"Oil. Gas. Innovations "
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Main Theme: Transportation and storage of oil
Prediction of the geological attributes of productive horizons in the Middle Carboniferous high-resolution seismic method
Milashina VA, Trofimov VL Khaziev FF Ponamorev SA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Milashina VA, Trofimov VL Khaziev FF / OOO "MegaCenter-PLUS", Moscow / Ponamorev SA / JSC "SAMARAINVESTNEFT", Samara / {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}
Studying the chemical composition of oils in the Russian permafrost
Yashchenko IG {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Yashchenko IG / Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, Tomsk / {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}
Classification of small fields with hard stock Melekesskoy Basin and the Western Slope of the South-Tatar arch methods of cluster analysis and artificial neural networks and their characterization of reservoir properties
Khuzin RR {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Khuzin RR / OOO "Carbon-Oil", Almetyevsk / {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}
Improving the technology of oil-based technology mikrozarodyshevoy
Kurshev AV Khaibullin RM, Kostenko, S. {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Kurshev AV / SUE "IPTER" / Khaibullin RM / "RN-Yuganskneftegaz" / SA Kostenko / Central Hydraulic Pipeline AN RB / {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}
New technology research gas wells - three-logging geoacoustic
Novikov, SS, NS Rabaeva {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Novikov, SS, NS Rabaeva / PKF "Nedra-C╩ / {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}
The effectiveness of cyclic development, changing the direction of seepage flow in the fields of OJSC "Samaraneftegaz"
Diamond SG {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Brilliant SG / Samara regional branch of the STS oil and gas industry / {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}
The influence of various characteristics of the metal pipes of alloy steel to resist corrosive destruction of the local
Antipov YN, Shumakova IA, Platonov SY, Rodionova IG, Zaitsev A., Baklanov, ON {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Antipov YN, Shumakova IA, Platonov SY / ZAO "VNIITneft" /, Rodionova IG, Zaitsev AI, Baklanov ON / FRUP "TsNIIchermet them. Bardin, "/. {Tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}
Verification of pipeline "Samaraneftegaz"
Petrov SM, Strunkina SI Taratorin AN {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Petrov SM, Strunkina SI Taratorin AN / OJSC "Samaraneftegaz╩ / {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}
"Pipeline 2009"
Obukhov, MK {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Obukhov MK / ZAO "SRIDS InjGeo", 350 038, Str. Holovaty, 585. +7 (861) 279-23-06, www.injgeo.ru / {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}
Protection against corrosion of oil and gas equipment
Details of pipelines with corrosion-resistant coating: an integrated approach. Experience in manufacturing and development prospects
Novikov SV {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} S. Novikov, Ch. Designer / Company "TSELER", 443 098, Samara, Karl Marx Avenue, 499a, tel / fax: (846) 958-03 958-03-90, 958-01-54, tel. (846) 221-98-62 /. {Tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}
Promising direction of oil and gas industry - RILSAN
Ponikarov IA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Ponikarov IA / OOO "TPK Altikom╩ / {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}
Results of corrosion of long flexible polymer-metal pipes (GPMT) in the oil industry
Saveliev BN {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Saveliev BN / ZAO "VNIITneft", Samara / {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}
Effect of oxygen concentration on the process of self-ignition of pyrophoric deposits
Boyarov AN Karamyshev VG {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Boyarov AN / OJSC "Samaraneftegaz" / VG Karamyshev / SUE 'Institute for Transport Energy ╩/ {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}
Effect of sequestering ability in samples of pyrophoric deposits of spontaneous ignition and spontaneous combustion
Boyarov AN Karamyshev VG {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Boyarov AN / OJSC "Samaraneftegaz" / VG Karamyshev / SUE 'Institute for Transport Energy ╩/ {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}