"Interval. Advanced Oil and Gas Technology "
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Causes of impurities in a commercial sewage
Pozdnyshev GN, Andreev IR {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Pozdnyshev GN : NPO "GR", Andreev IR : Company ID "ROSING" {/tabs}{/slide}
Technology to increase the influence of sweep paroteplovym with inorganic gels for high-viscosity oil deposits
Altunina LK, Jugs, VA, Chertenkov MV, Shafikov RR {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Altunina LK, Jugs, VA : Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, Chertenkov MV, Shafikov RR OOO "LUKOIL-Komi" {/tabs}{/slide}
The strategy of the oil company OAO "LUKOIL" in the application of EOR methods
Maganov RU, Novikov AA, Cheloyants DK, IE Mandrik {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Maganov RU, Novikov AA, Cheloyants DK, IE Mandrik OJSC "LUKOIL" {/tabs}{/slide}
Ways of intensifying the process of obtaining oxidized bitumen
Mufazalov R.Sh., Arslanov IG, Ishkildin IS, Valiev, EA, Badr AA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Mufazalov R.Sh. : SPF "Timurneftegaz" Arslanov IG, Ishkildin IS, Valiev, EA, Badr AA : UGNTU {/tabs}{/slide}
Hydrocarbon composition of surfactants to enhance oil recovery
Sobanova OB, Friedman GB, Fedorov, IL, Kandaurova GF {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Sobanova OB, Friedman GB, Fedorov, IL OJSC "Research Neftepromhim" Kandaurova GF : NGDU "Leninogorskneft" {/tabs}{/slide}
Study of the effect of metabolites synthesized by the microflora of the UCM, for fluids and reservoir rock
Shesternina NV, Fahrutdinov GN, Faizullin IN, Gareyshina AZ, Akhmetshina SM {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Shesternina NV, Fahrutdinov GN, Faizullin IN OJSC "Tatneft", Gareyshina AZ, Akhmetshina SM OJSC "Research Neftepromhim" {/tabs}{/slide}
New micro-organisms - for remediation of contaminated biodestruktory surfaces
Loginov ON, Nurtdinova OA, Boyko TF, Silischev NN, Gysin HA, Yakovlev VN {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Loginov ON, Nurtdinova OA, Boyko TF, Silischev NN, Gysin HA, Yakovlev VN : Institute of Biology, Ufa Science Centre, Ufa Branch of OOO "YuganskNIPIneft" {/tabs}{/slide}
Energy criteria of mechanisms of filtration effects in the reservoir under the action of elastic vibrations
Kuznetsov, OL, Dyblenko VP, Sharifullin RJ, Tufanov IA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Kuznetsov OL : SSC RF VNIIgeosystem, Dyblenko VP, Sharifullin RJ, Tufanov IA : NPP "Oil-engineering" {/tabs}{/slide}
Prevention of freezing at the mouth of the injection wells ring system flooding
Kadyrov, RR, Bakalov IV, Voronin AI, Garipov NV {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Kadyrov, RR, Bakalov IV : TatNIPIneft, Voronin AI : NGDU "Yamashneft" Garipov NV : NGDU "Aznakaevskneft" {/tabs}{/slide}
No horizontal technology can not do
Petrov AV {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Petrov AV : CJSC "Publishing House" ROSING " {/tabs}{/slide}
The development of remote and non-conventional oil reserves using horizontal technology - one of the factors of sustainability of the fuel and energy complex of the Republic of Tatarstan
Muslimov AD, Volkov Y. {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Muslimov AD, Volkov Y. : Office of the President, OOO "TsSMRneft" in Tatarstan Academy of Sciences {/tabs}{/slide}
Development of bitumen deposits horizontal wells drilled in the radial directions
Yangurazova ZA, Abdulhairov RM, Golyshkin VG Gorshenin EA, Zykov, SJ {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Yangurazova ZA, Abdulhairov RM, Golyshkin VG Gorshenin EA, Zykov, SJ : Regional Scientific and Technological Center of Ural - Volga production of high-viscosity oil and natural bitumen RNTTS of "VNIIneft" Bugulma {/tabs}{/slide}
On the optimal placement of horizontal wells in oil field development
Sugaipov DA, Saveliev, VA Volkov, AY, Mirsaetov OM {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Sugaipov DA OJSC "Udmurtneft", Savel'ev VA : Government of SD, and Volkov, A.Ya., Mirsaetov OM : Udmurt State University {/tabs}{/slide}
Proof of the main discharge (oil) the oil-producing species in the era of domanikovyh Alpine technogenesis
Borgest TM, Ashirov KB {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Borgest TM, Ashirov KB : Samara State Technical University {/tabs}{/slide}
Method of power downhole equipment condition monitoring in oil reservoir and a device for its implementation
Grigashkin GA, Varlamov SE {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Grigashkin GA, Varlamov SE : Samara State Technical University {/tabs}{/slide}