Bulatov, Anatoly Ivanovich - A workshop on the subject "Physics of the oil and gas reservoir"
Textbooks for students of specialties 130 501 "Design and construction of gas pipelines and underground gas storage facilities," 130 503 "Design and operation of oil and gas fields," 130 504 "Drilling oil and gas wells" / AI Bulatov, EB Proselkov; FGBOU VPO Cuba. state. Tekhnol. Univ. - Krasnodar: Publishing House - South, 2011. - 292.
Lists all the standard methods for determining the physical and mechanical properties of rocks, reservoirs of oil and gas properties of reservoir fluids, as well as some of the non-standard, used in laboratory practice, ╛ ratornoy and research papers. In the section "Practical problems" are examples of solving practical problems.
Recommended for students and undergraduates studying in the direction of "Oil and Gas Business", graduate students and professors of universities and faculties of oil, scientists and engineers working in the industry.