoir that was completely different of the original one.

Development of downhole drilling for the oscillator with the horizontal section

Khuzin LB, Lyubimov, SV

Designing of Well-bore Oscillator to Drill the Wells with Lateral Section

Khuzina LB, Liubimova SV
{Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} HuzinaL.B., Professor, 8-8553-31-00-71, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , / Almetyevsk State Petroleum Institute, Almetyevsk Republic of Tatarstan, Russia / Lyubimov, SV, sveta.ingener @ mail.ru / Almetyevsk State Petroleum Institute, Almetyevsk, Russia, Tatarstan / Khuzina LB, ScD., professor, 8-8553-31-00 -71, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , / Almetievsk State Petroleum Institute, Almetievsk, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia /, Liubimova SV, sveta.ingener @ mail.ru, / Almetievsk State Petroleum Institute, Almetievsk, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia / { Keywords tab =} horizontal section well, reducing the coefficient of friction, downhole oscillator, bringing pressure on the bit, the increase in ROP. {Tab = Key words}: horizontal section of the well, reduction of friction coefficient, well-bore oscillator, provision of drill bit load, increase in mechanical speed of drilling {tab = Abstract}: At the present stage of development of oil and gas drilling horizontal and multilateral wells can reveal previously inaccessible oil horizons, contributing to an increase in oil production. One of the main problems during the drilling of these wells is the presence of considerable friction drilling of the borehole wall columns, especially in the horizontal section, which increases with increasing length. The paper describes various methods for reducing the frictional forces: chemical and mechanical. Chemical methods are based on the use of various lubricants and fluids in the drilling process. By mechanical methods is included in the layout of BHA technical devices. This paper provides a way to reduce mechanical friction - the use of downhole oscillator developed in Almetyevsk State Petroleum Institute, the Department "Oil and gas wells." It reduces the friction coefficient of the drill string borehole wall, and thus bring the weight on bit and increase the mechanical drilling speed. {Tab = Abstract} At a present stage of oil and gas industry development drilling of horizontal and multi-lateral wells enables to penetrate into previously undiscovered oil horizons thus increasing the oil production. One of the major problems while drilling these wells is the presence of significant friction forces between drilling pipes and walls of the bore-hole, especially in horizontal sections that are increasing with the extension of the bore-hole length. The paper presents the description of various methods to reduce friction forces: chemical and mechanical. Chemical methods are based upon the application of various lube additives and fluids during drilling. Mechanical methods include the installation of some technical devices into BHA. The paper presents one of the mechanical methods to reduce the friction, ie application of well-bore oscillator that was designed in Almetievsk State Petroleum Institute, the chair "Drilling of Oil and Gas Wells". It enables to reduce friction coefficient between drill column and the walls of a well, and, consequently, to ensure bit load and to increase mechanical speed of drilling.

Improved Oil Recovery

The design, method and technology of the cumulative charge perforators, with increased efficiency of the

VV Kalashnikov, DA Demoretsky, Trokhin OV, Nenashev M., A. Murzin, Suleimanov RR,

Structure, Procedure and Manufacturing Technology for Cumulative Perforator Charger with Enhanced Efficiency

