"Oil. Gas. Innovations ╩№ 10/2010
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MAIN ISSUE: An integrated approach to organizing and conducting work in the field of PPP and IDN
"It is urgent to revive scientific research in the oil industry": interview with U.S. Karabalin , President of the Kazakh Institute of Oil and Gas (KING).
{Slide = details} {tab = Annotated} President of the Kazakh Institute of Oil and Gas (KING), in his interview tells about the projects with which the institution and the changes occurring in the oil and gas industry of Kazakhstan, the integration of innovative oil and gas companies in Kazakhstan. {Tab = About the Authors The authors Shalabaeva Aizhan} {tab = keywords} marine design, utilization of the sulfur deposit, "Kashagan" {/tabs}{/slide}
The maximum effect of the technologies used in the PNP and IDN
Engels, AA {Slide = details} {tab = Annotated} This article discusses an integrated approach to organizing and conducting work in the field of enhanced oil recovery and oil production intensification. Offers a comprehensive approach to dealing with the subject, based on the choice not to individual wells for processing, and problem areas - areas. Represented by a three-dimensional information-analytical system for creating and maintaining databases, building and updating the three-layered models of geological and oil and gas deposits, as well as to analyze the development of facilities or areas of large reservoirs, which used different methods of enhanced oil recovery technology. {Tab = About the Authors}, Engels, AA - LLP "Geosystem", Almaty {tab = keywords} EOR, the intensification of oil extraction, modeling, oil and gas development, software systems TRIASSIC, well testing. {/tabs}{/slide}
Development of new technologies in oil production in Kazakhstan: an interview with the founders of the group of companies "Geosystem."
Shalabaeva Aizhan {slide = details} {tab = keywords} EOR, information technologies in oil production, well test, potokootklonyayuschaya technology-based biopolymer technology of high modulus silicate composition, "Turn-key field." {Tab = Annotated} Presented best practices in PPP, conducting repairs and insulation works. {/tabs}{/slide}
DESIGN oil and gas development
The construction of operational models for the selection of objects, evaluate the effectiveness of planning and geological and technical measures
Bulygin D., Engels, A., MD Dosmuhambetov {Slide = details} {tab = Annotated} The possibility of using models to analyze the current state of development, the selection of facilities and planning for effective use of geological and technical measures. The features of the construction of rapid geological and hydrodynamic models on the example of a specific field. We present methods for determining eligibility criteria and EOR IDN, an analysis of the effectiveness of the GTM method, the example of redistribution of filtration flows. {Tab = About the Authors} Bulygin DV - Of "Delta Oil Project", Kazan Engels AA - LLP "Geosystem", Almaty MD Dosmuhambetov - JSC "Mangistaumunaigaz" Aktau {tab = keywords} Design of oil-gas fields, geological and hydrodynamic models, geologic filtration model, the analysis of the effectiveness of well intervention, the choice of objects for the GTO, the water cut wells. {/tabs}{/slide}
The dependence of the location of well spacing on the development orientation paleoruslovyh deposits
Nugiev MA, BT Muhambetov {Slide = details} {tab = Annotated} In this paper, an analysis of the wells in the horizon paleoruslah S-4S Kalamas field. Reviewed the work of development wells in two areas paleorusel. In the first case considered by the body with sand injection wells in the central part. In the second case, injection well is located outside the territory of the sand body in the area of degraded reservoir properties. {Tab = About the Authors} Nugiev MA, BT Muhambetov - JSC "KazNPImunaygaz" Aktau {tab =} Keywords: enhanced oil recovery, paleoruslovye deposits injection well. {/tabs}{/slide}
