№ 7 (07) 2010.

"Oil. Gas. Innovations ╩№ 07/2010

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MAIN ISSUE: Current technologies of well workover and oil recovery enhancement. Development prospects

Main Theme: Prospects for the development of technologies in the field of cattle and PNP

{Slide = details} {tab = Abstract} material is devoted to the 5th International scientific conference "Modern technologies of well workover and oil recovery enhancement. Prospects for Development", held on 24 - May 29, 2010 in the resort of "Hope" (Gelendzhik). "The exchange of ideas and experience between science and industry": interview with the head of JSC "SPC" Nitpo "V. Stroganov {/tabs}{/slide}


The use of organic inhibitors of clay for improving the quality of drilling-

Moyse JN, Moyse NY, Motoshin Y., Oaks II {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Moyse JN, Moyse NY / NPO "Himburneft", Krasnodar / Motoshin Y., Oaks II / Branch Company "NSC", "Western Siberia", Nizhnevartovsk / {/tabs}{/slide}

Top drive system made in Russia

Chips LA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Chips LA / ZAO "PromTekhInvest", St. Petersburg / {/tabs}{/slide}

Drilling Technology in salt deposits

Babayan, EV, Stroganov, AM, Ponomarev, DM / OOO "NPF" Nitpo ", Krasnodar / {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Babayan, EV / Krasnodar / Stroganov, AM, Ponomarev, DM / OOO" NPF "Nitpo ", Krasnodar / Russia, Krasnodar, ul. Kotovsky, 42 Tel. / fax: (861) 216-83-63 216-83-64 216-83-65 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it www.nitpo.ru {/tabs}{/slide}


About mezhkolonnyh pressures in oil and gas wells

Konovalov AE, Vartumyan GT, Gevorg A., Pustovoy PA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Konovalov AE, Vartumyan GT, Gevorg A. / KubGTU, Krasnodar / Pustovoy PA / OOO "RN-Servis", Krasnodar / {/tabs}{/slide}

Intensification of oil

Increasing the productivity of oil wells on the basis of regulation of water saturation layer zones

Demahin SA, Demahin AG {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Demahin SA, Demahin AG / Enhanced Recovery System. Ltd, Moscow / {/tabs}{/slide}

Nanoflyuid for intensification of oil and gas

Ismailov, FS {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Ismailov FS / Research and Design Institute "Naftogaz" SOCAR, Baku / {/tabs}{/slide}

Improving the efficiency of acid treatments in late-stage field development of carbonate reservoirs (samootklonyayuschayasya acid, large-volume processing layer zones with the use of gels based on SAW)

Mokrushin AA, AI Shipilov {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Mokrushin AA, AI Shipilov / ZAO "POLIEKS", Perm / {/tabs}{/slide}


Modeling of steam injection into the reservoir at the field Kumsay

Aitikeyev NT {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Aitikeyev NT / Kazakh National Technical University. KI Satpayev, Almaty / {/tabs}{/slide}

Investigation of the parameters a semi-closed gas turbine unit for discharge of combustion products of associated gas into the reservoir to improve oil recovery

Astapenok VA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Astapenok VA / OOO "KogalymNIPIneft" Kogalym / {/tabs}{/slide}

Investigation of the effect of geological and technological factors on the effectiveness of physical and chemical EOR methods and their further improvement

Eliseev DY, AN Kulikov {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Eliseev DY, AN Kulikov / RSU of Oil and Gas. IM Gubkin, Moscow / {/tabs}{/slide}

Improved oil recovery in the liquidation of a linear filter in the bottom hole injection wells

VP Zakharov, Rabtsevich SA, Ismagilov, TA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} VP Zakharov, Rabtsevich SA, Ismagilov, TA / OOO "RN-UfaNIPIneft", Ufa / {/tabs}{/slide}

Advances in technology fracturing in uneven development of reserves in the example of fields in Western Siberia

Kibireva AS {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Kibireva AS / OOO "KogalymNIPIneft" Kogalym / {/tabs}{/slide}

Selection of mining technology and heavy oil technology assessment of the effect based on the use of the base field of analog

Kuznetsov AA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Kuznetsov AA / OOO "RN-SakhalinNIPImorneft", Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk / {/tabs}{/slide}

Results of testing the technology using a modified PPP dootmyvayuschego reagent to deposit Danilov

Lanin, NA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Lanin, NA / OOO "KogalymNIPIneft" Kogalym / {/tabs}{/slide}


Technology waterproofing and stimulation in the fields of RUE "PA" Belorusneft "in 2008-2009.

Gavrilenko AI, Demyanenko NA, Serebrennikov AV Salnikov, DE, Gulevich V. {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Gavrilenko AI, Demyanenko NA, Serebrennikov AV Salnikov, DE, Gulevich V. / RUE "PA" Belorusneft "BelNIPIneft, Gomel / {/tabs}{/slide}

The development of technologies for peskozaschitnyh Anastasievsko Trinity Field Zhihor PS , Vartumyan GT, AT Koshelev, Pustovoy PA

{Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Zhihor PS / OOO "NK" Rosneft "- RC", Krasnodar / Vartumyan GT, AT Koshelev / KubGTU, Krasnodar / Pustovoy PA / OOO "RN-Servis", Krasnodar / {/tabs}{/slide}

The problems solved by the use of drilled and extracted packers during workover

Kireev, AM, Svetashev NN, VN Svetashev {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Kireev, AM, Svetashev NN, VN Svetashev / OOO "Yugson-service", Tyumen / {/tabs}{/slide}

Challenges and Realities overhaul of gas wells in Western Siberia

Kustyshev AV Kryakvin DA, Kustyshev DA, Panikarovsky EV, AV Nemkov {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Kustyshev AV Kryakvin DA, Kustyshev DA, Panikarovsky EV, AV Nemkov / OOO "TyumenNIIgiprogaz", Tyumen / {/tabs}{/slide}

Technological solutions for cattle on the basis of sodium formate

Minenkov VM, Chenikova NA, Yarysh AA Zavorotny VL, IG Yavnov {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Minenkov VM, Chenikova NA, AA Yarysh / OOO "NPK" EKSBUR-K ", Krasnodar / Zavorotny VL / ZAO" HIMEKO-GANG ", Moscow / Yavnov IG / LLC" Gazprom mining Krasnodar ", Krasnodar / {/tabs}{/slide}

Isolation of water production packer layouts

Motsnyi DN {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Motsnyi DN / JSC "Kogalymnefteprogress" Kogalym / {/tabs}{/slide}

Adjustable-invert emulsion solution (RIER) for killing well

Sultanov, SA, Ibragimov, AK, AA Khakimov, Heghine SA Kazantsev, AA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Sultanov SA, Ibragimov, AK, AA Khakimov, Heghine SA / JSC "Gazprom Neft, the NIS", Noyabrsk / Kazantsev, AA / JSC "Gazprom Neft", Moscow / {/tabs}{/slide}

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(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)