Rogozhin, PV, Kalashnikov VV, Demoretskiy D.A, Trokhin O.V., Nenashev M.V., Murzin A.Yu., Sulaimanov RR, Rogozhin PV
{Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Kalashnikov VV, Academician RARAN, Ph.D., Professor, (846) 337-04-72, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ,. Demoretsky DA, Ph.D., (846) 337-06-28, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , Trokhin O., Ph.D., (846 39) 2-13-10, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , Nenashev M., Ph.D., Professor, Murzin A., Associate Professor, Ph.D., Suleymanov RR, Rogozhin, PV / Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia / Kalashnikov VV, RAS academician, ScD., Professor, (846) 337-04-72, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , Demoretskiy D.A, ScD, (846) 337 - 06-28, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , Trokhin O.V., PhD., (84639) 2-13-10, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , Nenashev M.V., ScD., professor, Murzin A.Yu. , assistant professor, PhD., Sulaimanov RR, Rogozhin PV (Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia) {tab = Key words} shaped charge, the cumulative lining, jet stream, surface detonation. {Tab = Key words}: cumulative charge, cumulative facing, cumulative jet, detonation coating {tab =} Abstract: Some results of theoretical and experimental studies aimed at improving the ability of penetrating shaped charges. It is shown that the use of the detonation method for manufacturing multilayer shaped facings allows you to: create products of the promising high-density powdered materials with minimal porosity, increase the density of the material forming a cumulative jet, while maintaining optimal weight lining, increase the depth of penetration of obstacles up to 26%. {Tab = Abstract} The authors present some results of theoretical and experimental studies aimed to increase the perforating power of the cumulative charges. They show that the application of detonation procedure in manufacturing multi-layered cumulative facing will enable to produce the products from promising high-dense powder materials with minimum porosity, to increase the density of the material that form cumulative jets with maintaining the optimum mass of facing , to increase the depth in perforating the targets by 26%.

The use of tracer methodology research crosshole space in the planning and implementation of technologies to improve oil recovery

Vishnyakova AV Ivontev KN, Cape VJ,

Application of Tracer Procedures to Study Well-to-Well Space While Planning and Applying the Enhanced Oil Recovery Procedures

Vishniakova A.V., Ivontiev K.N, Kabo V. Ya
{Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Vishnyakova AV, avishnyakova.nhi @ mail.ru, Ivontev KN, office@gc_nhi.ru, Cape VJ, Ph.D., This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it / LLC 'CC Neftehiminzhiniring ", Samara, Russia / Vishniakova A.V., avishnyakova.nhi @ mail.ru,. Ivontiev K.N, office@gc_nhi.ru, Kabo V. Ya., PhD, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it / Open Company "GC Neftechemingeneering", Samara, Russia / {tab = Keywords} geological methods, tracer studies, tracer, a zone of low filtration resistance, enhanced oil recovery technology, enhanced recovery of oil. {Tab = Key words}: geological survey methods, tracer studies, zone with low filtration resistance, enhanced oil recovery procedures, incremental oil production {tab = Abstract}: The results of a comprehensive approach in planning and implementation of enhanced oil recovery technologies, including tracer исследования межскважинного пространства, на примере участков скважин Северо-Красноярского и Тарханского месторождений Оренбургской области. Привлечение трассерных исследований позволяет многократно повысить информативность промысловых данных о геологическом строении исследуемых объектов, о качестве существующей системы заводнения и тем самым способствует принятию наиболее эффективных технологических решений.


The authors present the results of applying the comprehensive approach towards the planning and implementation of enhanced oil recovery procedures, including the tracer studies of well-to-well space at the examples of Severo-Krasnoyarskoye and Tarkhanskoye fields in Orenburg Region. The application of tracer studies ensures the many-fold increase in informative contents of field data on geological structure of the considered objects, on quality of the existing water-flooding system, thus increasing the chances to take more effective process solutions.

Влияние гидроразрыва пласта на гидродинамические характеристики и показатели разработки нефтяной залежи

Сивков Н.Р.

Effect of Reservoir Hydro-Fracturing Upon the Hydro-Dynamic Parameters and Oil Poll Development Indices

Sivkov NR

Об авторах

Сивков Н.Р., доцент /Самарский государственный технический университет, г. Самара, Россия/ Sivkov NR, assistant professor (Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia)

Ключевые слова

гидроразрыв пласта, ГРП, ПЗП, трещина, скин-фактор, эффективный радиус, система разработки.

Key words

: reservoir hydro-fracturing, hydro-fracturing, BH zone, skin-factor, effective radius, development system


: Рассмотрено влияние глубоко проникающего ГРП на комплекс параметров скважин и пласта: дебит, радиус влияния, межскважинное расстояние, выработку других запасов, элементы скважинно-трещинной системы разработки. Представлены способы оценки названных показателей. Рекомендуется комплексный учет показателей интенсификации добычи, увеличения нефтеотдачи, параметров скважинно-трещинной системы разработки при обосновании постановки и оценке эффективности гидроразрыва пласта на месторождении.