Application of multifunctional surface-active agents for oil production and transport
Kurbanbayev MI, Miroshnikov VJ, Tolokonsky SI Tolokonskaya LD {Slide = details} {tab = Annotated} We consider the appointment, technology applications, properties and performance of modern multi-functional surface-active agents that are intended to intensify the basic technological processes of oil extraction and transportation. Reagents developed by JSC "Russian Oil and Gas Research Institute. Academician AP Krylov "(JSC" VNIIneft ") together with the Institute of Oceanology. PP Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, RAS). {Tab = About the Authors} Kurbanbayev MI - JSC "KazNIPImunaygaz" Aktau Miroshnikov VJ - JSC "Exploration and Production KMG", Aktau Tolokonsky SI Tolokonskaya LD - JSC "KazNIPImunaygaz" Aktau {tab = keywords} intensification of oil production, bottomhole zone of the reservoir, synthetic surface-active agents (surfactants) {/tabs}{/slide}
Planning HBV Kalamkas
Kurbanbayev MI, Mullan, BS , Abitova A., Siziumova VN, Terina L. {Slide = details} {tab = Annotated} This article discusses a new method of optimizing the development process and download the working agents in the reservoir to achieve the increase in oil recovery factor - the water-gas impact to intensify the development of stranded reserves. The advantages of the HBV, given the preliminary criteria for the use of HBV, we consider two variants of HBV. {Tab = About the Authors} Kurbanbayev MI, Mullan, BS , Abitova A., Siziumova VN, Terina L. - JSC "KazNIPImunaygaz" Aktau {tab = keywords} hard-to-oil reserves, intensification of oil extraction, water-gas effects on the formation (HBV) {/tabs}{/slide}
Ignatenko AV Group of companies "ALSTRON": history and development opportunities
{Slide = details} {tab = Annotated} The article talks about the innovative activities of companies "ALSTRON." They have developed and introduced the technique of mechanized wells fund research without lengthy stops the equipment in order to avoid deposition of paraffin and information loss for the extraction of hydrocarbons to a minimum. This technology is currently used in all the fields in Kazakhstan. Tested and put into commercial operation method for wells, revealing several levels. In 2010, the technique of optimization of the deposit by the intensification of production wells, the redistribution of fluid flows in order to involve the development of untapped hydrocarbon reserves. {Tab = About the Authors} Ignatenko AV - LLP "Alstron", Almaty {tab = keywords} intensification of oil production, well test, on-line monitoring of the parameters of well {/tabs}{/slide}
Analysis of GIS to assess the current oil saturation factor and the identification of collectors, the changed development processes
Anisimova NA {Slide = details} {tab = Article} Annotated introduces the experience of conducting research to identify the wells are not involved in the development of reservoirs in development wells, cased column. The author argues in favor of a comprehensive approach to determining the current state of development and discovery areas not covered by the development, which should take account of GIS data to monitor the development of production and injection wells, open hole in GIS, geophysical survey in the new wells drilled on late stage of development. {Tab = About the Authors} Anisimova NA - JSC "KazNIPImunaygaz" Aktau {tab = keywords} for wells, pulsed neutron logging, the pulsed neutron-gamma ray spectrometry logging, a GIS-control. {/tabs}{/slide}
Creating a support network of observation wells with dual-purpose system with on-line monitoring
Ignatenko, AV, MG Soboslai {Slide = details} {tab = Annotated} This paper presents material on a core network technology with monitoring wells using dual-purpose on-line monitoring TSPDT (D converter of pressure and temperature). The system was tested in the fields of JSC "KMG EP". The system allows continuous monitoring of downhole pressure and temperature in the on-line and interpret these data to obtain the parameters of the reservoir and the bottom zone. {Tab = About the Authors} Ignatenko, AV, MG Soboslai - LLC "Altair╩ {tab = keywords} Trials wells, on-line monitoring of field development, digital pressure transducer and temperature (TSPDT) {/tabs}{/slide}
