№ 1 (01) 2011.


"Oil. Gas. Innovations ╩№ 1 / 2011

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MAIN ISSUE: VII International Scientific and Practical Conference Ashirovskie reading


Numerical simulation of the vibration mode of BHA in stick-slipr drilling bits

Nurgaleev AR Tikhonov VS
Nurgaleev AR, Tikhonov VS {slide = details} PDC Numerical Modeling of BHA Fluctuations at STICK-SLIP Mode While Drilling with PDC Drill Bits {tab = Abstract} We study the torsional and longitudinal vibrations of the drill string (BC), including the layout of BHA (BHA ), the relationship between them is established through interaction with the rock bit during the cutting process and due to friction. The computer program STICK-SLIP, which allows to perform calculations non-linear oscillations BC in the time domain in the "freeze-slip" bit PDC. {Tab = Abstract} The authors consider the rotating and longitudinal fluctuations of a drill column (DC), including bottom-hole arrangement (BHA), relation between which is established during the interaction between the drill bit and the rock during rock cutting process and the influence of friction. STICK-SLIP software, allowing to perform the calculations of non-linear drill column fluctuations in an intermediate area at a mode "stick-slip" of PDC drill bit has also been developed. {Tab = About the Authors} Nurgaleev AR, VS Tikhonov, Ph.D. / ZAO "Aquatic" (A Weatherford Co), Moscow / {tab = keywords} rotary drilling, modeling, drill string, torsional and longitudinal vibrations, a chisel, a computer program STCK-SLIP. {Tab = Key words} rotary drilling, modeling, drill column, rotating and longitudinal fluctuations, drill bit, STICK-SLIP software.


Experience of flysch-technology with detailed dismemberment section drilled wells

Beloborodov, VP, Gusev VV, Konovalov AA, Konovalov AN
Beloborodov VP, Gusev VV, Konovalova AA, Konovalov A.N. {Slide = details} Experience of FLISH-procedure Application and Detailed Cross-Section Segmentation of a Well Under Drilling {tab =} Abstract The technique of facies and lithological studies of sludge (flysch). A specific example proves the effectiveness of flysch-technology. {Tab = Abstract} The authors consider the procedure of waste oil facial-lithological studies (FLISH). They provide a specific example proving the efficiency of FLISH-procedure application. {Tab = About the Authors} Beloborodov VP, Gusev VV, Konovalov AA, Konovalov AN / Department of Geology and Geophysics, Samara State Technical University. Samara, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it / {tab = keywords} for wells, the method of facies and lithological studies of sludge, control of slaughtering obliquely directed plot holes {tab = Key words} well survey, procedure of waste oil facial-lithological study, direction and routing of BH in inclined section of a well under drilling.

The experience of the new compact pulsed neutron logging equipment AINK30-1TS for the study of existing wells in operation

Kirghiz DI Berezhnov VV Voronkov, LN Lifantev VA Sadykov, AR {Slide = details} {tab =} Abstract This paper describes the new hardware and methodical development of the Science and Technology Office LLC "TNG-Group" in the study of oil and gas wells using the pulsed neutron logging. Designed downhole pulse neutron generator AINK30-1TS possible to study in the working wells without stopping methods INGK, KNAM and CC for a descent-ascent. {Tab = keywords} pulsed neutron logging, neutron-activation oxygen log, gamma ray, pulsed neutron generator.

Oil and Gas Development

Hydraulics filter with longitudinal slit and circular perforations for oil and gas

Averyanov DA, SN Kantaria
{Slide = details} Hydraulics of Filters with Longitudinal Slotted and Round Perforations for Oil and Gas Production {tab = Abstract} We consider the qualitative aspects of the slotted filter with oil production, the feasibility set, deals with the flow of fluid to the slotted screen, depending on the resistance of the geometric characteristics of cracks filter. Considered separately filters with circular holes. {Tab = Abstract} The authors consider the qualitative features of slotted filter operations in oil production process, expediency of their installation, issues related to fluid inflow towards slotted filter, dependence between resistance and geometrical parameters of slotted filter. Filters with round openings are considered specifically. {Tab = About the Authors} Averyanov DA / This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , dmitriy.averyanov @ gmail.com /, Kantaria SN / SamSTU, Samara / {tab = keywords} oil and gas production, preventing peskoproyavleny, edge filter, the analysis of slot-factor mathematical model of the slit filter, the filters with circular holes {tab = Key words} oil and gas production, sand control, slotted filters, slot-factor analysis, mathematical model of filter slot, filters with round openings.

