VN Glushchenko, MA Silin Oilfield Chemistry. Univ. In 5 volumes. - Solutions of electrolytes Vol.1 / ed. prof. Mishchenko I.T. - M. Intercontact Science, 2009. - 588 sec.: Ill.

The book presents modern concepts of electrolyte solutions that are crucial in the process of application of chemicals production, transportation and treatment. The different compositions elektrosoderzhaschie, held their systematization, analysis and synthesis of all the basic properties of electrolyte solutions, methods of calculation, management and settlement, involving extensive theoretical and experimental literature data. Focuses on the influence of thermobaric factor corresponding to the real reservoir and well conditions. Theoretical calculations are accompanied by case studies that allow them to bring to the solution of practical problems. Taken together, the material described leads to a deeper understand the diversity of properties, both of the electrolytes and their solutions that are critical to oil field chemistry.
The monograph is provided with extensive experimental data, the information in the applications. Intended for scientific and technical workers petroleum and petrochemical industries, as well as for teachers and students of higher technical education. Can serve as a reference for professionals involved in application of chemicals processes in oil and gas. It will be interesting to all workers in the oil business from the production, transportation and refining, to marketing and sales of finished products.

Новое - хорошо забытое старое

(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)