№ 5 (05) 2002.

"Interval. Advanced Oil and Gas Technology "

    Image folder specified does not exist!

Expert evaluation of the increment of the recoverable reserves in oil fields (the West - Siberian) oil and gas province

Cape VJ, Manyrin VN, Ivantev KN, Akimov, NI, BV Rubtsevich, Kalugin DI {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Cape VJ, Manyrin VN, Ivantev KN, Akimov, NI, BV Rubtsevich, Kalugin DI {/tabs}{/slide}

The results of the introduction of technology cross-linking of polymer injection compositions compositions Arkhangelskoye field of Tatarstan

Yurchenko, NV, Abramov, NV, Rumyantsev EA Manahova IL {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Yurchenko, NV, Abramov, NV, Rumyantsev EA Manahova IL OJSC "OTO" {/tabs}{/slide}

Comprehensive coverage of technology management allocation heterogeneous reservoirs with cross-linked polymer systems and ultrasonic acoustic impact Manyrin VN, Sannikov VA Ivontev KN, Cape VJ, DY Kayukov {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Manyrin VN : ZAO "CDC Wold, Mark," Sannikov VA Ivontev KN, Cape VJ, DY Kayukov OJSC "Oil Technology Overseas╩ {/tabs}{/slide}

Experimental - industrial application of the complex wave technology and physical - chemical action aimed at stimulation of well fields "LUKOIL" Sannikov VA Ivontev KN, SA Mishin, Artemenko, DA, S. Zelentsov P. Krasnov, SS {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Sannikov VA Ivontev KN, SA Mishin, Artemenko, DA, Zelentsov SP, Krasnov, SS OJSC "Oil Technology Overseas╩ {/tabs}{/slide}

Physical - mechanical properties of polymer hydrogels used in oil production

Rumyantsev EA, Akimov, NI, Diaghilev, IA, Zatsepin NN {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Rumyantsev EA, Akimov, NI, Diaghilev, IA, Zatsepin NN {/tabs}{/slide}

Investigation of ultrasonic acoustic action to remove formation damage caused by the use of polymers

Sannikov VA, Rumyantsev EA Chegurov SV, Diaghilev, IA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Sannikov VA, Rumyantsev EA Chegurov SV, Diaghilev, IA OJSC "Oil Technology Overseas╩ {/tabs}{/slide}

On the question of placing the gel in the layered - inhomogeneous layer

Cape VJ, Manyrin VN, Ivontev NK, NI Akimov {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Cape VJ, Manyrin VN, Ivontev NK, NI Akimov {/tabs}{/slide}

High gelling formulations for increasing the coverage of heat effects permokarbonovoy deposits Usinsk field. Experience in field tests and application prospects

Sharipov R.Sh., Frese Y. {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Sharipov R.Sh., Frese Y. : Department of Geology of "GR", Samara {/tabs}{/slide}

Geoinformation system "isolines"

Kaledin, Y., M. Jidkova {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Kaledin Y., M. Jidkova {/tabs}{/slide}

Polymeric grouting compositions for isolating areas of absorption during drilling and methods of their use

Murashev ZA, Rumyantsev EA, Nazarova, AK {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Murashev ZA, Rumyantsev EA, Nazarova, AK {/tabs}{/slide}

The software package EOR - Office

Fakhretdinov RN, Manyrin V., Kaledin, Y., M. Jidkova {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Fakhretdinov RN, Manyrin V., Kaledin, Y., M. Jidkova {/tabs}{/slide}

Investigation of physico - chemical and rheological properties of silicate gels on the basis of soluble glass

Rumyantsev, EA, LM Kozupitsa {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Rumyantsev EA Kozupitsa LM {/tabs}{/slide}

The new world of IP-telephony

Chervanev A. {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} A. Chervanev LLC "Laboratory Information Systems" Vensis " {/tabs}{/slide}

Parameter optimization technology integrated stimulation

Cape VY, Rumyantsev, E., Akimov, NI, BV Rubtsevich {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Cape VY, Rumyantsev, E., Akimov, NI, BV Rubtsevich {/tabs}{/slide}

Prospects for the use of bottom-hole zone treatment elektrogidroimpulsnoy well

Olovyanishnikov VF {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Olovyanishnikov VF : P "GR Inc.", Samara {/tabs}{/slide}

NP "Russia - the Canadian Centre for Petroleum Technology" - Buz to prepare highly qualified specialists in the field of enhanced oil recovery

Rakhmangulov KH, Engels, A. {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Rakhmangulov KH, Engels, A. : TOO "OTO PROM", the Republic of Kazakhstan {/tabs}{/slide}

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(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)