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Kunin, Pauline S. - Diagnosis of Power Equipment Pipeline Transport of Oil and Gas
Kunin, Pauline S. - Diagnosis of Power Equipment Pipeline Transport of Oil and Gas
monograph / PS Kunin, PP Pavlenko, Elena Velichko. - Krasnodar: Publishing House - South, 2010. - 552 with.
The book presents the basic concepts and problems of diagnostics of power equipment of oil and gas industry, the possible impact on units of various factors, types of faults, their causes and methods of detection at various stages of operation. Particular attention is paid to the methods of objective assessment of technical condition of pumping units by methods of nondestructive testing.
The book is intended for technical staff engaged in design, operation and maintenance of power equipment of oil and gas industry. It can be used as a textbook for students and 130 602 130 501 specialties and graduate students who study 130 500 "Oil and Gas Business" and 151 000 "Technological machinery and equipment."
The textbook is divided into four parts. The first part discussed the current state of hardware equipment of oil wells. Provides information about the structures, design patterns, characteristics and the rational exploitation of machinery and equipment. Particular attention is given to directional wells, as well as linking the bottom of the electric drive centrifugal pump units for oil-screw and diaphragm. The second part contains information about the current state system for the collection and preparation of oil, gas and water. Examples are given of the technological and structural strength analysis and development of machinery and equipment. The fourth part deals with the design features of equipment and tools for workover and well development and rational exploitation.
In the textbook discussed the current state of hardware equipment of oil wells. Provides information about the structures, design patterns, characteristics and the rational exploitation of oil field equipment. Nevertheless, the basic content of the manual gas production equipment. The design features of equipment are equipped with gas fields in the context of the equipment of oil and gas industries. Particular attention is given to directional wells and the equipment in them