Главная Книжный магазин Транспортировка и хранение нефти и газа

Транспортировка и хранение нефти и газа

Mustafin FM, R. Zhdanov, MG Karavaychenko and other tanks for petroleum and petroleum products: Volume 1. Structures and Equipment

The basic information on construction and equipment of tanks for oil and petroleum products, including systems for protection and performance of tanks. The problems of calculating the strength and stability of the supporting structures of tanks, methods of calculating the pontoons. Paying attention to the requirements for safety, environmental protection, fire safety in the operation and maintenance of storage tanks.

For students of the Institute of Continuing Professional Education for high school students enrolled in the direction of bachelor's and master's degrees 130 500 "Oil and Gas Business," certified in the specialty "Design, construction and operation of oil pipelines and gazoneftehranilisch" as well as a wide range of engineering-technical workers of the oil and petroleum industries.


Новое - хорошо забытое старое

(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)