"Interval. Advanced Oil and Gas Technology "
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Improving the efficiency of stimulation crosslinked polymer systems due to the optimization of filtration and rheological parameters
Thelin AG {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Thelin AG : Ufa branch of OOO "YuganskNIPIneft" {/tabs}{/slide}
The results of pilot work on the deposits of high-viscosity oil in carbonate reservoirs of the Republic of Tatarstan
Sitnikov, N., Senior, MI, Malykhin VI, Abdulhairov RM, Rakutin J., Fahrullin VI {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Sitnikov N., Senior, MI, Malykhin VI, Abdulhairov RM, Rakutin J., Fahrullin VI : Regional Scientific and Technological Center of the Ural-Volga region VNIIneft, Bugulma, the Republic of Tatarstan {/tabs}{/slide}
Mechanisms of vibration exposure in flooded oil fields
Barabanov, VL, Lavrov VS, Nikolaev AV {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Barabanov VL : Institute of Oil and Gas Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Lavrov VS, Nikolaev AV : Joint Institute for Earth Physics, Moscow {/tabs}{/slide}
On the geochemical study of methods to increase oil fields in sandstone reservoirs
Yulbarisov EM {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Yulbarisov EM : DOOO "BashNIPIneft" {/tabs}{/slide}
Generalization of the results of osadkogeleobrazuyuschih technologies used in the fields of Bashkortostan to select and justify the stimulation field 4P Aleph Republic of Yemen
Alvard AA, goods, MA {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Alvard AA, MA Products : UGNTU {/tabs}{/slide}
Methodology for recovery and increase injectivity of injection wells
Alvard AA, goods, MA {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Alvard AA, MA Products : UGNTU {/tabs}{/slide}
State perspective of technology and technology of the local well casing ekspandiruemymi profile casing
Takhautdinov SH.F., Ibragimov NG, Kaveh HZ, Abdrakhmanov G., Felix I., Ibatullin AD, NH Hamityanov {slide = details} {tab = About author} Takhautdinov SH.F., Ibragimov NG, Kaveh HZ, Abdrakhmanov GS OJSC "Tatneft", Felix I., Ibatullin AD, Hamityanov NH "TatNIPIneft" {/tabs}{/slide}
Choosing a safety factor for the static calculation of drill strings
Fain, GM Fedorov, KS {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Fine, GM Fedorov, KS : ZAO "Aquatic-Samara" {/tabs}{/slide}
Impact jetting jet cone bits in the bottom hole and the impact that the expiration of terms
Varlamov, EP, Logachev YL, Osipov PF {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Varlamov EP : Samara State Technical University, Logachev YL, Osipov, PF : Ukhta State Technical University {/tabs}{/slide}
Data analysis conducted by an experienced drilling mode transient process, and evaluation of the reliability of the results
Bully VN Osipov, PF {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} bully VN Osipov, PF : Ukhta State Technical University {/tabs}{/slide}
New reagents for corrosion protection of low-sulfur oil field equipment
Kalenkova AN Ulyasheva VN, Kim SK {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Kalenkova AN LLC NTKTS "Techcorp", OAO NII "Yarsintez", Yaroslavl, Ulyasheva VN OJSC "Tebukneft" settlement. Nizhny Odes, Kim SK "PechorNIPIneft" Ukhta {/tabs}{/slide}
Design of hydraulic regime cementing casing in deep wells, taking into account the influence of "separated" flow
Logachev YL, Osipov PF {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Logachev YL, Osipov, PF : Ukhta State Technical University {/tabs}{/slide}
Mathematical modeling of the hydrodynamic flow reservoir, a horizontal well dissected
Popkov, VI, Zatsepin SV {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Popkov, VI, Zatsepin SV OOO "Samara Scientific Research and Design Institute of oil" {/tabs}{/slide}
Optimizing Information Management simulation of oil reservoirs on the basis of the hydrodynamic parameters determined from GIS data
Cosco BV {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Cosco BV OOO "PermNIPIneft" {/tabs}{/slide}