"Interval. Advanced Oil and Gas Technology "
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"GOLDEN ROSING": a worthy reward deserving people
Vadim Karasev {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Vadim Karasev {/tabs}{/slide}
Improving the efficiency of development permokarbonovoy deposits Usinsk field
Artemenko A., Fatkullin AA, VE Kaschavtsev {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Artemenko, AI, AA Fatkullin OJSC "LUKOIL" Kaschavtsev VE : SIC "LUKOIL" {/tabs}{/slide}
New agents for improving the production and transportation of heavy oil by regulating their flow properties
Fakhretdinov PS, Romanov GV, Mizipov IR {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Fakhretdinov PS, Romanov GV, Mizipov IR : Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry. AE Arbuzov KSC RAS {/tabs}{/slide}
The development of heavy oil deposits PC Wang - Yoganskoe fields
Donkov PV Ahtjamova EN, FY Kanzafarov, Kanzafarova SG, Leonov VA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Donkov PV Ahtjamova EN, FY Kanzafarov, Kanzafarova SG : JV "Van Eganneft" Leonov VA LLC Institute "SibGeoTeh" {/tabs}{/slide}
Ways to improve the development of reservoir bitumen deposits borehole method
Assumption BV, Napalkov VN, Shvydkin E., Yakimov AS {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Assumption BV, Napalkov VN : KSU Shvydkin EK NPU "Kazangeophysica" Yakimov AS : OAO "RITEK" {/tabs}{/slide}
The structural features of asphaltenes of heavy oils and natural bitumen
Tagirzyanov MI, MR Yakubov, Morozov VI, Galimov RA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Tagirzyanov MI, MR Yakubov, Morozov VI, Galimov RA : Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry. AE Arbuzov KSC RAS {/tabs}{/slide}
Assessment of performance and growth of oil production from cyclic injection of ATP on field data
Abramov VN, Manahova IL {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Abramov VN, Manahova IL {/tabs}{/slide}
Effect of monocarboxylic acids on the filtration of abnormally viscous oil
Gafarov Sh {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Gafarov Sh : UGNTU {/tabs}{/slide}
Analysis of the results of experience in implementing technology cyclic injection of ATP in different geological and physical conditions
Abramov VN Akimov, NI, Manahova IL {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Abramov VN Akimov, NI, Manahova IL {/tabs}{/slide}
The method of predicting sulfate and carbonate scaling in oil
Kaschavtsev VE {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Kaschavtsev VE : RSU of Oil and Gas. IM Gubkin {/tabs}{/slide}
Reokineticheskoe systems research "highly viscous oil - neftevytesnyayuschaya composition, which generates CO2 and an alkaline buffer system
Altunina LK, Jugs, VA, LA Staseva {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Altunina LK, Jugs, VA, LA Staseva {/tabs}{/slide}
Determination of volumetric parameters bitumonasyschennyh Ufa tier collectors of modern methods of GIS
Abdullin RN, Rakhmatullina AR, AS Nigmatullin {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Abdullin RN, Rakhmatullina AR, AS Nigmatullin : Scientific and Technical Management, Bugulma {/tabs}{/slide}
New technological liquid for completion and workover
Ryabokon SA Martynov, BA, AA Boyarkin, Alexandrov, I., Dudarov YG {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Ryabokon SA Martynov, BA, AA Boyarkin, OAO "NPO" Drilling ", Alexander IE OJSC "Slavneft-Megionneftegaz" Dudarov YG OOO "Salymburneft" {/tabs}{/slide}
On the interaction of the thermal front with the front of the displacement in nonisothermal filtration of two immiscible fluids in a uniform layer
Bronshteyen MD, Volkov Y. {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Bronshteyen MD, Volkov Y. : TsSMRneft, Kazan {/tabs}{/slide}
Analysis of the operational efficiency of screw rod pumping units with a ground-driven in OJSC "Samaraneftegaz"
Dubovitsky SA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Dubovitsky SA : Samara State Technical University, OJSC "Samaraneftegaz" {/tabs}{/slide}