Glushchenko VN, Silin, MA Oilfield Chemistry. Univ. In 5 volumes. - Moscow: Intercontact Science, 2010. -
Volume 2 Volume and surface-active properties of liquids. - 549s. The book presents modern concepts of state, rheology and hydraulics of fluid systems used in mining, transportation and treatment. Considered in detail capacitive-filtration characteristics of the collection space. Given their different model descriptions and rigorous mathematical interpretation. Much attention was paid to the surface-active properties of gases, liquids, solids and surfactant solutions in different environments due to their adsorption, capillary and wedge action in place. Relationship examined the properties of liquids can not only expand existing concepts, but also in the classical theories to manage them in specific processes chemicalization oil. The book is of interest to scientists and engineers oil and petrochemical industries, as well as for teachers and students of higher technical education. It might be of interest to all working in the oil and gas business from oil, its transportation and processing to marketing and sales of finished products.