VN Glushchenko, MA Silin. Oilfield Chemistry. Univ. In 5 volumes. - V.3 bottomhole formation zone and man-made factors in her condition. - M. Intercontact. - Science, 2010. - 650S. The book shows a systematic characterization of productive oil and gas reservoirs, analyzes layer zones (PPP) production and injection wells during the opening and operation of oil fields. Set out current thinking on the properties of the oil surface - active substances, the formation of oil-water emulsions in the PPP, causes and consequences biazarozhennosti deposits, the processes of formation of deposits in асфальтеносмолопарафиновых PPP, causal relationship of capillary and hydrodynamic phenomena in the formation of the thermodynamic conditions. The efficiency of the basic technological methods aimed at the preservation, restoration and enhancement of reservoir properties of the PPP and productive reservoirs in general. For professionals involved in the intensification of oil production, researchers and students of the university. It might be of interest to all working in the oil business - from oil, its transportation and processing to marketing and sales of finished products.

Новое - хорошо забытое старое

(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)