№ 8 (08) 2008.

"Interval. Advanced Oil and Gas Technology "

    Image folder specified does not exist!

VNIITneft: 50 years of decent service to the oil and gas complex of Russia

Antipov YN {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} YN Antipov, Ph.D., CEO / VNIITneft, Samara / {/tabs}{/slide}

Geology and Exploration

Energy and tectonophysics tektonogeneza Myasnikov OV {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Myasnikov OV / Institute of Geochemistry and Geophysics of NAS of Belarus / {/tabs}{/slide}

Geological history and paleotemperaturnaya generation and oil migration in the region Kogalym

Horseracing KG, Lopatin, NV, Garifullin II, Valeev RA {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Horseracing KG, Lopatin, NV / IGG RANS / Garifullin II, Valeev RA / CCI "Kogalymneftegas" / {/tabs}{/slide}

Investigation of the Taman Peninsula on the basis of anomalies in the gravitational field

Sklyarov ZP, Chernov, AA, Smirnov OA, Sidorenko, AJ {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Sklyarov ZP, Chernov, AA, Smirnov OA / ZAO "Pangaea" / Sidorenko AJ / ZAO "Kubanneft resources" / {/tabs}{/slide}

Forecast of oil-bearing target objects on a range of remote sensing, and litho-structural methods within the South-Tatar arch

Shaikhutdinov RS, Dragunov, AA {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Shaikhutdinov RS, Dragunov, AA / OOO "TNG Kazangeophysica" / {/tabs}{/slide}

Problems of Oil and Gas Complex

Domestic oil and gas geophysics: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Laptev VV {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Laptev VV / JSC NPF "Geophysics" / {/tabs}{/slide}

Oil and gas equipment

Reserves of the operational efficiency of ESP in "Samaraneftegaz"

Diamond SG, Totanov AS {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Diamond SG, Totanov AS / SOO NOT NG them. Gubkin / {/tabs}{/slide}

Improved operational efficiency of flooded wells rod pumps

Karamyshev VG, Yusupov, OM, DM Khaibullin {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Karamyshev VG, Yusupov OM / SUE 'Institute for Transport Energy "/ Khaibullin DM / "RN-Yuganskneftegaz╩ / {tab = keywords} rod pumps, plunger pair, extreme pressure agent, SPNH 1004 p {tab =} Abstract The authors propose the problem of protecting the plunger assembly from jamming, scuffing, wear, without the use of expensive additives, and by applying to receive the pump oil-treated EP agent. Within the range commonly used in oil chemical products. {/tabs}{/slide}

Increased oil recovery

Effect of cyclic changes in the fields of pressure, temperature and gas saturation of rocks on the completeness of extraction of oil from the bowels

Shevchenko AK {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Shevchenko, AK / OOO "LUKOIL-VolgogradNIPImorneft" / Continued from, see Interval. Advanced Oil and Gas Technology, 2007, № 4,6,7,11,12 and 2008 - № 2 / {/tabs}{/slide}

Optimizing filtration processes in the development of deposits of natural bitumen and high-viscosity

Romanchuk, AN, Linden A., Khromykh LM, Yangurazova ZA {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Romanchuk, AN, Linden A. / Almetyevsk State Petroleum Institute / Khromykh LN / SamSTU / Yangurazova ZA / JSC "VNIIneft" / {/tabs}{/slide}

Well Construction

Technological aspects of the construction of wells in the field Rogozhnikovskom

Yahshibekov FR, VD Gorgots Usachev, EA, Grosheva TV {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Yahshibekov FR / OAO "Surgutneftegaz" / Gorgots VD, Usachev, EA, Grosheva TV / Tyumen branch "SurgutNIPIneft" / {/tabs}{/slide}

Environmental Risks and Safety

Management of environmental risks associated with oil pollution, wetlands and their reclamation

Vershinin, YA {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} YA Vershinin / Siberian Research and Design Institute of Environmental Management / {/tabs}{/slide}

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(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)