Implementation ASUDN (adaptive control systems in oil production) in the wells of "Orenburgneft"

Palandzhyants AS
Palandjants AS {slide = details} Practical Application of Adaptive Oil Production Control Systems (ASUDN) at the Wells of JSC ╚Orenburgneft╩ {tab = Abstract} We consider the latest development in the field of "smart wells" in Russia the system of "ASUDN." Alternative product management capabilities of ESP to date in Russia. Using ASUDN not only helps to get additional oil, but stabilize ESP increases MCI wells. {Tab = Abstract} The author considers the newest Russian development in the area ╚smart wells╩ - ╚ASUDN╩ system. Currently there is no Russian alternative product having the opportunities of control the operation of ESP. The use of ASUDN assists not only to produce additional oil, but by stabilizing the ESP operation, also increases the well overhaul period. {Tab = About the Authors} Palandzhyants AS / JSC "Orenburgneft" Buzuluk / OAO "Orenburgneft", Buzuluk / {tab = keywords} intelligent wells, development, operation of wells, the adaptive control system, pumping, reservoir, mode of adaptation, production rate. {Tab = Key words} smart well, development, well operation, adaptive control system, pumping-out, reservoir, adaptation mode, well production rate.

The use of pulsed neutron logging for additional exploration and development of hydrocarbon deposits control of the Samara region.

Prilipko NM, Baranowska A., Abramova, SB {Slide = details} Application Pulse Neutron Logging During Hydrocarbon Field Appraisal and Development Control in Samara Region {tab = Abstract} We consider the use of pulsed neutron logging for additional exploration and field development control in conjunction with neutron and acoustic methods. The use of geophysical researches of wells with the inclusion of a pulsed neutron logs in the study of complex profiles, at different stages of development of deposits improves the reliability of interpretation. {Tab = Abstract} The authors consider the application of pulse neutron logging during hydrocarbon field appraisal and development control in a set with neutron and acoustic methods. The use of a set of geophysical well studies together with use of pulse neutron logging during the study of wells with complications at various stages of field development increases the reliability of data interpretation. {Tab = About the Authors} Prilipko NM / Samara State Technical University, Samara /, Baranowska A. / SSC RF VNIIgeosystem, Moscow / Abramova, SB / JSC Samaraneftegeofizika ╩/ {tab = Authors} NM Prilipko (Samara State Technical University, Samara), AV Baranovskaya (GNTs RF VNIIGeosystem, Moscow), SB Abramova (OAO" Samaraneftegeophysics ") {tab = keywords} pulsed neutron logging, additional exploration , development, complex geological and geophysical data, geophysical investigations of wells (GIS), oil-saturated reservoir, the method. {Tab = Key words} pulse neutron logging, appraisal development, field development, complex of geological and geophysical information, geophysical well studies (GIS), oil-saturated reservoir, method.

Application of STEP DOWN TEST assessment to identify the causes of pressure loss due to friction

Khanzhin VE
Khanzhina VE {slide = details} Application of Step-Down Test Data as Means to Define and Prevent Near Wellbore Problems {tab = Abstract} One of the causes of premature stop pumping in the process of hydraulic fracturing (STOP) in Western Siberia is the negative impact the bottom hole well (CCD) of factors such as pore tortuosity and excessive friction in the zone of perforations. To solve this problem is carried out Step Down Test (STD), which represents a test with a step decrease in flow followed by the construction of the curve of pressure on the rate of fluid injection, which allows to identify and classify the presence of pressure loss due to friction in the CCD as a consequence poor perforations and / or the narrowing of pore channels. {Tab = Abstract} One of the reasons for premature stops in hydro-fracturing operations (STOp stage) at Western Siberia oil fields is the negative effect at well BH produced such factors like tortuosity of natural channels and excessive friction at perforations. Step-down test procedures are used to investigate this problem. this is a well test with step-by-step consumption reduction and possibility to plot the curve showing the dependence of pressure vs. fluid injection rate, enabling to define and classify pressure loss due to friction in BH area being the result of poor perforations and / or narrowing of porous channels. {Tab = About the Authors} Khanzhin VE / Samara State Technical University, Samara / {tab = Authors} VE Khanzhina (Samara State Technical University, Samara) {tab = keywords} Step Down Test, well, bottom hole pressure gradient losses, hydraulic fracturing {tab = Key words} step-down test, well, BH pressure, gradient of losses, hydraulic fracturing.

Equipment Oil and Gas Fields

A device for protection of ESP solids

CHAR AI Oparin VB, Soloshenko SV Tetikov AB
Snarev AI, Oparin VB, Soloshenko SV, Tetikov AD {slide = details} Device to Protect ESP Against Mechanical Impurities {tab = Abstract} Protection of ESP solids becomes relevant in connection with the widespread use of hydraulic fracturing and the subsequent intensification of oil production. The tasks proposed by the authors are to prevent wear of the device and the pump to protect it from contact with solids and gas. {Tab = Abstract} Protection of ESP against mechanical impurities becomes an acute issue related to a wide application of hydro-frac jobs and subsequent oil production stimulation. Tasks of the device, proposed by the authors, are pump wear prevention and its protection from mechanical impurities and gas coming inside. {Tab = About the Authors} CHAR AI, PhD, Oparin VB, doctor of sciences., Soloshenko SV Tetikov AB / Samara State Technical University, Samara / {tab = Authors} AI Snarev, Phd,, VB, Oparin, DSc, SV Soloshenko, AD Tetikov (Samara State Technical University, Samara) {tab = keywords} ESP protection solids, filter sludge trap, peskonakopitel, fracturing {tab = Key words} ESP, control over mechanical impurities, filter, slug-catcher, sand accumulator, hydraulic fracturing

