№ 4 (04) 2003.

"Interval. Advanced Oil and Gas Technology "

    Image folder specified does not exist!

Statistical analysis of the viscosity of oil Eurasia

Polishchuk Yu.M., Yashchenko IG {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Polishchuk Yu.M., Yashchenko IG : Institute of Petroleum Chemistry {/tabs}{/slide}

The influence of the outflow of fluid into the reservoir to the pressure drop curve of injection wells in fractured porous reservoir

Kurochkin VI, VA Sannikov {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Kurochkin VI, VA Sannikov OJSC "Oil Technology Overseas", Samara {/tabs}{/slide}

Results of implementation of enhanced oil recovery technology in the fields of "Slavneft-Megionneftegaz"

Stupochenko VE, Sorkin AY, Khan VA, Dyabin AG OOO "TSPRNP." Minin VV, Lapychev IL, Komarov RE {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Stupochenko VE, Sorkin AY, Khan VA, Dyabin A.G . OOO "TSPRNP." Minin VV, Lapychev IL, Komarov, RE OOO "Sibhimservis" {/tabs}{/slide}

A two-stage development of oil deposits of the reservoir A4 Shungutskogo oilfield

Sazonov BF {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Sazonov, BF OJSC "Giprovostokneft" {/tabs}{/slide}

On foreign and domestic experience with polymer flooding

Shelyagin EV {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Shelyagin EV {/tabs}{/slide}

Modeling of oil-geological targets for reserve estimation and development of oil fields

Gudkov, EP, Cosco BV Cosco VN {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Gudkov, EP, Cosco B., Cosco, VN {/tabs}{/slide}

Problems develop heavy oil deposits of North-Komsomolsk field

Antoniadi DG, Gil G., KE Jalalov {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Antoniadi DG, Gil G., Dzhalalov KE : OAO NK "Rosneft", OJSC "Rosneft-Termneft", OAO "RosNIPItermneft" {/tabs}{/slide}

On the role of design institutes and certification of internal corporate environmental management systems and quality management systems for compliance with international standards ISO 14001, 9001

Shcherbakov, VP Fedotov, GP, Sergeev, RI {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Shcherbakov VP Fedotov, GP, Sergeev, RI {/tabs}{/slide}

Determining factors for the gas-Cyrus Kottynskomu license area NGDU "Bashsibneft"

Sheikh-Ali MD, Yulbarisov EM, Shtukaturov JG, Galeev RK, Kalsin VV, Reshetnikov EV, Bashirov IR {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} DM Sheikh-Ali, Yulbarisov EM, Shtukaturov JG, Galeev RK, Kalsin VV, Reshetnikov EV, Bashirov IR {/tabs}{/slide}

Environmentally friendly technology osadkogeleobrazuyuschie EOR based on lignin-alkaline reagent

Khlebnikov, VN {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} VN Khlebnikov : DOOO "BashNIPIneft" {/tabs}{/slide}

Impact on the effectiveness of new technologies to improve oil recovery production and technological factors

Filin, VV {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Filin, VV : Branch of the Tyumen State Oil and Gas University {/tabs}{/slide}

Comparison of catalytic activity of the catalyst RC-442 and TS-497 in the hydrogenation reactions of aromatic hydrocarbons and cracking of paraffins

Kondrashev NK, Glukhov IV, Kondrashov DO, EL Talisman, Smirnov VK {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Kondrasheva NK, Glukhov I.V ., Kondrashov DO, EL Talisman, Smirnov VK : Ufa State Oil Technical University, "Company KATAHIM" {/tabs}{/slide}

Experience of application of emulsion formulations of hydrophobic potokootklonyayuschih for enhanced oil reservoirs of highly

Kazakova, LV, Southerner PM, Mikov AI Kashbiev GG {slide = detail} {tab = About the Authors} Kazakova LV, Southerner PM OOO "PermNIPIneft" Mikov AI Kashbiev GG : ZAO "POLIEKS" {/tabs}{/slide}

Model the radial temperature distribution in the reservoir during water injection

Jugs IV, Jugs, VA, LK Altunina {slide = detail} {tab = About the Authors} Jugs IV, Jugs, VA, Altunina LK : Institute of Petroleum Chemistry {/tabs}{/slide}

Investigation of resistance of the elastomer samples for screw pumps in commercial liquids

Mutin, II, Valovsky VM Sahabutdinov KG, Iskhakov NM, Shaydullina IA Zolotukhin, VS {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Mutin, II, Valovsky VM Sahabutdinov KG, Iskhakov NM, Shaydullina IA Zolotukhin, VS : TatNIPIneft {/tabs}{/slide}

Preparation of oil pipelines to the conservation and liquidation of the use of gel dividing piston

VN Degtyarev {slide = detail} {tab = About the Authors} VN Degtyarev OOO NPP "Samtehnoneft" {/tabs}{/slide}

Drilling of horizontal wells using drilling pipes made of aluminum alloys

Basovich VS Fain GM {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Basovich VS Fain, GM : ZAO "Aquatic", JSC "Aquatic-Samara" {/tabs}{/slide}

The change of rheological properties of oils under the influence of vibro-jet magnetic activation

Prozorov, IV Loskutov, Y., Yudin, NV, Andriyanova EV {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Prozorov, IV Loskutov, Y., Yudin, NV, Andriyanova EV : Institute of Petroleum Chemistry {/tabs}{/slide}

Identify the location of the ancient water-and gas-liquid contact in production of carbonate reservoirs using X-ray analysis

Peskov, AV, JP Borisevich {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Peskov, AV, JP Borisevich : NTF SamSTU {/tabs}{/slide}

The effort and strain in thermally insulated pipes

Bekuh II, Gil G., Koshelev AT {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Bekuh II OJSC "RosNIPItermneft", Gil G., Koshelev AT : NPO "Rosneft-Termneft" {/tabs}{/slide}

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(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)