№ 8 (08) 2002.

"Interval. Advanced Oil and Gas Technology "

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Results of rod screw pumps in the extraction of high-viscosity oil stocks with hard-

Nagusev AV, Makarenko, AN, AV Silkin {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Nagusev AV, Makarenko, AN, AV Silkin OJSC "Petrolyuks" {/tabs}{/slide}

Features of the application of new technologies

Gorbunov AT, Rogov, TS, Starkovsky AV, Stepanov, GS {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Gorbunov AT, Rogov, TS, Starkovsky AV, Stepanov, GS OJSC "VNIIneft" {/tabs}{/slide}

The problems of oil recovery in the fields of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area

Tolstolytkin IP, Sutormin SE, Muharlyamova NV, Sevastyanov AA, D. S. Zaitsev {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Tolstolytkin IP, Sutormin SE, Muharlyamova NV, Sevastyanov AA : GUM Khanty "Scientific - Analytical Center rational subsoil use them. VI Spielmann, Mr. Zaitsev. S. : Department of Oil, Gas and Mineral Resources of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area {/tabs}{/slide}

Comparative evaluation of ongoing systems development of oil fields in connection with the forecast KIM

Baziv NF, Lisowski N. Maltsev, SA, Muslimov BC, SK Ustinov {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Baziv NF, Lisowski N. Maltsev, SA, Muslimov BC, SK Ustinov : Fuel and Energy Ministry of Russia, KSU {/tabs}{/slide}

Hydrodynamic control techniques - the basis of enhanced oil recovery and stabilization of oil

Akhmetov, ZM, Shavaliev AM {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Akhmetov ZM, Shavaliev AM {/tabs}{/slide}

Development and investigation of gas-forming technology stimulation

Gumersky xx, Shakhverdiev AH, tillage, GM {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Gumersky HH OJSC "RMNTK" Nefteotdacha "Shakhverdiev AH, tillage, GM OJSC "VNIIneft" {/tabs}{/slide}

The study of chemical-physical and insulating properties of silicate-polymer gels and their application to change the filtration flow of fluids in the injection and production wells

Gorbunov AT, Rogov, TS, Starkovsky AV {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Gorbunov AT, Rogov, TS, Starkovsky AV OJSC "VNIIneft" {/tabs}{/slide}

Creating an integrated system of automated control NGDU "Azkanaevskneft"

Ishkaev RK {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Ishkaev RK : NGDU "Azkanaevskneft" {/tabs}{/slide}

Research and development of low-viscosity component of the ship's fuel

Kondrashev NK, Kondrashov DO, Glukhov IV, Vildanov SG, Lanin IP {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Kondrasheva NK, Kondrashov DO, Glukhov IV, Vildanov SG, Lanin IP : UGNTU {/tabs}{/slide}

Experience in implementation in the Republic of Bashkortostan, environmentally sound method of construction of oil and gas wells

Kalmykov, GI, Roslyakov AV {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Kalmykov GI Roslyakov AV OJSC "ENTAS" AN RB, Ufa {/tabs}{/slide}

Slim hole

Ryabokon SA, Badovsky VI, Shafranik SK, AF Kosilov {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Ryabokon SA, Badovsky VI : NPO "Drilling" Shafranik SK, AF Kosilov : ZAO "SINKO" {/tabs}{/slide}

The role and importance of EC in the main directions and measures of social and environmental policies of the Government of the Russian Federation until 2004, Beletsky Yu.V. {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Beletsky Yu.V. Deputy Minister of Environmental Development and Trade {/tabs}{/slide}

Drill pipe, aluminum alloy of high reliability

Fain, GM, Basovich VS Gelfgat MJ, Yemets BV {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Fine, GM, Basovich VS Gelfgat MJ, Yemets BV : STC "Kola ultradeep", JSC "Aquatic", JSC "Aquatic-Samara" {/tabs}{/slide}

Prospects for use of tubing made of aluminum alloys (LNTK)

Fain, GM, Yemets BV Basovich VS Gelfgat MJ {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Fine, GM, Yemets BV : ZAO "Aquatic-Samara" Basovich VS Gelfgat MJ : ZAO "Aquatic" {/tabs}{/slide}

A method of processing layer zones rf induction supercharger on wireline

AA Shilov {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} AA Shilov OJSC "Bashneftegeofizika" {/tabs}{/slide}

Causes of tectonism and their decisive influence on the formation of planetary Petroleum

Ashirov KB, Borgest TM {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Ashirov KB, Borgest TM {/tabs}{/slide}

Laboratory study of borehole and casing centralizers (CSC)

Levinson, LM, Stepanov R., Stepanov, RR, Khamidullin FH, AN Abdullin {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} LM Levinson, Stepanov, RV Stepanov, RR, Khamidullin FH, AN Abdullin : UGNTU, October UGNTU subsidiary, OAO Lukoil Neftegasmash. " OOO "NPF" Zenith " {/tabs}{/slide}

The results of the horizontal technology facilities Elhovskogo New Field

Murtazin TM, V. Tyurin {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Murtazina TM : NGDU "Elkhovneft" Almetyevsk, V. Tyurin : NP LLC "Horizon", Bugulma {/tabs}{/slide}

By the use of IPT in the study of horizontal wells

Yusupov, RI, Kornezhevsky A., Dubrovsky, VS {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Yusupov, RI, Kornezhevsky A., Dubrovsky, VS OJSC "Tatneftegeophysica" Bugulma {/tabs}{/slide}

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(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)