"Interval. Advanced Oil and Gas Technology "
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Technology development by injection intra-contour well to the layers with anomalous properties of oil
Manyrin VN, Sannikov VA, Cape VJ, Pozdnyshev GN, Sorin O., Makeev GA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Manyrin VN, Sannikov VA, Cape VJ, Pozdnyshev GN, Sorin O.: GR Productions Ltd., Makeev GA "KogalymNIPineft" {/tabs}{/slide}
Gel technology to increase the thermal effect of the coverage of high-viscosity oil pool
Altunina LK, VA Pitchers, VA, VA Staseva {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, Tomsk (3822) 49-16-23 (3822) 491146 sot.5008111 {/tabs}{/slide}
The possibilities of the energy balance in intelligent systems diagnostic mode operation of the pipeline
Kutukov SE, FI Badika FI {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} UGNTU, Ufa {/tabs}{/slide}
Analysis of the efficiency of wells for oil companies
Chechin NA
Influence of production activities of oil and gas enterprises of the Samara region on the environment and human health
Titov VE, Krasnov, GS {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} SamSTU, Samara {/tabs}{/slide}
Gidrovolnovye methods of influencing the bottomhole formation zone
Sannikov VA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Chief Technology Officer PKK "GR Productions Ltd." {/tabs}{/slide}
Current state and prospects of development of equipment and construction technology oil and gas wells
BA Nikitin, Potapov AG , Gnoevyh AN, VI, Krylov VI {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Nikitin BA: action. Member of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Inc. "VNIIGAZ, Potapov AG: Corresponding Member. RANS Gnoevyh AN, OAO "Gazprom", VI Krylov VI : Action. Member of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Gubkin Oil and Gas. IM Gubkin {/tabs}{/slide}
Evaluating the effectiveness of physical and chemical methods of enhanced oil recovery in Samotlor based on discrete - continuous simulation
AA Doroshenko, AV Bodryagin, AD Mitrofanov, JD Kupriyanov {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} AA Doroshenko: TyumNGU, AV Bodryagin, AD Mitrofanov, JD Kupriyanov: OAO "NK Chernogornefteotdacha" {/tabs}{/slide}
Adapting the technology of cross-linked polymer systems to the conditions of deposits of OAO "Yuganskneftegaz" and OJSC "Samaraneftegaz"
Singizova VH, Khlebnikov, ME, Zaynetdinov T., Thelin AG {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Ufa branch of OOO "YuganskNIPineft" {/tabs}{/slide}
Electronic shock
Clarifying engineering calculation threaded connection casing
SN Kantaria SN. Papirovsky {slide = detail} {tab = About the Authors} SamSTU, Samara {/tabs}{/slide}