Главная Книжный магазин Нефтепромысловая химия Technological processes of opening and oil reservoirs using inverse emulsion

Glushchenko VN Technological processes of opening and oil reservoirs using inverse emulsion. - M: Intercontact Science, 2008. - 360.: Ill.

The book examines the factors of the liquid solid-clogging layer zones of natural and anthropogenic origin in downhole oil and gas development. Presents the rheological and hydrodynamic flow model of inverse emulsions through pipes in order to calculate the hydraulic friction losses, as well as patterns to filter by debt collection space. Covered the effectiveness of inverse emulsions as drilling fluid during drilling, drilling-, muting operating facilities, the acid treatment layer zones and limiting water production in comparison with water-based systems. Methods used in producing emulsions in field conditions and laboratory monitoring of their technological properties. For engineering and technical personnel involved in oil production, repair and overhaul of wells, teachers and students of higher technical educational institutions oil and gas profile.

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(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)