Glushchenko VN, Silin, MA, JG Guerin Oilfield Chemistry. - Univ. in 5 t. - M.: Intercontact Science, 2009 - Vol.5 prevention and elimination of асфальтеносмолопарафиновых deposits. - 475s.

The book describes the most common in oil production and transportation complications caused by the formation of the hydrocarbon reservoir fluids асфальтеносмолопарафиновых complications (AFS). Discussed in detail the chemical composition of all components making up the AFS, as well as the mechanism of their formation in the borehole, flow lines and pipelines. Based on extensive literature and the results of our studies are the most common processes of inhibitor protection of metal equipment and removal of paraffin with fluids and hydrocarbon solvents, including laboratory techniques and their selection of appropriate mathematical models.

Described the physical and chemical methods of solving the problem of transport of highly viscous oils and vysokozastyvayuschih, including the use depressatorov. An integrated approach to the described problem, the depth of empirical and theoretical analysis, critical review of world oil production experience and our own research the authors give the work an original character. Intended for scientists and engineers oil and petrochemical industry, teachers and students of technical schools of oil and gas profile. It will be interesting to all workers in the oil business - from production, transportation and refining to marketing and sales of finished products.

Новое - хорошо забытое старое

(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)