"Oil. Gas. Innovations ╩№ 11/2010
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MAIN ISSUE: Equipment for the COG.
Geodynamic model of the north-eastern part of the Caspian Basin
Dzhamikeshov AM, Kerimov IK {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Dzhamikeshov AM, Kerimov IK / TOO "Caspian Energy Research", Kazakhstan, Atyrau / {/tabs}{/slide}
Hydraulic downhole motors for efficient drilling
Beavers, MG , Trapeznikov SG , Eccentrics, GF, Myalitsin NY {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Bobrov M., Trapeznikov SG, Eccentrics, GF, Myalitsin NY / OOO "VNIIBT - Drilling Tools", Perm / Russia, 614000, Perm, GSP, ul. Karpinski, 24, tel.: (342) 211-13-11 211-12-83 Fax: (342) 228-17-67 211-12-84
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This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
www.vniibt -bi.ru {/tabs}{/slide}
Cementing: Problems and Solutions
Sobolev AS, ES Degtyarenko {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Sobolev AS, ES Degtyarenko / OOO "Stromneftemash" Kostroma / 156 001, Kostroma, ul. Train station, 54 www.integra.ru tel. (4942) 627-801 Fax: (four thousand nine hundred and forty-two) 627-815 KST-STM-R
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The problem of control acquisitions in fields of Orenburg Region
Khuzin RR, Akhmetov M., Miyassarov INC. {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Khuzin RR / OOO "Carbon Oil", Almetyevsk / Akhmetov, MF / JSC "Orenburgneft" Buzuluk / Miyassarov INC. / OOO "Carbon Oil", Almetyevsk / {/tabs}{/slide}
Increased service life of the sucker rod by using additional hardware (PG, AS, CTO)
Bychkov, NA, VA Krasnov VA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Bychkov, NA, VA Krasnov VA / ZAO "ELKAM-Neftemash", Perm / 614 064, Perm, ul. Usolsky, 15, tel. / fax (342) 249-53-54
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www.elkam.ru {/tabs}{/slide}
Progressive rod drive submersible pumps *
Koloshko VP {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Koloshko VP / OOO "Onteks-Mechanics", Izhevsk / {/tabs}{/slide}
Development of the technology track been reset PW
Kryukov, VA, AA Voltsov Kryukov, AV {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Kryukov, VA, AA Voltsov Kryukov, AV / CJSC "Scientific and Technical Company" MODULNEFTEGASCOMPLECT ", Ufa / {/tabs}{/slide}
Increased throttle response at low frequency of injection wells wave processing PPP chemical reagents
Kononenko, PI, Skachedub AA Kremko AA, KK Kvitchuk, Slidenko VM , Korenyako AV {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Kononenko PI, Skachedub AA Kremko AA, KK Kvitchuk / ZAO "Renfors", Moscow / VM Slidenko / "National Technical University of Ukraine", Kiev / Korenyako AV / ZAO "Skoropuskovsky Orgsintez", Sergiev Posad / Str. 2nd Sandy, 4, tel. / fax (495) 411-51-11, Saratov, Kirova, 12, letter B, tel. / fax (8452) 734-194 info @ renfors. ru,
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, www.renfors.ru {/tabs}{/slide}
Mendeleev Chemical Reagents
Iskhakov RN {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Iskhakov RN / JSC "Chemicals plant them. Karpov," Mr. Mendeleevck / 423 650, Russia, Tatarstan, Mendeleyevsk, st. Pioneer St., 2 tel / fax: (85 549) 2-21-74, 2-26-02, 2-21-75
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This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
www.karpovchem.ru {/tabs}{/slide}
Intelligent high-speed pumping systems ESP AKM with valve actuator
Krivoshein VG Fomin, PV, EM Cheremisinov {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Krivoshein VG / "LEPSE" Kirov / Fomin, PV, EM Cheremisinov / OOO "NPK" LEPSE Neftemash "Kirov / 610 006, Kirov, October Prospect, 24, tel. / fax: (8332) 58-00-04 23-77-56 l-nm@lepse.kirov. ru www.lepse-neftemash.ru {/tabs}{/slide}
The results of controlled operating rod installation for the extraction of high-viscosity
Kozlov AA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Kozlov AA / RNTTS of "VNIIneft" Bugulma / {/tabs}{/slide}
Total control and operational control of the process of drilling oil and gas wells using an automated complex geological and technological research AIC "VOLGA"
Grigashkin GA Konovalov, AM, IG Syakaev {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Grigashkin GA Konovalov, AM, IG Syakaev / Scientific-Production Enterprise "Samara Horizons", Samara / 443 072, Samara, Moscow highway, 18 km, FOD Bldg. 4 Phone / fax (846) 278-80-27, 959-95-60
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, www.sagor.ru {/tabs}{/slide}
Intensification of oil production in late stage development Uzen
Nurpeisov NN Amanchiev RA {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Nurpeisov NN / TOO "SEC" Geoservice ", Almaty / Amanchiev RA / KazNTU. KISatpayev, Almaty / {/tabs}{/slide}
Pulse-wave treatment of injection and producing wells *
AV Shipulin {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} A. Shipulin / PhD, St. Petersburg / {/tabs}{/slide}
Experience of using potokootklonyayuschih technologies to improve oil recovery from the field Uzen
Engels, AA, Smirnov, CF, FC Pangereev {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors}, Engels, AA, Smirnov, SF / TOO "SEC" Geoservice ", Almaty / Pangereev FK / KazNTU. KISatpayev, Almaty / {/tabs}{/slide}
New technology and equipment for oil and gas welding
Beloshapkin GV Il'inykh RB {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Beloshapkin GV Il'inykh RB / OOO "NPK" NST ", Tomsk / 634041, Tomsk, ul. Kartashov, 22, Tel.: (3822) 53-00-42, +79039134065
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Magnetodynamic coagulation of particles of mechanical impurities in the gas flow
Shaydakov EV {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Shaydakov EV / Ufa State Oil University, Ufa / {/tabs}{/slide}
Gas engines from Kolomna near Moscow
VV Kalinichenko {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} VV Kalinichenko / JSC "Kolomna factory", Moscow reg., Kolomna / 127055, Moscow, st. Butyrsky Val, 26, p. 1 Tel. / fax: (495) 660-89-50 www.tmholding.ru,
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140 408, Russia, Moscow region., Kolomna, st. Partizan, 42 Supplemental Service Factory: (496) 613-89-80 Office of Marketing and Sales: (496) 613-88-13, 613-88-14 Office Supply (496) 613-89-38, fax (496) 613-80-66 www.kolomnadiesel.com,
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