№ 12 (12) 2001.

The main theme rooms All roads lead to the Report of the President of the Russian ROSING Society of Civil Engineers Oil and Gas (ROSING) Vyacheslav Nikolaevich Manyrin on last December 7 in Samara founding congress

    Image folder specified does not exist!

Status and prospects for introduction of new methods of enhanced oil recovery in the world

Gumersky JJ, Mamedov Yu.G., Shakhverdiev AH {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Gumersky JJ, Mamedov Yu.G. OJSC "RMNTK" Nefteotdacha "Shakhverdiev AH OJSC "VNIIneft" {/tabs}{/slide}

Methodology enhance oil production in the late stages of field development

Cape VJ, Manyrin VN, KN Ivontev {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Cape VJ, Manyrin VN, KN Ivontev OJSC "Oil Technology Overseas╩ {/tabs}{/slide}

Some aspects of technologies and intensify potokootklonyayuschih

Akimov, NI {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} NI Akimov : PKK "GR Production Ltd.." {/tabs}{/slide}

Analysis of the effectiveness of the laterals in the fields of

"Surgutneftegaz" Malyshev, AG, Protsenko, GN, Poteryakhin EF {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Malyshev, AG : TO "SurgutNIPIneft" Protsenko, G. : UBBS, Poteryakhin EF : NGDU "Surgutneft" {/tabs}{/slide}

The main directions and methods of implementation to improve the quality of opening and development of productive strata in hard-to-oil deposits

Baluyev AA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Baluyev AA OJSC "SurgutNIPIneft" {/tabs}{/slide}

Using survey data to study well and control the development of oil deposits in fractured reservoirs

Lebedinets NP {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Lebedinets NP OJSC "VNIIneft" {/tabs}{/slide}

Prospects for oil and gas Riphean-Vendian deposits of the central and northern regions of the Russian Plate

Tyagiyatullin NS, Zharkov, AM, TD Shibin {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Tyagiyatullin NS OJSC "Tatneft", Zharkov, AM, TD Shibin : All-Russia Petroleum Research Exploration Institute (VNIGRI), St. Petersburg, Russia {/tabs}{/slide}

New information and methodological capabilities of modern laboratory complex in solving the problems of hard intelligence resources

Ilyin VM Korovin TA, EA Romanov, VI Shilov {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Ilyin VM Korovin TA, EA Romanov, VI Shilov : Tyumen branch SurgutNIPIneft {/tabs}{/slide}

Diagnosing periodically working well

Bobylev, OA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Bobylev, OA OJSC "Belkamneft" {/tabs}{/slide}

Stress-strain state of the layer of soil and underground pipe under internal pressure and temperature of the transported medium

Nysangaliev A. {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Nysangaliev A.: Institute "Caspimunaigas" The Republic of Kazakhstan {/tabs}{/slide}

Prospects for oil and gas base south-eastern part of the West Siberian Plain

Filiptsova OM, Filiptsov Y. {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Filiptsova OM, Filiptsov Y. : Krasnoyarsk Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, AN Fomin - Institute of Petroleum Geology SB RAS, Novosibirsk {/tabs}{/slide}

An analysis of the prospects of modernization and the creation of technological equipment and plants for enhanced oil recovery

King VV, Demin AV, SS Kropiwnicki {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} King VV, Demin AV : JSC "Korona-TEK", Kropiwnicki SS OJSC "Oil Technology Overseas╩ {/tabs}{/slide}

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(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)