№ 10 (10) 2002.

"Interval. Advanced Oil and Gas Technology "

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Practical experience in using the system for monitoring TRIASSIC oil field development

Bulygin DV {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Bulygin DV OOO "VENSIS", Samara {/tabs}{/slide}

Preliminary results of experimental fishing operations to improve oil recovery by electro impact (EGV) on the formation of OAO "Tatneft" NGDU "Bavlyneft"

Olovyanishnikov VF {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Olovyanishnikov VF OJSC "OTO Inc." {/tabs}{/slide}

Weathering crust of the basement vault of the Tatar-potential oil and gas formation

Sitdikova LM {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Sitdikova LM : Kazan State University {/tabs}{/slide}

Development and application of increasing oil recovery BIOGEOTECHNOLOGY in the fields of Tatarstan

Belyaev SS, Borzenkov IA, Ivanov MV, Glumov IF, Ibatullin RR, Muslimov AD {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Belyaev SS ., Borzenkov IA, Ivanov MV : Institute of Microbiology RAS, Moscow, Glumov IF, Ibatullin RR "TatNIPIneft" Bugulma, Muslimov AD : Office of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan University, Kazan {/tabs}{/slide}

Fluid dynamic basis of oil and gas fields of rehabilitation, assessment, and the possibility of increasing the active residual reserves

Zapivalov NP {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Zapivalov NP : Institute of Petroleum Geology SB RAS, Novosibirsk {/tabs}{/slide}

Study the effectiveness of foam in heterogeneous permeable strata through mathematical modeling

Popkov, V., Kurganov DV {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Popkov VI Kurganov DV "Samara Scientific Research Institute of oil" {/tabs}{/slide}

Some features of mathematical modeling polymer flooding

Popkov, V., Kurganov DV {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Popkov VI Kurganov DV "Samara Scientific Research Institute of oil" {/tabs}{/slide}

On the mechanism of a combined physical and chemical effects on oil-containing reservoirs and forced the selection of fluid

Olkhovskaya VA, Popov VI {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Olkhovskaya VA : Samara State Technical University, Popov VI : Samara ITC {/tabs}{/slide}

Brief description of the oil and gas complexes of the Republic of Bashkortostan

Yulbarisov EM {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Yulbarisov EM : Member of Russian Academy of Mining Sciences {/tabs}{/slide}

Determination of the dominant direction of fracturing of rocks based on the offset VSP

Mardanov M.Sh. VAFIN RV Gimaev IM, Egorov, AF {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Mardanov M.Sh. VAFIN RV Gimaev IM ., Egorov, AF : ZAO "Aloil" RT {/tabs}{/slide}

Interwell pumping of produced water (the experience of application of the method on objects NGDU "Aznakaevskneft")

Hamina, NI, Khusainov VM, Ishkaev RK, Gumarov NF {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Hamina NI Khusainov VM, Ishkaev R.K ., Gumarov NF : NGDU "Aznakaevskneft" {/tabs}{/slide}

Assessing the economic feasibility of Oilfield Pipelines Corrosion Protection

Gurov, S., Daminov AA, Ragulin VV, EF Smolyanets {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Gurov SA, Daminov AA, VV Ragulin ., Smolyanets EF : Ufa branch of OOO "YuganskNIPIneft" {/tabs}{/slide}

Drill pipe, aluminum alloy with increased wall thickness (LUBT) to build the BHA

Fain, GM, Yemets BV, MJ Gelfgat {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Fine, GM, Yemets BV : ZAO "Aquatic-Samara" Basovich VS Gelfgat MJ : ZAO "Aquatic" {/tabs}{/slide}

Some important aspects of the solution to kill well

Gorbunov AT, Tropin, EY, Bochkarev VK {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Gorbunov AT "VNIIneft" Tropin EY, Bochkarev VK : OAO "NK Rosneft-Purneftegaz" {/tabs}{/slide}

The use of horizontal technology to develop oil fields in Tatarstan

Muslimov AD, Khisamov RS, Takhautdinov SH.F., Suleimanov EI, Felix I., Ramazanov RG, RT Fazlyev {slide = details} {tab = About author} Muslimov AD, Khisamov RS, Takhautdinov SH.F., Suleimanov EI, Felix I., Ramazanov RG, RT Fazlyev : KSU, JSC "Tatneft", "TatNIPIneft" {/tabs}{/slide}

Construction of the criteria for selecting wells for IPF on field data

Volkov, YA, Evlampiev AV Kandaurova GF, IM Nasibullin {slide = detail} {tab = About the Authors} Volkov YA, Evlampiev AV Kandaurova G.F ., Nasibullin IM : TGRU JSC "Tatneft", TsSMRneft with ANT, NGDU. "Leninogorskneft" {/tabs}{/slide}

Innovations in technology, laying gas pipelines in areas manifestations of stress corrosion cracking

Lisin, VN, Puzhaylo AF, EA Spiridovich {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Lisin, VN, Puzhaylo AF, EA Spiridovich : DOAO "Giprogaztsentr", Nizhny Novgorod {/tabs}{/slide}

Oil games in Moscow. Rich oil reserves in Iraq and the high prices on the world oil market heated activity of Russian diplomacy

Dorner, Jens P. {slide = detail} {tab = About the Authors}, Jens P. Dorner, "Salzburger Nachrichten╩, JENS P. DORNER, "Salzburger Nachrichten" {/tabs}{/slide}

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(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)