Главная Информация Мероприятия Roundtable "Intellectual well" / Samara / October 20, 2011

Roundtable "Intellectual well" / Samara / October 20, 2011

October 20th, 2011 at the V International Specialized Exhibition "Oil Production. Refining. Chemistry "(Samara), a round table discussion on" Smart well "He made presentations to representatives of Weatherford, LLC" NTP AloylServis ", JSC" Elekton ", LLC" Danfoss ", OJSC" Samaraneftegaz ", LLC" TsSMRneft " . The roundtable was attended by employees of companies "Tatneft", "Bashneft", "Samaraneftegaz", "Sanya", "Samara-Nafta" and others, as well as design institutes "SamaraNIPIneft", "Giprovostokneft." The presentations provoked great interest of specialists, a lively debate concerning the interpretation of how the concept of "smart well", and various technical aspects. During the roundtable discussion were named companies have implemented a number of successful projects in the intellectualization of the wells. Among them, Ltd. "Triol", LLC "NIHD-TEK", JSC "Oil electronics company", etc. The round table is formed by a special issue of "Oil. The gas. Innovations ╩(№ 11, 2011). Experts organizations, where the design and manufacture of high-tech electronic equipment for the oil industry, did not participate in the roundtable also willing to share valuable experiences and to present material on their designs in the pages of "Oil. The gas. Innovations "devoted to one of the most promising to the present -" Smart well ". Among them are employees of the company "Nitinoyl", LLC "Tekstoun" NPO "GIRSOVT", etc.

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(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)