"Interval. Advanced Oil and Gas Technology "
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Geology and Exploration
Evaluation involved in the development of oil reserves by the material balance
Belyanin GN, Alishaev M., Galkin, MV {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Belyanin GN / OOO "Geological investments" / Alishaev MG / IPG DSC RAS / Galkin M.V / RSU them. IM Gubkin / {/tabs}{/slide}
Technology Design
What should be the project?
Kharlamov, KN, FR Yahshibekov {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Kharlamov KN / Tyumen branch SurgutNIPIneft / Yahshibekov FR / AU OJSC "Surgutneftegas" / {/tabs}{/slide}
New technologies for the repair of insulation in the wells
Silin, MA, Magadova LA, Efimov NN, VB Gubanov, Zavorotny VL, Efimov, MN {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Silin MA, Magadova LA, Efimov NN, VB Gubanov, Zavorotny VL, Efimov, MN / RSU of Oil and Gas. IM Gubkin / {/tabs}{/slide}
Increased recovery neftegazootdachi
Enhancing the effectiveness of acid treatment on the field Povhovskom CCI "Kogalymneftegas"
Salimov FS {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Salimov FS / CCI "Kogalymneftegas" / {/tabs}{/slide}
Development and exploitation of gas fields
Study the possibility of using a gravimetric monitoring of the gas fields
Pogrebinsky M., Boldyreva, VA, Chernov AA {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Pogrebinsky MS / Geotrend / Boldyrev, VA / IGiRGI / Chernov, AA / ZAO "Pangaea" / {/tabs}{/slide}
The development of innovative technologies
Opening of Training and Technical Center "SamSTU-Weatherford"
Transportation of oil and gas
Information-measuring system to detect unauthorized penetrations and leaks in pipelines on the basis of negative shocks
Muhanovsky DV {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Muhanovsky DV / Samara State Technical University / {/tabs}{/slide}
Storage of oil. Operation of reservoirs
Study of the behavior of pyrophoric deposits when heated under various conditions
Boyarov AN Karamyshev VG {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Boyarov AN / OJSC "Samaraneftegaz" / VG Karamyshev / SUE 'Institute for Transport Energy "/ {/tabs}{/slide}
Gas storage
An automated system for collecting information on underground gas storage facility, built on the principles of wireless sensor networks
Karyuk VM, VA Shalimov Baluev MN Filippov, IV, Kuryakin VF Nazarov, SI {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Karyuk VM, VA Shalimov Baluev MN Filippov, IV / ZAO "BINAR" / VF Kuryakin / ZAO "Intel" / Nazarov, SI / OOO "VNIIGAZ" / {/tabs}{/slide}
Information Technology
Improved accuracy of measurement of the specific electrical conductivity of the fluid in the geophysical studies in the wells
Cooper, V., Rubtsov AM {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Cooper, V., Rubtsov AM / Samara State Technical University / {/tabs}{/slide}
Environmental and Industrial Safety
The results of long-term environmental monitoring of exploited deposits of OAO "Surgutneftegaz"
Solodovnikov AY, TA Barneva {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Solodovnikov AY, TA Barneva / Tyumen branch "SurgutNIPIneftegaz", OJSC "Surgutneftegas" / {/tabs}{/slide}
Environmentally-friendly technologies in the exploration and exploitation of oil and gas deposits in the Azov-Black Sea basin
Konev, Yu.V., Yeletsky BD, MV Akinin {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Konev, Yu.V., Yeletsky BD, MV Akinin / OOO NC "Priazovneft" / {/tabs}{/slide}
Economics, management, law
The effectiveness of the leasing process for development of oil industry companies
Spade AV {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} spade AV / Samara State Economic University / {/tabs}{/slide}
Achievements of Russian companies
JSC "DIA" for oil and gas industry
Innovative products Novosibirsk Plant of Chemical Concentrates for the needs of refined
The modern factory, equipped with high-efficiency equipment
{Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Samara Reservoir Plant, Samara, ul. Factory 1, ie (846) 330-35-45,377-52-39 {/tabs}{/slide}
Prize Laureate. Academician IM Gubkin be worth it!
Diamond SG {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Brilliant SG / Samara regional branch of the STS oil and gas industry / Abstract. Reviewed on creative work: "The development and publication of training manuals on oil production as part of the technical training of specialists of OJSC" Samaraneftegaz " {/tabs}{/slide}