
The collection, preparation, storage of oil and gas

The collection, preparation, storage of oil and gas

The method of determining the amount of recovered mineral resource / / Neft.Gaz.Novatsii. - 2011. - № 2. - P.60-65

{Tab =} Authors Romanov VV, Halaimov SN Kiyaschenko IV, Mishakov Y. {Tab = Description} The results of applying the method proposed by the TRC Ltd "EMC." The method provides a reliable estimate of the amount of oil produced. In applying the proposed algorithm, there is clarification and "restoration" of the measurements in the wells is estimated to be due to systematic errors (additive and multiplicative) as a result of more accurate measurements obtained in the collection system and training. Algorithm is approved by the Finance Ministry experts, Ministry of Natural Resources, Rosstandart RF. The authors present the results of test procedure proposed by KIP LLC "EMC". It provides the verified evaluation of the amount of produced oil. While applying the proposed algorithm there comes the verification and the restoration of the well test data due to the evaluation of the system error components (additive and multiplicative) upon the results of more accurate measurements obtained in the system of well product gathering and treatment. This algorithm is approved by the experts of RF Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Natural Resources and Rosstandard. {/tabs}

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(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)