"Oil. Gas. Innovations ╩№ 06/2010
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MAIN ISSUE: petroleum engineering.
Operating system products for business process modeling oil company
Ahmatdinov FN, Tyurganov AG, Galimov AK, Andreev, VE, JA Kotenev {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Ahmatdinov FN / OOO "Geoproekt-Bashneft", Ufa / Tyurganov AG, Galimov AK / GOU 'Ufa State Aviation Technical University ", Ufa / Andreev, VE / Ghana "Institute of Petroleum Technology and New Materials", Ufa / Kotenev Y. / GOU VPO "Ufa State Oil Technical University," Ufa / {/tabs}{/slide}
DeltaOyl - software package for assessing and predicting the effectiveness of geological and technical measures
Bulygin D., Engels, A. {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Bulygin DV / Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics. NG Chebotarev, GOU VPO KSU, Kazan / Engels, AA / TOO "GEOSYSTEMS", Almaty / 420111, Russia, Kazan, ul. Lobachevsky, 10 "B", p / 26 Tel. Kazan: (843) 200 03 04 (843) 238 40 57
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This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Skype: delta_oil_project {/tabs}{/slide}
Some aspects of the design of laterals with horizontal
Ivanov, SA, DM Kleydman {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} SA Ivanov / CCI "Kogalymneftegas" Kogalym / Kleydman DM / OOO "STC Geoproekt", Kazan / {/tabs}{/slide}
Pulse-shot drilling using PID-System
Ayzuppe EA, Humeniuk IB {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Ayzuppe EA, Humeniuk IB {/tabs}{/slide} Ayzuppe EA, Humeniuk IB / Samara State Technical University, Samara / New opportunities for drilling in the shale gas Specht A. {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} A. Specht / ZAO "Atlas Copco", Moscow / Russia, 141 402, Moskovckaya Region, Khimki, Vashutinskoe highway, 15 Tel. (495) 933-55-55
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www.atlascopco.ru {/tabs}{/slide}
Analysis of the quality of cement pillars in the fields of OOO "Tatneft-Samara"
Guskov, I., N. Kiryushin Kateev RI, Ph.D., Khusnutdinova RK {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Guskov, IV, Kiryushin NA / "Tatneft", Almetyevsk / Faskhutdinov R.Sh. / OOO "Drilling" Nurlat / Kateev RI, Ph.D., Khusnutdinova RK / "TatNIPIneft" Bugulma / {/tabs}{/slide}
Petroleum engineering
Weaknesses in the equipment of ESP operation and workover of OJSC "Samaraneftegaz"
Diamond SG / Samara regional branch of the STS oil and gas industry / {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Brilliant SG / Samara regional branch of the STS oil and gas industry / {/tabs}{/slide}
Analysis of modes of production wells after stopping for an object field TW1 Vateganskogo
Vaganov LA / OOO "KogalymNIPIneft" /
Analysis of the effectiveness of hydro slotted perforations in the old well stock
Galeev, RR / OOO "TNGK-Development", Almetyevsk / Trifonov, T. / TSDNG LLC "TNGK-Development", Nurlat / {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Galeev RR / OOO "TNGK-Development", Almetyevsk / Trifonov, T. / TSDNG LLC "TNGK-Development", Nurlat / {/tabs}{/slide}
Innovations in the field of control and regulation of dual injection
Garipov OM {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Garipov OM, Ph.D. / NPO "New oil technologies", Nizhnevartovsk / Legal address: 625000, Russia, Tyumen, ul. Profsoyuznaya 90/11 Postal address: 628 624, Nizhnevartovsk, p / 395 Fax: 8 (3466) 21-30-39,62-54-94, tel.: 8 (3466) 57-31-35, 56 -22-02 nnt.paker @ gmail.com
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www.nnt-paker.ru {/tabs}{/slide}
Increasing the productivity of producing wells using acid-hydrophobic emulsion
Gafarov Sh , E.Sh. Kuvandyk, Gafarov AS, Fazylov TA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Gafarov Sh / UGNTU, Ufa / E.Sh. Kuvandyk / TSNIPR LLC "Gazprom dobycha Orenburg", Orenburg / Gafarov INC. / OOO "GAZPROM VNIIGAZ", Moscow / Fazylov TA / UGNTU, Ufa / {/tabs}{/slide}
OTE-technology - the innovative technology of extraction of residual oil from waste deposits
Zingel EM {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Zingel EM / OOO "OTE-Technology", Novosibirsk / 630007, Novosibirsk, ul. October, 42, of. 300 / 3 Tel. 8 (383) 218 78 63 Fax 8 (383) 202 07 24 Mob. 89139110962
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www.ote-online.com {/tabs}{/slide}
Improved oil recovery by the combined effect on the bottomhole formation zone
Kirillov, A., Korchagin VF {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} A. Kirillov / Rostekhnadzor, Samara / Pavel VF / OOO "Servisneftegaz", Samara / 443 080, Samara, ul. Revolutionary, 70, letter 2, office 412 tel. / fax: (846) 342-67-07 342-67-17
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Improving methods and technologies for processing and bottom-hole zone of enhanced oil recovery for low-performing fields with highly viscous oil
Malykhin VI, Takhautdinov R.Sh., MR Yakubov {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Malykhin VI, Takhautdinov R.Sh. / Management Company "Sheshmaoil" Almetyevsk / MR Yakubov / Kazan State University, Kazan / {/tabs}{/slide}
The modified silicas dispersed in waterproofing technology
Sagidullin IA, IK Sultanov, Blinov, SA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Sagidullin IA, IK Sultanov, Blinov, SA / OOO "Quartz" Aznakayevo / 423 330, Republic of Tatarstan, Aznakayevo Str. Khasanshina, 16 tel. / fax (85 592) 7-79-85 www.mdk-nano.ru
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Improving the efficiency of hydraulic borehole natural bitumen
Borowski MJ, Bogatov VI, VG Chaikin, Gods, NV, Petrov SI {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Borowski MJ, Bogatov VI / "NPO" A frame ", Kazan / VG Chaikin, Gods NV / TsNIIgeolnerud, Kazan / SI Petrov / KSU, Kazan / {/tabs}{/slide}
Diamond-like coatings
VS Belyaev {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} VS Belyaev, Prof. / OOO "Special technology", Ekaterinburg / tel. (343) 345 27 27, 345 27 28, 345 27 25 tel. / fax: (343) 345 27 26 www.specialtech.ru www.isollat.ru www . dlc.ru {/tabs}{/slide}
Software system "ATLAS - Archive affairs well"
{Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Diamond LS, Schemel, FA, RA Gnilitskiy / JSC "Tyumen Oil and Gas Institute", Tyumen / {/tabs}{/slide}