№ 10 (10) 2000.

"Interval. Advanced Oil and Gas Technology "

    Image folder specified does not exist!

Be yourself, one way to real success

Konkin GP {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Konkin GP {/tabs}{/slide}

The search for new solutions in enhanced oil recovery development targets of highly

Gudoshnikov AS {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Gudoshnikov AS / Ph.D., JSC "PetroAlliance", Moscow / {/tabs}{/slide}

New oil exploration criteria in terms of conditions of sedimentation paleoekvatorialnyh PETROLEUM organic domanikovogo type

Borgest TM {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Borgest TM / Samara State Technical University / {/tabs}{/slide}

New types of motor fuels for marine diesel engines

Kondrashev NK {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Kondrasheva NK / Ufa State Oil Technical University / {/tabs}{/slide}

Analysis and comparison of heat transfer of heat two large-diameter trunk with the environment

Kondrashev NK {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Filatov, AN, Harris NA / Ufa State Oil Technical University / {/tabs}{/slide}

Geological and economic features of the search - prospecting for promising structures with small (up to 1 million tons) of hydrocarbon resources in the territory of Samara Oblast

Karev A., Pryhoda NN Surovikov EY, Sivkov NR, Shilayev SA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Karev, AL, suitable NN Surovikov EY, Sivkov NR, Shilayev SA / Volga Branch of the Institute of Geology and Exploitation of Fossil Fuels, Committee on Resources of the Samara Region / {/tabs}{/slide}

Fluid dynamic basis of oil and gas fields of rehabilitation, assessment, and the possibility of increasing the active residual reserves

Zapivalov NP {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Zapivalov NP / Institute of Petroleum Geology SB RAS, Novosibirsk {/tabs}{/slide}

The true origin, structure, size and location of the global oil and gas potential

Krayushkin VA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Krayushkin VA / IGS NAS / {/tabs}{/slide}

Construction of three-dimensional model to analyze the geological structure and condition of reservoir development

Bulygin DV, VG Nasibulin {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Bulygin DV, VG Nasibulin / SUE "Geocenter RT", Kazan / {/tabs}{/slide}

Новое - хорошо забытое старое

(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)