"Interval. Advanced Oil and Gas Technology "
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Wave technology in the oil and gas industry
{Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Manyrin VN, Gysin RF, Mufazalov R.Sh., Pyrkov SM, Morozov, SY {/tabs}{/slide}
The concept of modeling the process of developing oil reserves in the system TRIASSIC
Bulygin VY, Bulygin DV {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Bulygin VY, Bulygin DV : NIIMM them. NG Chebotarev, KSU, Representation of "Vensis" GUP NPO "Geocenter RT", Kazan {/tabs}{/slide}
Surgut Scientific and Technical Conference. "Modern methods of oil extraction from low permeability reservoirs in complex and Western Siberia": Results and Prospects
{Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Latyfich Constantine {/tabs}{/slide}
Analysis of the effectiveness and prospects of stimulation techniques applied in fields of OJSC "Surgutneftegaz"
Sedach VF, VP Sonichi, Misharin VA, Bulatov, RA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Sedach VF "Surgutneftegaz" Sonichi VP, Misharin VA, Bulatov, RA "SurgutNIPIneft" {/tabs}{/slide}
On the hydrodynamic effects of flooding on "overcompensated" oil reserves in the late stage of development
Kutyrev EF : Ph.D., LLC KogalymNIPIneft ╩{slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Kutyrev EF : Ph.D., LLC KogalymNIPIneft " {/tabs}{/slide}
Study of features of oil filtration Tournaisian stage in samples of carbonate rocks
Berlin A., Mironich VG, VG Vasil'ev, MA Romanchev {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Berlin, AV, Mironich VG, VG Vasil'ev, MA Romanchev : Research and Design Institute "UdmurtNIPIneft", Izhevsk {/tabs}{/slide}
Features to maintain reservoir pressure during the development of massive reef deposits, deferred hydrodynamic screens in the area of water contact
Shevchenko, AK Fedotov, IB, Zhutovo EI Kirilina VS {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Shevchenko, AK Fedotov, IB, Zhutovo EI Kirilina VS OJSC "VolgogradNIPImorneft" {/tabs}{/slide}
The choice of treatment technology and the prevention of paraffin oil-field communications
Ragulin VV, Shavaleev NM, Latypov OA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Ragulin VV, Shavaleev NM, Latypov OA : Ufa branch of OOO "YuganskNIPIneft" {/tabs}{/slide}
Development osadkogeleobrazuyuschego composition based on raw wood chemistry for enhanced oil recovery
{Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Cherepanov, NA, Galimov IM KutyrevE.F., Altunina LK, RN Fakhretdinov {/tabs}{/slide}
Effective methods for developing oil fields in the late stage
Safonov, EN, EV Lozin, Alma AD, Bazekina LV, VN Khlebnikov {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Safonov, EN, EV Lozin, Alma AD, Bazekina LV, VN Khlebnikov : Bashneft, BashNIPIneft, Ufa {/tabs}{/slide}
Current requirements for the design arrangement of oil and gas fields from the government the mineral resource base KhMAO
Orujov MG, Korovin, VA, Zaitsev, GS {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Orujov MG, Korovin, VA Zaitsev, GS : Administration of the Khanty-Mansiysk {/tabs}{/slide}
The search for oil and gas fields on the basis of layer-block-diapirovoy model of crustal structure with space methods
Skaryatin VD {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Skaryatin VD : People's Friendship University, Moscow {/tabs}{/slide}
Estimating the litho-tectonic conditions and geological prospecting signs of hydrocarbon formation in the bowels of the crystalline basement
Shumilov, VA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Shumilov, VA OOO ╚FXC-APG" {/tabs}{/slide}
Some consequences of the degassing process of the Earth
Parshikova NG, Log GI {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Parshikova NG, Log GI : Joint Institute for Earth Physics. O. Schmidt, RAS, Moscow {/tabs}{/slide}
The problem of selecting an enterprise software oil complex
AF Ivanov {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} AF Ivanov : Vice-President "Vensis" {/tabs}{/slide}