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About Journal

Scientific and technical mounhly magazine "Neft. Gas. Novacii" is published since 1999. Fully-coloured 84-100-page edition is illustrated perfectly. Scientific and technical articles are provided with the appropriate calculations, graps, pictures and diagrammes.


Materials about the newest achievments of science and technology in the oil and gas technology sector are published in this magazine. The innovative activity is covered with interconnection with the full cycle of activity in the sphere of oil and gas sector: exploration, production, preparation, keeping, transportation and refining of oil and gas. The special issue is dedicated to the refining of the by-products of the oil production and the perspective methods of liqudation of oil pollutions in the places of oil and gas production.

Innovative projects of oil and gas sector, that are connected with the economics and law and also the organization of work with personnel is presented. The important space in the magazine is set aside for the issues of standartization, measuring, calculation and metrology in the fuel and energy complex.

Новое - хорошо забытое старое

(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)