Analysis of the Jurassic deposits paleoruslovyh horizons Kalamkas
Krupin AA {Slide = details} {tab = Annotated} In order to identify features and patterns of formation of sand bodies of the material the author built eight cards of effective thickness, their construction was carried out by a certain method by which defined the relationship between the direction of paleoruslovyh deposits, structural elements and the position of sand bodies in within the areas of productivity. {Tab = About the Authors} Krupin AA - JSC "KazNIPImunaygaz" Aktau {tab = keywords} peleoruslovye deposits, the study of layers, Kalamkas {/tabs}{/slide}
Well testing and monitoring for the construction of a hydrodynamic model, analysis and control design
Mazhar, VA, TV Pushkin, T. Levitskaya {slide = detail} {tab = Annotated} A specific example is a hydrodynamic model and monitoring the development of one of the deposits shows approaches to well testing and monitoring, used in Gazprom Neft. {Tab = About the Authors} Mazhar, VA, TV Pushkin, T. Levitskaya - "Gazpromneft-SEC", St. Petersburg {tab = keywords} hydrodynamic investigations of wells, geological model, monitor the development of reservoirs, three-dimensional hydrodynamic model. {/tabs}{/slide}
Applying the results of well testing to refine the process of development of deposits "Gazprom Neft"
Mazhar, VA, Riedel AA, Marguerite A. {Slide = details} {tab = Annotated} In this article, on real research shows the possibility of well testing for the regulation of individual wells, as well as sections of deposits and deposits in general. {Tab = About the Authors} Mazhar VA, Riedel AA, Marguerite A. - "Gazpromneft-SEC", St. Petersburg {tab = keywords} hydrodynamic investigations of wells, hydraulic fracturing, horizontal wells {/tabs}{/slide}
Turkpenbaeva BJ Modeling the geometry and analysis of energy efficiency planar solar concentrators
{Slide = details} {tab = Annotated} This article focuses on solar power installation of the "hot box" to convert solar energy into heat by heating the liquid coolant, which then can be used for hot water and otpopleniya. {Tab = About the Authors} Turkpenbaeva BJ - JSC "KazNIPImunaygaz" Aktau {tab =} Keywords renewable energy, solar power plant {/tabs}{/slide}
Features of TVT Dobrinsky field (experience in commissioning)
Zhidkov MA, Zhidkov DA Laptev, EN, Siping AG, Namazov MO {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Zhidkov MA - Ph.D., Deputy Director General, ZAO NPP "Impulse", Moscow Zhidkov DA - MSTU. Bauman Moscow Laptev EN - ZAO "Trans Nafta", Moscow Siping AG OOO "Gazneftedobycha" Volgograd Namazov MO - SPE "EkoEnergoMash", Kazan {tab = keywords} Vortex tube Vortex tube trehpotochnye, the coefficient of throttling condensate. {Tab = Annotated} The features of trehpotochnyh vortex tubes in the installation of gas at Dobrinskaya field. Preliminary assessment parameters trehpotochnyh vortex tubes. {/tabs}{/slide}
SUPR: the experience of innovation in the market tank equipment
Dusko V. {Slide = details} {tab = Annotated} The paper presents the innovative development of the Samara plant oil tank and equipment - combined reception and distribution unit (SUPR). SUPR - the only device receiving and distributing a product which allows for fine and fine-tune the rate of supply of product into the tank. {Tab = About the Authors} Dusko V. - OOO "Samara Plant of Oil and tank equipment," Samara {tab = keywords} device acceptance of the distribution on the tank and equipment to drain the liquid-operation. {/tabs}{/slide}
Creation of underground gas storage in depleted oil fields as a basis for ensuring energy security in the region (for example, the republic Bashkort