The author considers the influence of deep penetrating hydro-fracturing upon the set of well and reservoir parameters, like production rate, radius of effect, well-to-well spacing, depletion of other reserves, elements of well-fractured system of development. He presents the ways to evaluate the above-mentioned parameters. He also provides the recommendations for a complete set of production stimulation indices, of enhanced oil recovery, parameters of well-fractured development system c/w grounding of determination and evaluation of hydro-fracturing performance at the oil field.

Перспектива реализации утвержденных проектных решений по объекту ЮВ1 Пермяковского месторождения

Головина Ю.А.

Perspectives to Implement Approved design Procedure at Pay ЮВ1 of Permiakovskoye Field

Golovina Yu.A.

Об авторах

Головина Ю.А., доцент /Самарский государственный технический университет, г. Самара, Россия/ Golovina Yu.A., assistant professor (Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia)

Ключевые слова

залежь, геолого-технические мероприятия (ГТМ), система заводнения, фонд скважин, режим работы скважин, варианты разработки объекта, текущий дебит скважины.

Key words

: oil pool, overhaul and work-over plans, flooding system, stock of wells, well operation mode, options of object development, current well production rate


: С учетом существующего состояния фонда скважин и способов добычи нефти рассмотрены геолого-технические мероприятия, направленные на организацию системы заводнения в блоках с учетом геологического строения залежи; на максимальное вовлечение в разработку бездействующего аварийного фонда скважин; на оптимизацию режимов работы скважин. Приведена схема формирования расчетных вариантов разработки пласта ЮВ1.


Basing upon the available number of wells and oil production modes the author considers the overhaul and work-over jobs with the objective to organize the water-flooding field pattern in blocks as per the geological structure of the pool; to have the maximum involvement of stand-by stock of problem well into production; to optimize the well operation modes. The author also provides a pattern to organize the calculation options to develop pay ЮВ1.

Ремонт скважин

Эффективные технологии реанимации скважин

Омельянюк М.В.

Effective Procedure of Well Rehabilitation

Omelianyuk MV

Об авторах

Омельянюк М.В., This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it /Кубанский государственный технологический университет, г. Краснодар, Россия/ Omelianyuk MV, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it /Kuban State Technological Institute, Krasnodar, Russia/

Ключевые слова

интенсификация, кольматация, кавитация, резонатор, вибратор, кавитатор, насадок, генератор, частота, амплитуда, пескопроявление.

Key words

: stimulation, clogging, cavitation, resonator, vibrator, cavitator, nozzle, generator, frequency, amplitude, sand show


: Рассмотрены проблемы, возникающие при эксплуатации водозаборных скважин различного назначения. Проанализированы технические средства, предназначенные для генерирования колебаний в скважинных условиях. Представлены зависимости для расчета параметров волнового воздействия, а также разработанные технологические решения и технические средства раскольматации скважин, ликвидации пескопроявления; результаты опытно-промысловой апробации.


The author considers the problems arising during the operation of various water intake wells. The technical means to generate vibrations in well-bore conditions are considered here as well. One can find the dependencies used to calculate the parameters of wave effect, as well as process solutions and technical means to control well clogging, to perform sand show control. The paper also contains pilot test application results.

Очистка жидкости глушения как неотъемлемая часть технологий сохранения коллекторских свойств прискважинной зоны пласта

Ненашева М.Г., Багрянцев С.В., Воробьев С.В.

