
Geological exploration for oil and gas

Geological exploration for oil and gas

{Tab =} Ibragimov Authors RL, MJ Borowski, Fahrutdinov EG Typification of the geological environment to assess the degree of protection of underground water oil-regions / / Neft.Gaz.Novatsii. - 2011. - № 2. - P.6-9 {tab = Description} For the evaluation and the timely adoption of measures to prevent contamination of subsurface processes in the areas where oil companies should typological zoning. Substantial assistance in the identification and prediction of the negative impact of pollution sources and halos reclaimed areas provided operational and environmentally acceptable methods of exploration geophysics. Type-design zoning is necessary to evaluate and duly apply the measures in preventing the pollution processes of geological environment in the areas where oil companies perform their activities. Operative and environment-friendly geo-physical procedures provide for the significant assistance in disclosing and predicting the negative impact upon the sources and pollution of the fields under development. {/tabs}

The influence of the reservoir rocks to reduce the permeability of the well bottom zone for example Priobskoe

{Tab =} Sagirova Authors LR {Tab = Description} / / Neft.Gaz.Novatsii. - 2011. - № 2. - P.10-12 In this article we examine the effect of the mineral composition of reservoir rocks in the deterioration of the permeability of the PPP. The calculation results are most likely deposits of inorganic salts to bed YULT Priobskoe. The paper presents the consideration of the reservoir rock mineral composition impact upon the degradation of BH permeability. The author presents the calculations of the most probable deposition of inorganic salt in YuLT of Priobsky oil field. {/tabs}

Biopolymer Fluids Series HBN 2010 for exploration drilling in the Eastern Siberia / / Neft.Gaz.Novatsii. - / / Neft.Gaz.Novatsii. - 2011. - № 2. - P.13-19

{Tab = authors} {tab = Description} The results of field data on application development company "NPO" Himburneft "on Chikanskoye, Sobinsky and South Kovykta fields in Eastern Siberia, confirming the effectiveness of the proposed biopolymer drilling fluid systems series" HBN 2010 "that will ensure nominal diameter of the barrel in salt deposits, to prevent the absorption or elimination of the absorption in combination with insulating compounds, "Himpak" exclude rapoproyavleniya and quality drilling-with preservation of reservoir properties for the well. The authors present the results of field tests related to the application of OOO " NPO "Chimburneft" design products at Chikanskoye, Sobinskoye and Yuzhno-Kovyktinskoye fields (Western Siberia), that prove the effectiveness of the applied biopolymer drill mud systems of HNB 2010 series. They enable to get the nominal borehole diameter in salt depositions, to prevent or to control drill mud loss in combination with "Chimpack" isolating compositions, to eliminate the brine flow and to tap the reservoir with high quality preserving the natural reservoir properties. {/tabs}

Ecological safety of marine oil and gas basins, and the role of the federal monitoring of the geological environment of Western Arctic Shelf in solving this problem

{Tab =} Authors Shkatov M., Korneev, O., Rybalko AE, Fedorov NK {Tab = Description} / / Neft.Gaz.Novatsii. - 2011. - № 2. - P.20-25 The article deals with improving the environmental safety of marine oil and gas basins, and the role of the federal monitoring of the geological environment for the West - the Arctic shelf. In FGUNPP "Sevmorgeo" was drafted with the geo-ecological station graviseysmicheskim, electrometric and sedimentological modules with 12 cups for the annual collection of sediment, channel satellite communications. The paper considers the issues related to the improvement of ecological safety system at offshore oil and gas pools and the role of geological environment state control in Western Arctic offshore zone. "SEVMORGEO" Co. Has designed a project of a geo-ecological station with gravitational / seismic, electro-metering and sedimentological modules, equipped with 12 samplers to perform the all-year round collection of suspended matters and with satellite communication channel. {/tabs}

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(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)