Kotenev YA, Andreev VE, Varlamov DI {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Kotenev Y. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor GOU VPO Ufa State Oil Technical University, Ufa, VE Andreev - Doctor of technical sciences, professor, public autonomous institution "Institute of Petroleum Technology and New Materials" (Ghana INTNM), Ufa Varlamov DI - Ph.D. GOU VPO Ufa State Oil Technical University (UGNTU) {tab = Keywords} The energy resources, natural gas, energy efficiency, energy security, reef deposits {tab = Annotated} The possibility of creating a network of underground gas storage base in depleted oil fields reef Preduralskogo foredeep while doizvlecheniem residual oil reserves to ensure energy security in the region, enhance oil recovery of depleted oil fields. {/tabs}{/slide}
Technical and economic assessment of the feasibility of an innovative wave of technology in oil refining and oil production
S. Geller {Slide = details} {tab = Annotated} An assessment of prospects for the wave (discrete - Pulse) technology, processing of petroleum and petroleum products (used engine oil, fuel oil, etc.) primarily to improve the grade of oil (as in the fields and refineries) by destruction of supramolecular structures and the collapse of the long hydrocarbon molecules into shorter {tab = About the Authors} S. Geller - General Director, ZAO "Bravo Technologies╩ {tab = keywords} Petroleum, petroleum products, oil, fraction, grain size, cavitation reactor, diffusion, Generator {/tabs}{/slide}
Deep processing of hydrocarbon raw materials in-process 3K
Kryuchkov VA Derevyakin VA Petukhov, R., Petrenko, DE {Slide = details} {tab =} Annotated Experts of the plant for deep processing of heavy oil fractions talk about the process of catalytic cracking them. Kryuchkov (3K) process, which can process heavy hydrocarbon systems as native nature (heavy oil, natural bitumen) and residual (heavy oil, tar). {Tab = About the Authors} Kryuchkov, VA, Derevyakin VA Petukhov, R., Petrenko, DE - Trading house "Dawn", Vladimir {tab = keywords} method of conversion, mini-refineries processing heavy petroleum fractions, tar waste {/tabs}{/slide}
Metering Pumps: innovative design
Zuev AG, AU Dyachkov {Slide = details} {tab = keywords} oil-gas processing, metering pumps, gas hydration control, dehydration of natural gas, natural gas odorization and liquefied hydrocarbon dosing of inhibitors and demulsifiers for oil production, dosage of corrosion inhibitors, protivoturbulentnyh additives. {Tab = About the Authors} Zuev AG, AU Dyachkov - JSC "Neftemash"-SAPKON {tab = Annotated} The paper presents various design solutions dispensing equipment. {/tabs}{/slide}
Distribution plate reactors petrochemical industries. The choice of linings chopper jets
Lenchevsky VV, Suleymanov GZ, Shevchenko GV {Slide = details} {tab = Annotated} The results of experimental works performed at the JSC "RIFING," Research of the flow structure in the area between the plate and a layer of catalyst, formed by the different nozzles, and presents a selection of the optimal design of chopper jets and its location relative cut-off nozzle. {Tab = About the Authors} Lenchevsky V. - The technical director of "RIFING" Miass, Suleymanov GZ - Leading designer of LLC "RIFING" Miass, Shevchenko GV - Senior Engineer of OJSC "State Rocket Center" Design Bureau named. VP Makeyev "Miass {tab = Keywords} refining, reactor, switch plates, fluid dynamics, spreader, sprayer, fine distribution. {/tabs}{/slide}
The destruction of highly stable emulsions thermomechanical method
Khusnutdinov IS, ZABBAROV RR, Khanova AG {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Khusnutdinov IS - Doctor of Technical Sciences, member - correspondent ANRT, Head. Laboratory processing of oil and natural bitumen (PNPB) Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry. Arbuzov, GOU VPO "Kazan State Technological University", Kazan ZABBAROV RR Candidate of Technical Sciences, Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry. Arbuzov, GOU VPO "Kazan State Technological University", Kazan Khanova AG - MA, GOU VPO "Kazan State Technological University", Kazan {tab = keywords} Petrochemical, highly resistant emulsion, dehydration, thermomechanical method, a hydrocarbon product {tab = Annotated} Presented develop a universal method of dehydration, whose effectiveness is independent of the colloidal stability emulsion and its physical and chemical properties, viscosity, density, dispersion medium and dispersed phase, the presence of emulsifiers and stabilizers emulsion. The technology of dehydration vysoustoychivyh emulsions thermomechanical method. {/tabs}{/slide}
