"Interval. Advanced Oil and Gas Technology "
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Removing Asphaltic-resinous deposits from the bottomhole formation zone with organic solvents - a promising way to restore well productivity marginal Fund
Khalimov AD, Smykov VV, Farhullin RG, Voloshin AI, Ganiev IM, Thelin AG {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Khalimov AD, Smykov VV, Farhullin RG, Voloshin AI, Ganiev IM, Thelin AG {/tabs}{/slide}
Well completion technique to the formation of deconsolidated bottom zone during the initial drilling-
Lviv IV, Rylov NI VAFIN RV Gimaev IM, Egorov, AF {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Lviv IV : TatNIPIneft, Rylov NI OOO "Nauka", VAFIN RV Gimaev IM, Egorov, AF : ZAO "Aloil" {/tabs}{/slide}
Study the influence of the characteristics of the vapor space at the rate of oil displacement by NMR
Ibatullin RR, Glumov IF, Sahabutdinov KG {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Ibatullin RR, Glumov IF, Sahabutdinov KG : Institute "TatNIPIneft", OAO "Tatneft" {/tabs}{/slide}
Use of lithofacies factor in creating three-dimensional model Kravtsovskoe deposit (Kaliningrad region)
Tsygankov, VA, Botchkarev VA, Ostroukhov SB, Ivanova AS {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Tsygankov, VA, Botchkarev VA, Ostroukhov SB, Ivanova AS {/tabs}{/slide}
Reducing the hydraulic resistance of turbulent flows of direct oil emulsion additive polyoxyethylene
Chichkanov SV, Krupin, SV, VA Myagchenkov {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Chichkanov SV, Krupin, SV, VA Myagchenkov : KazGTU {/tabs}{/slide}
The first experience of digital geological and geophysical models in the search areas for oil and gas
Karnaukhov SM, Politykina MA, Tyurin, AM, Poberezhsky SM, Dnistryansky V., Gorelik, VI, Drozdov VV, Zenkina ZI Syumbaeva P . A. {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Karnaukhov SM, Politykina MA, Tyurin, AM, Poberezhsky SM, Dnistryansky V., Gorelik, VI, Drozdov VA W., Zenkina ZI Syumbaeva RA OOO "Orenburggazprom", LLC "VolgoUralNIPIgaz" {/tabs}{/slide}
Improvement of the production process of making cone bits, acquiring the best option (optimization) facial features of machine tools
Mitnitsky SL, Surkov, AN, AV Torgashov {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Mitnitsky SL, Surkov, AN OJSC "Volgaburmash" Torgashov AV : Samara State Aerospace University named. SP Queen {/tabs}{/slide}
Information as an effective start to process control in the position of Quality Assurance bits
Mitnitsky SL, Surkov, AN, AV Torgashov {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Mitnitsky SL, Surkov, AN OJSC "Volgaburmash" Torgashov AV : Samara State Aerospace University named. SP Queen {/tabs}{/slide}
New technical means for the seismic impact on the reservoir to improve oil recovery
Koshelev, NV {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Koshelev, NV : Volga branch IGiRGI {/tabs}{/slide}
Reserve oil in Paris, or rich at the expense of technology
Kaschavtsev VE {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Kaschavtsev VE : RSU of Oil and Gas. IM Gubkin {/tabs}{/slide}