№ 1 2012.
"Oil. Gas. Innovations "
Main theme of the issue: ╚VIII International scientific-practical conference Ashirovskie reading"
The study wells
On the possibility of separation of fractured zones in the interaction of waves with acoustic logging
Kudrin, TS
On a Possibility to Select Fractured Zones As Per Interaction of Waves in Acoustic Logging
Kudrina TS {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Kudrin TS / Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia / Kudrina TS (Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russia) {tab = Keywords} acoustic logging, the interaction of acoustic waves, transverse wave at the difference frequency, fracture. {Tab = Key words} acoustic logging, interaction of acoustic waves, transverse wave of various frequencies, fracturing {tab = Abstract} is proposed to use to highlight fractured zones modification of sonic logging, based on the interaction of two high-frequency waves, longitudinal and transverse or two longitudinal propagating at an angle Θ with close but not equal frequencies and recording the amplitude and velocity of the transverse low-frequency waves, the difference frequency emitted by the interaction of the initial waves. {Tab = Abstract} The author proposes to use the modification of acoustic logging for the purposes of selecting fractured zones, that is based upon the interaction of two high-frequency waves, longitudinal and transverse or two longitudinal ones that are spreading with an angle Θ with close but not equal frequencies, and recording of the amplitude and speed of this longitudinal low-frequency wave, of various frequency emitted from the area where the initial waves interact.
Geological and Hydrodynamic framework to improve the quality of forecasting the development of productive strata
Kovalev AA, Popkov, VI, Khamitov IG, Postanogov OS, Danshova SN
Geological and Hydro-dynamic Basis to Improve the Prediction Quality Developing the Reservoirs
Kovalev AA, Popkov VI, Khamitov IG, Postanogova O.S., Danshova SN {slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Kovalev AA / JSC "Samara-Nafta" / VI Popkov, Ph.D., Senior Scientist, Khamitov IG, Ph.D., Postanogov OS , Danshova SN / LTD "SamaraNIPIneft", Samara, Russia / Kovalev, AA / ZAO "Samara-Nafta" /, PopkovV.I., PhD., Khamitov IG, PhD., Postanogova O.S., Danshova SN / Open Company "SamaraNIPIneft", Samara, Russia / {tab = Keywords} oil-saturated reservoir, stress-strain state, decompression of the roof, the macro-level, micro level, filtration-capacity properties. {Tab = Key words} oil-saturated reservoir, stress deformation status, roof deconsolidation, macro-level, micro-level, filtration capacity properties {tab = Abstract} The analysis of the processes of oil displacement by water in the micro and macro level, the conclusion about the similarity running processes, and suggested the formation of "dead zones" based on the stress-strain state of rocks. {Tab = Abstract} The authors present the analysis of oil displacement by water at micro-and macro-levels; they make the conclusion on a similar nature of the actual processes as well as make a proposal on having the "stagnant zones" in due consideration with stress-deformation rock status ..