№ 2 (02) 2006.

"Interval. Advanced Oil and Gas Technology "

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Experience in the use of horizontal wells in the development of oil reservoirs with hard stocks

Shevchenko, A., Savchenko, AV {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Shevchenko A., Savchenko, AV / OOO "LUKOIL - VolgogradNIPImorneft" / {/tabs}{/slide}

The development of standards acceptable residual oil content for leached chernozem of the Republic of Tatarstan

Ibatullin RR, Mutin, II, Iskhakov NM, Shaydullina IA Sahabutdinov KG, Pavliuk NV {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Ibatullin RR, Mutin, II, Iskhakov NM, Shaydullina IA Sahabutdinov KG, Pavliuk NV / TatNIPIneft / {/tabs}{/slide}

The effect of viscosity of the dispersed phase to reduce the hydraulic resistance of turbulent flows of direct oil emulsions in the presence of polyacrylamide additives

Chichkanov SV Shamsullin AI Myagchenkov VA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Chichkanov SV Shamsullin AI Myagchenkov VA / KazGTU / {/tabs}{/slide}

Electrochemical methods for the prevention and Asphaltic-resinous deposits in wells parafinogidratnyh late stage of the fields

Pod'yapol'skii AI Karamyshev V., Khudyakov, DS, Epstein, AR {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Pod'yapol'skii AI OOO "Domus", Karamyshev VG, Khudyakov, DS, Epstein, AR / SUE "IPTER" / {/tabs}{/slide}

Research into the causes of high viscosity well production NGDU "Nurlatneft"

Tatianina OS, Gubaydulin FR {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Tatianina OS, Gubaydulin FR / TatNIPIneft / {/tabs}{/slide}

New technologies asfaltoparafinogidratnyh prevent sediment in the wells

Pod'yapol'skii AI Karamyshev V., Khudyakov, DS, Epstein, AR {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Pod'yapol'skii AI / OOO "Domus" / Karamyshev V., Khudyakov, DS, Epstein, AR / SUE "IPTER" / {/tabs}{/slide}

Study of supply and the velocity modulus in rotary drilling of rocks

Tretiak, AJ, Litkevich YF, AE Aseeva {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Tretiak AJ, Litkevich YF, AE Aseeva / SRSTU (NPI) / {/tabs}{/slide}

Lithogenetic unconventional model of carbonate reservoirs Riphean Yurubcheno-Tokhomskoye zone (East Siberia)

Chernova LS {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Chernova LS / SNIIGGiMS, Novosibirsk / {/tabs}{/slide}

Water pumping oil and gas horizons of Russian regions kA promising objects of fuel and energy and hydro resources in the 21st Century

Leukhin OI {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Leukhin OI / Subsidiary company "VNIIGAZ" - "Severnipigaz" / {/tabs}{/slide}

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(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)