
The innovative design of oil and gas sector in Russia is a utopia or reality?

(Published in the number 3/2012 of the magazine "Oil. Gas. Innovations")

"Do I think a high-quality project utopia?"

JA Wolves / director of "TsSMRneft" at the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan /
AD Muslimov, gave the most complete definition of innovative design as one of the main steps of the rational organization of the development of oil fields in his article "The Challenges of designing innovative regulation of oil development on the modern stage," which was published in the first issue of your magazine in 2010 there was a definition of represented in the diagram. Do I think a high-quality project utopia? No, I do not think you can make a quality project. Developed in Tatarstan innovative approaches to the design is confirmed. But now it is clear that the main problem is not the creation of a "quality project", and in its implementation (see the diagram stages 3-6). A realization of any "quality project" fully possible only in the event that resolved the issue of harmonization of the economic interests of the state and the oil business (step 1). If this issue is not only not settled, but not even rise if the government is needed, mainly the "plan for the extraction of" natural resource users and the need to execute it at any cost and at the same time as not to remain in the loser, then what kind of "high-quality projects "can we talk? Projects quickly "drawn" quickly "broken" again "drawn", etc. Who needs "quality projects" in this situation? The criterion for the harmonization of the economic interests of the state and the oil business is the extent and quality of use in building their relationship fundamentalnoprikladnoy "oil science," which once was represented by a number of scientific schools. If the government and the oil business were based precisely on such a science, as it not only would take an active part in building up the project, but with the mining companies - and its implementation (stages of the scheme 3.6), then the above problems would simply not exist. And because the basic science does not need any state or subsoil users (the latter cost the "corporate science"), here we have those "projects", which says AD Muslimov. So, probably, today, the question of design and innovation acquired such urgency.

"Ironically, the most interested parties - mining companies do not contribute to the creation of a full proektnogodokumenta"

: GA Kovaleva, Ph.D. / Head. Division of oil field development institute for engineering and research work in the oil industry of "Giprovostoneft" /
The question about the quality of the design is very important and timely delivered. In the creation of high-quality project primarily interested in mining companies, as well as government and development organizations themselves, which are indifferent approach to his work. But, oddly enough, most stakeholders subsoil - do not contribute to the creation of a full-fledged project document. Typically, oil companies making plans for the project documentation finally formed in the first quarter of the year, then a procedure of the tender and the signing of the contract, and only in the middle of the year begins the actual work of designers, and in September, is already required to pass the document to protect it in the current year. Thus, the design stands out as a little time to talk about a thorough analysis of the development, creation of full geological and hydrodynamic models, the development of innovative methods of oil recovery is not necessary. The main requirement is speed project creation and protection of the Ministry of Energy and its Rosnedra, and the task of tender committees is often cost reduction projects. Based on this and the choice of a contractor of the project organization is carried out on the principle that those who carry out the order faster, cheaper, and promised protection in government (which does not guarantee the quality of the work). In this situation, complaints about poor quality of the subsoil projects look like, at least, ridiculous. On the other hand, the main purpose of the oil companies as separate companies is profit, which is written in their charters. And there should be regulation by the state: the creation of adequate guidance documents, guidelines, technical standards, etc., the competent organization of project appraisal and monitoring their implementation. In addition, there are some common problems of development of oil fields that must be addressed within the framework of special papers. These important areas related to innovative design and enhanced oil recovery and should be determined by the state, it also has to make appropriate orders of the scientific institutions and universities involved in these issues. To finance these studies, you can create a special fund from oil companies. The research results will allow companies taking into account domestic and international experience to introduce advanced techniques to improve the efficiency of field development.

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(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)