"Interval. Advanced Oil and Gas Technology "
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Features of the repair and insulation works on the field through the establishment of preventive Uzen insulating screens
Engels, A., Nurpeisov NN, Nurgaliyev MA, Utesinov AN {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors}, Engels, AA, Nurpeisov NN, Nurgaliyev MA / LP "GR-PROM, Almaty / AN Utesinov / PF "Uzenmunaigas", JSC "KMG EP" Mr. Jean Ozen / {/tabs}{/slide}
Electrodynamics of reservoir fluid
VAFIN RV, Ivanov BN, GV Fomin, Gimaev IM, Egorov, AF {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} VAFIN RV, Ivanov BN, GV Fomin, Gimaev IM, Egorov, AF / ZAO "Aloil" / {/tabs}{/slide}
Features of operation oil gathering pipelines in the Chamber "Kogalymneftegas"
Valeev AS, Gumerov OA, YV Zeygman {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Valeev AS, Gumerov OA, YV Zeygman / OOO "LUKOIL - Western Siberia," UGNTU / {/tabs}{/slide}
New design techniques reduce the temperature of the interior of the submersible motor
Kudryashov SI {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Kudryashov SI / JSC "Yuganskneftegas" / {/tabs}{/slide}
Features of occurrence and distribution of reservoir rocks neftebitumonasyschennyh in the layers SM-3, RPD3-2 and MN-1 within the area Sarmanovski Romashkinskoye field
Shakirov, VA, VN Dolzhenkov Salikhov MM {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Shakirov, VA, VN Dolzhenkov / TatNIPIneft Salikhov MM : NGDU "Dzhalilneft" / {/tabs}{/slide}
Ultrasonic method for determining the phase boundary-water mixtures
Shutkin SG, Pavlov AV, Pepeliaev VA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Shutkin SG, Pavlov AV, Pepeliaev VA / NPO "Iskra" / {/tabs}{/slide}
Environmental aspects of the LLC "KogalymNIPIneft" from the standpoint of environmental policy of OAO NK "LUKOIL" and OOO LUKOIL requirements - Western Siberia
Fedotov, GP, Shcherbakov VP {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Fedotov, GP, Shcherbakov VP / OOO "KogalymNIPIneft" / {/tabs}{/slide}
Investigation of the possibility of the regeneration of absorbents using supersonic ejectors
Sahabutdinov RZ, Shipilov DD, Shatalov, AN, Filippov AV, Koss AA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Sahabutdinov RZ, Shipilov DD, Shatalov, AN, Filippov AV / TatNIPIneft / Koss AA / OOO ╚Aspect-Conversion" / {/tabs}{/slide}
Development and testing of polymer flooding technology encapsulated polymer systems
Khisamov RS, Kubarev NP, MN Rakhmatullina, Varlamov, EI, Gafarov Sh.K. {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Khisamov RS / OAO "Tatneft" / Kubarev NP, MN Rakhmatullina, Varlamov, EI, Gafarov Sh.K. / TatNIPIneft / {/tabs}{/slide}
Experience the service company in the construction of lateral horizontal wells to recover inactive wells
Belonogov V., Dubrovin, EF, Abubakirov AV {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Belonogov V. / ╚Geo Trend Corporation╩ /, Dubrovin, EF / OOO "National Drilling Company / Abubakirov AV /╚ Baker Oil Tools Distributor Ltd ╩/ {/tabs}{/slide}