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Buy a CD archive of the journal


Archives' Neft.Gaz.Novatsii "" on CD-ROM, 2009-2010. - Is the drive on which feature 24 issue of the journal

Archive of magazine "Interval. Advanced Oil and Gas Technology "on CD-ROM for 2000-2008. - A disc, which shows the 119 rooms of the journal

The cost of the disc, including the delivery of mail - 6000.00 rub.

The information contained in the archive significantly expands access readers to a vast array of material published in the journal.

The cost of the disc, including the delivery of mail - 11000.00 rub.

The subscription receipts on Archives in DOC and PDF

Dear readers of the magazine "Neft.Gaz.Novatsii"!

You can buy a log backup to a CD, paid receipt to any branch of the Savings Bank of Russia:

The subscription receipts

Новое - хорошо забытое старое

(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)