Главная Книжный магазин Геология Geotechnical basis of development of complicated small stocks hard-to-oil

Geotechnical basis of development of complicated small stocks hard-to-oil

Author: RR Khuzin Ph.D., author or coauthor of 86 scientific works and inventions., Awarded the title of "Honorary Oilman of the Ministry of Industry and Energy" and "Honored Worker of the Oil and Gas Industry." -2010, The 280-page


  • Shows the methodology of the integrated development of hard deposits on the example of stock Melekessky Basin and South-Tatar arch.
  • Given the scientific rationale and experimental verification of the facts are new technologies of the primary opening, offers a number of technical and technological solutions in the secondary opening and development wells.
  • Talked about the Progress Report on the clustering and classification of productive horizons of deposits under consideration
  • The data for the study of the features of the distribution of reservoir properties of reservoir rocks.
  • A comparative analysis of geological and fisheries development and the effectiveness of enhanced oil recovery methods for common objects.
  • The material on the development and implementation of complex technical and resource-saving technology solutions in the development, intensification of oil and enhanced oil recovery methods for oil deposits with hard stocks.
  • Focus on technical and technological solutions in the field of reservoir pressure maintenance systems, oil production, transfer and registration of products produced.

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(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)