Treatment of Well Kill Fluid as An Integral Part of the Procedure to Preserve Reservoir Properties in Near Well-bore Zone

Nenashev MG, Bagriantsev SV ,Vorobyev SV

Об авторах

Ненашева М.Г. /Самарский государственный технический университет, г. Самара, Россия/, Багрянцев С.В. /Самарский государственный технический университет, г. Самара, Россия/, Воробьев С.В. (846) 242-36-95, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , /Самарский государственный технический университет, г. Самара, Россия/ Nenashev MG (Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia), Bagriantsev SV (Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia), Vorobyev SV (846)242-36-95, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , (Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia)

Ключевые слова

глушение скважин, очистка жидкостей, фильтр, контроль механических примесей.

Key words

: to kill a well, liquid clearing, filter, solids control.


: Защита продуктивного пласта от механических примесей приобретает актуальность. В статье рассматриваются результаты исследований жидкостей для глушения скважин и их влияние на загрязнение продуктивного горизонта.


Reservoir protection against the solids is becoming more and more acute. The authors consider the results of well kill studies and their influence upon the reservoir damage process.

Сбор и подготовка нефти и газа

Модернизация системы сбора и подготовки нефти угленосных отложений Ново-Ключевского месторождения

Редькин И.И., Хохлова Н.Ю., Платонов С.В.,

Updating of Oil Gathering and Treatment System Coming from Carbonate Sediment at Novo-Kluchevskoye Field

Pedkin II, Khokhlova N.YU., Platonov SV

Об авторах

Редькин И.И., доцент, к.т.н., Хохлова Н.Ю., доцент, к.б.н., This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Платонов С.В., /Самарский государственный технический университет, г. Самара, Россия/ Pedkin II, assistant professor, PhD., Khokhlova N.YU., assistant professor, PhD., This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , Platonov SV (Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia)

Ключевые слова

система сбора, газожидкостная смесь, трубный делитель фаз, остаточная обводненность, загрязнение почв соленой водой.

Key words

: gathering system, gas-liquid mixture, pipe phase separator, residual water-cut, soil damage by salt water


: В статье описан вариант совершенствования системы сбора сероводородного потока жидкости с целью разгрузки существующей УКСВ от избытка попутной соленой воды, что позволяет улучшить экологическую обстановку на территории месторождения.


The paper describes the option to improve the system of hydrocarbon liquid flow gathering so as to decrease the load upon the water treatment facility due to the excess in associated mineralized water production. This enables to improve the ecological environment at the territory of the oil field.

О закачке сточных вод с повышенным содержанием механических примесей в продуктивные пласты Кулешовского месторождения

Редькин И.И.

On Injection of Waste Water with Increased Amount of Solids Into the Reservoir of Kuleshovskoye Field

Pedkin II

Об авторах

Редькин И.И., доцент, к.т.н,, /Самарский государственный технический университет, г. Самара, Россия/ Pedkin II, assistant professor, PhD., (Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia)

Ключевые слова

качество сточной воды, содержание мехпримесей и нефти в сточной воде, снижение приемистости нагнетательных скважин, кислотные обработки нагнетательных скважин, перемещение закачанных загрязнений по системе проводящих каналов в коллекторах от забоев нагнетательных скважин к забоям добывающих скважин, последствия закачки грязной воды для технологии и себестоимости подготовки нефти на Нефтегорском НСП.

Key words

: waste water quality, solids and oil contents in waste water, injection well injectivity reduction, acidizing of injection wells, movement of injected impurities along the conductive channels in the reservoirs from injection well bottom-holes to the production wells bottom-holes, consequences due to the injection of untreated water for the procedures and net cost of oil treatment at Neftegorsk Oil Stabilization Plant.


: Изложено описание промысловой ситуации, при которой в систему ППД Кулешовского месторождения было закачано около 30 тыс. м3 грязной сточной воды в течение 5 лет.


The author present the description of the actual field situation when during the period of five years they have injected around 30,000 m3 of untreated waste water into reservoir pressure maintenance system of Kuleshovskoye field.