Russian technology isomerization "Isomalk-2" - the best technological solution for the production of gasoline EURO 4 and EURO-5
Shakun AN, Demidov EV {Slide = details} {tab =} Specialists Annotated research organization JSC "NPP Neftekhim" represent a new technology based on the isomerization of sulfated oxide catalyst and lead the comparative characteristics of the technologies based on the chlorinated catalysts. {Tab = About the Authors} Shakun AN, Demidov EV - JSC "NPP Neftekhim", Krasnodar {tab = keywords} refining, isomerization technology {/tabs}{/slide}
Features of the production of modern diesel fuels in the company "LUKOIL - Permnefteorgsintez"
Yakunin, V., Abramova, LV, Krylov VA Yakunin, V., Abramova, LV, Krylov VA {Slide = details} {tab = Annotated} This paper presents a hydrocracking complex T-Star. This technology is based on the processes of hydrotreating and hydrocracking of raw materials in a three-phase fluidized-bed catalytic system for its regeneration, helping to maintain the catalyst activity at high levels. {Tab = About the Authors} VI Yakunin, Abramova, LV, Krylov VA - "LUKOIL-Perm Refinery╩ {tab = keywords} diesel fuel hydrotreating, hydrocracking, gidrodearomatizatsiya {/tabs}{/slide}
X-ray fluorescence analyzer volnodispersionny low sulfur content in petroleum products' Spectroscan SW "
Rudnev AV, AV Ekimov {Slide = details} {tab = Annotated} The paper presents the latest model of sulfur analyzer - SPECTROSCAN SW, which is more sensitive to the order of magnitude higher energy dispersive analyzer sulfur. {Tab = About the Authors} Rudnev AV, AV Ekimov OOO "NPO" Spectron ", St. Petersburg {tab = keywords} refinery, X-ray spectrometers, quality control of petroleum products, sulfur analyzers {/tabs}{/slide}
Refinery Modernization
Upgrading refineries to dramatically enhance refining technologies available
Kurochkin, AK {Slide = details} {tab = Annotated} We present a simple, affordable and reliable domestic technologies of deep processing of heavy oil residues, which can in the shortest time to modernize existing oil production, and ensures increase in the production of light petrol and diesel fractions by 15-30%, which provide the depth of oil processing over 90% of any refinery. {Tab = About the Authors} Kurochkin AK - Ph.D., CEO of Project Company "SPC" Termakat ", Ufa {tab = keywords} Refining, modernization, cut, oil residues, energy costs {/tabs}{/slide}
Treatment and disposal of associated gas
Improving the effectiveness of the amine desulfurization of natural, refinery and associated hydrocarbon gas through the use of nozzles "PETON"
Mnouchkine IA, Gasanov ES, AV Komissarov {Slide = details} Mnouchkine IA, Gasanov ES, AV Komissarov - LLC "Peton", Ufa {/slide}
Upgraded smallest oil refining plant
{Slide = details} {tab = Annotated} The paper presents information on the upgraded small-sized oil-refining facility that has several advantages. For example, the cooling annulus reflux oil instead of water supplied, which eliminates clogging annulus carbonates, and therefore allows more advanced reflux effectively operate the installation. Recuperators save heat and fuel injectors, etc. {Tab = About the Authors} Kocharian SS - Company "Oil Company" K-Oil ", Krasnodar Territory, Hot Key {tab = keywords} mini-refineries, small oil installation. {/tabs}{/slide}
Treatment and disposal of associated gas
Improving the effectiveness of the amine desulfurization of natural, refinery and associated hydrocarbon gas through the use of nozzles "PETON"
Mnouchkine IA, Gasanov ES, AV Komissarov {Slide = details} Mnouchkine IA, Gasanov ES, AV Komissarov - LLC "Peton", Ufa {/slide}