Главная Книжный магазин Нефтепромысловая химия The inverse emulsion and suspension in oil and gas industry

Glushchenko VN. The inverse emulsion and suspension in the oil and gas industry. - M: Intercontact Science, 2008. - 725 sec.: Ill.

The book presents a classification of emulsions, describes methods of production, stability and regulation properties of inverse emulsions based on classical concepts of colloid and physical chemistry and oil-field practice. Summarizes the experimental results of domestic and foreign experts in the field, identifying future trends implementation of various technological aspects of inverse emulsion in oil and gas, lit the filtration characteristics of emulsions in porous and fractured media are considered distinctive features of oil-water emulsions in terms of stabilizing the natural surface-active components. The conditions for the formation of oil-water emulsions in the bottomhole formation zone in the bore wells, marked adverse effects of these phenomena to the processes of oil production, as well as methods for their prevention and elimination.

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(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)