№ 4 (04) 2009.

"Oil. Gas. Innovations "

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The main theme rooms: Metrology and avtomatizatsiyaGEOLOGIYa AND GEOLOGICAL EXPLORATION

Technology development by injection intra-contour well to the layers with anomalous properties of oil

Manyrin VN, Sannikov VA, Cape VJ, Pozdnyshev GN, Sorin O., Makeev GA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Manyrin VN, Sannikov VA, Cape VJ, Pozdnyshev GN, Sorin O.: GR Productions Ltd., Makeev GA "KogalymNIPineft" {/tabs}{/slide}

Gel technology to increase the thermal effect of the coverage of high-viscosity oil pool

Altunina LK, VA Pitchers, VA, VA Staseva {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, Tomsk (3822) 49-16-23 (3822) 491146 sot.5008111 {/tabs}{/slide}

Gravimetric studies of oil-objects of the Kama-Kinelsky of deflections

Bychkov SG, Prostolupov GV Shcherbinina GP {Slide = details} {tab = About the Author} Bychkov SG, Prostolupov GV Shcherbinina GP / Mining Institute, UB RAS, Perm / {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}

Geodynamic approach to the formation of hydrocarbons

AA Dragunov {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Dragunov AA / LLC "TNG Kazangeophysica" Kazan / {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide} Biogeochemical Methods of Prospecting for oil and gas under high geologic RB Yulbarisov IM, EM Yulbarisov {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Yulbarisov IM, EM Yulbarisov / ZAO "Ingeoholding", Ufa / {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}

Detailed aeromagnetic survey in the study of highly sensitive structures of the Kama-Kinelsky of deflections

Mavrichev VG, Molodtsov IV {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Mavrichev Victor G. - geophysicist, senior geophysicist at the Department of aerial FGU NPP "Exploration. Candidate of Geological Sciences minerallogicheskih, Honored Geologist of Russia / g. St. Petersburg /. {Tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}


Solution OOO NPP "Tomsk Electronic Company" in the area of ​​crude and product oil, petroleum, natural gas available, produced water, as well as other material and product flows

Davydenko LA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Davydenko LA / Company "Tomsk Electronic Company" 634-40-63, Russia, Tomsk, ul. Vysotsky, 33. Tel / fax: 8 (3822) 63-39-63, 63-38-37, 63-38-58. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it www.npptec.ru/ {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}

Metrological assurance of control size and shape, as well as the parameters of your threads in the oil and gas sector

Kowalski, MG {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Kowalski, MG / JSC "NIIizmereniya╩ / {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}

The control system of main technological parameters of drilling and workover

Lagutkin AK {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Lagutkin AK / OOO NPP "Petrolayn-A" 429 819, Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny, / I 90 Industrial Area, respectively. "TRC-Master", of.301. tel / fax (eight thousand five hundred and fifty-two) 535-535, 53-45-67, 38-04-97, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . www.pla.ru/ {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}

Measuring water content of crude oil: current status and prospects

Slepian, MA, Goncharov AA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Slepian, MA, Goncharov AA / OOO "IC Gas Systems╩ / {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}

Tax transaction within the requirements of the legislation on ensuring uniformity of measurements of the energy sector

Fedorov AV {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Fedorov AV / Instrumentation Ltd "EMC", Moscow / {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}


The integration of distributed control system in a single system of supervisory control

Liashenko, GB, Mikhail Goncharov, Vaca DY {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Liashenko, GB, Mikhail Goncharov / ZAO "NPF Breakthrough", 140180, Zhukovsky, Moscow Region. St. Chkalov, 12, room 6. Tel. (495) 556-66-03, fax (495) 972-35-80, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Vaca DY / ZAO "TM-Dinner set", Samara / {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}

Integrated automation of distributed generation as a basis for effective management

Petryaev ON, AN Dmitryuk {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Petryaev ON, Dmitryuk AN / NPF "Intech", 450 005, Resp. Bashkortostan, Ufa, 50 let Oktyabrya,, 15, tel. (347) 290-88-44 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , www.intekufa.ru {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide} We consider the current challenges and problems of distributed automation oilfield production. The methods and means of optimizing the extraction wells SRP. Showing principles of a common information space enterprise software tools and technical complex "MEGA", developed by NPF "Intech".


On the main line

Diamond SG {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Brilliant SG / Samara regional branch of the STS oil and gas industry / {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}

Effect of cyclic changes in the fields of pressure, temperature and gas saturation of rocks on the completeness of extraction of oil from the bowels

Shevchenko AK {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}


Comprehensive implementation of technologies and methods GASH UGSV-3 to increase flyuidootdachi collectors and solving production problems in the construction and repair of wells

Novikov, SS {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Novikov SS / PKF "NEDRA-C", 414 024, Astrakhan, p / b 99 Phone / fax (851-2) 48-01-18, nedras @ astranet . ru www. nedras.ru / {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}


On the question of the coagulation of magnetic particles in a fluid or gas

Shaydakov VV, Kutukov SE, Poletayev O., Shaydakov EV Katrich NM, M. Musaev {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Shaydakov VV, Kutukov SE, Poletayev O., Shaydakov EV Katrich NM, M. Musaev / Engineering company "INKOMP-Oil" Ufa / {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}

Oil delivery

Numerical simulation of deposition of particulate matter in the pipeline

Zhavoronkin VP, Gusev, DV {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Zhavoronkin VP / Science and Technology Center "Algorithm", Samara, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it / DV Gusev / Company CFDgroup, Moscow, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it / {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}

Corrosion protection of pipelines

On the choice of steel pipes for the construction and reconstruction of neftegazosbora in Western Siberia

Zavialov, VV, Koltsov, VA, DC We, Sitnikov VP {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Zavialova VV Koltsov, VA, Sitnikov VP / JSC "NizhnevartovskNIPIneft" Nizhnevartovsk / We O.S / JSC "TNK-BP Management", Nizhnevartovsk /, {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}


Lease financing tool of oil and gas sector

Spade AV {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} spade AV / Samara State Economic University, Samara / {tab = Abstract} {/tabs}{/slide}

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(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)