Утилизация попутного нефтяного газа

Инновационные технологии утилизации попутного газа концевых ступеней сепарации

Борисевич Ю.П. Хохлова Н.Ю.,Краснова Г.З.,

Innovative Procedures in Utilizing the Associated Gas from Final Separation Stages

Borisevich Yu.P., Khokhlova N.YU., Krasnova GZ

Об авторах

Борисевич Ю.П., к.т.н., доцент, Хохлова Н.Ю., к.б.н, доцент, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , Краснова Г.З. /Самарский государственный технический университет, г. Самара, Россия/ Borisevich Yu.P., PhD, assistant professor, Khokhlova N.YU., assistant professor, PhD., This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , Krasnova GZ (Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia)

Ключевые слова

попутный газ, сепарация, конверсия.

Key words

: associated gas, separation, conversion


: Каталитическая конверсия с водяным паром трудноутилизируемых попутных газов концевых ступеней сепарации не только позволяет получить компоненты, пополняющие ресурс ценных газов начальных ступеней сепарации с одновременным повышением их качества и транспортных характеристик, но и дает возможность попутного получения компонентов для повышения нефтеотдачи пластов с высокосмолистыми нефтями.


Catalytic water-steam conversion of hard-to-dispose associated gases coming from the final separation stages not only gives a possibility to get the components that increase the resources in valuable gases from the initial separation stages with simultaneous growth in their quality and in their transportation parameters, but also gives the possibility of commingled recovery of the components to be used for enhanced oil recovery from the reservoirs that contain high-wax content oils.

Транспортировка нефти и газа

Параметрическая идентификация математических моделей магистральных нефтепроводов

Афиногентов А.А., Багдасарова Ю.А., Гуськова Н.Н., Снопков А.С., Шабуро И.С.

Parametric Identification in Mathematical Models of Oil Trunk Pipelines

Afinogentov А.А., Baddasarova Yu.А., Guskova NN, Snopkov А.S., Shaburo IS

Об авторах

Афиногентов А.А., к.т.н., (846)334-62-20, р This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , Багдасарова Ю.А., Гуськова Н.Н., Снопков А.С., Шабуро И.С. /Самарский государственный технический университет, г. Самара, Россия/ Afinogentov А.А., PhD., (846)334-62-20, р This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , Baddasarova Yu.А., Guskova NN, Snopkov А.S., Shaburo IS (Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia)

Ключевые слова

магистральный нефтепровод, математическая модель, параметрическая идентификация, эффективный диаметр

Key words

: oil trunk pipeline, mathematical model, parametric identification, effective diameter


: Приведена методика определения основных параметров математических моделей гидродинамических процессов транспортировки нефти, в частности, дана формула для расчета эффективного диаметра магистрального нефтепровода с учетом режима течения жидкости.


The authors present the method to determine the basic parameters of mathematical models for hydro-dynamic processes of oil transportation. Particularly, they give the formula to calculate the effective diameter of a truck oil pipeline taking the fluid flow modes into account.

Защита нефтегазового оборудования от коррозии

Мультимедийный комплекс по защите нефтегазового оборудования от коррозии

Кац Н.Г., Шимаров А.И.

Multi-media Set to Protect Oil and Gas Equipment Against Corrosion

Katz NG, Shimarov А.I.

Об авторах

Кац Н.Г., Шимаров А.И., This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it /Самарский государственный технический университет, г. Самара, Россия/ Katz NG, Shimarov А.I., This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it (Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia)

Ключевые слова

защита от коррозии, мультимедийные технологии, учебно-методический комплекс.

Key words

: corrosion protection, multi-media technologies, training pack


: Рассматриваются вопросы повышения эффективности обучения студентов по дисциплине "Химическое сопротивление и защита от коррозии" с использованием мультимедийного учебно-методического комплекса. Приводятся основные характеристики, структура и особенности использования комплекса в учебном процессе.


The authors consider the problems how to improve the efficiency of tuition for the student at a specialty ⌠Chemical Resistance and Corrosion Protection■ through the application of a multi-media training pack. They present the major parameters of it, its structure and features in applying this training pack in a process of tuition.