Development of a method of probabilistic cellular automaton for modeling processes and equipment to oil and gas industry

Konygin SB
Konygin SB {slide = details} Development of Possible Cellular Module Procedure to Simulate Oil and Gas Processes and Equipment Operation {tab = Abstract} The mathematical methods used in engineering practice, the calculation of processes and equipment to oil and gas industry, based on the application of thermodynamic approaches and principles of continuous environment. As a new approach, a method of probabilistic cellular automaton to calculate the adjustment of acts of atomic and molecular structure of the object being modeled. {Tab = Abstract} Mathematical models used in the engineering practice to calculate the processes and equipment operation in oil and gas industry area based upon the application of thermo-dynamic accesses and principles of continuous media. The author proposes a new approach towards possible cellular module to perform the re-calculations of atomic and molecule structures of the object under simulation. {Tab = About the Authors} Konygin SB, Ph.D. / Samara State Technical University, Samara / {tab = Authors} SB Konygin, PhD (Samara State Technical University, Samara) {tab = keywords} simulation, cellular automaton, the atomic-molecular structure. {Tab = Key words} simulation, cellular automatic module, atomic and molecule structure


Formation of the requirements for systems monitoring and diagnostics of gas pumping units on the basis of statistical analysis of defects

Batishcheva OM, OA Proyaeva
Batischeva OM, Proyaeva OA {slide = details} Arrangement of Requirements Towards Gas Pumping Units Monitoring and Diagnostic Systems at the Basis Defects' Statistic Analysis {tab = Abstract} Based on the analysis of the functioning nodes pumping unit held imaging the distribution of failures, which allows us to formulate requirements to the method of construction of systems of complex diagnostics of the object. {Tab = Abstract} Basing upon the analysis of gas pumping unit operation the authors have performed visualization of failure type distribution providing the ability to formulate requirements towards the method of making systems for comprehensive diagnostics of the object. {Tab = About the Authors} Batishcheva OM, Ph.D., Proyaeva OA / Samara State Technical University, Samara / OM {tab = Authors} Batischeva, PhD, OA Proyaeva (Samara State Technical University, Samara) {tab = keywords} gas compressor unit, failure modes, system monitoring and diagnostics {tab = Key words} gas pumping unit, type of failures, monitoring and diagnostic system


Batching of high-sulfur crudes and

Degtyarev, VN, Pimenov AV
Degtiarev VN, Pimenov AV {slide = details} Consecutive Pumping of High Sulfur Content and Sour Crude {tab = Abstract} We consider the experimental-industrial batch experiment by pumping high-sulfur oil in a stream of sour crude, which showed that, consistent with a direct transfer by contacting the product of pipelines of large diameter and long distance is an effective way to transport oil from different physical and chemical properties. {Tab = Abstract} The authors consider pilot experiment to pump a batch of high sulfur content crude oil inn a flow of sour crude oil which has shown that the consecutive pumping having a direct contact of various products through large diameter trunk pipelines for long distances is an effective way to transport the oil with various physical and chemical properties. {Tab = About the Authors} VN Degtyarev, Ph.D., A. Pimenov / Samara State Technical University, Samara / {tab = Authors} VN Degtiarev, PhD, AV Pimenov (Samara State Technical University, Samara) {tab = keywords} sour crude oil, oil pipeline, the volume of the mixture, diesel fuel, oil delivery, experimental-industrial experiment {tab = Key words} high sulfur content crude oil, oil pipeline, volume of mix, diesel fuel, oil pumping, pilot experiment.

Development of a method of designing pipelines in northern regions with the use of physical and mechanical properties of frozen soils

Drynkina TN, Gusev VV
Drynkina TN, Gusev VV {slide = details} Development of Trunk Pipeline Design Procedure for Northern Regions With the Use of Soil Physical and Mechanical Properties {tab = Abstract An integrated design method} pipelines in areas of permafrost soils on the combined set of indicators of physical and mechanical properties soils derived from engineering and geological surveys. The study data, determined experimentally and calculated in accordance with regulatory requirements, allows the best use activities that reduce the negative impact of permafrost on the linear structure and ecological environment construction site. {Tab = Abstract} Comprehensive pipeline design method to be laid permafrost soils uses combined geological engineering survey data on soil physical and mechanical properties, obtained as a result of geotechnical investigations. Analysis of test data determined by the experiments and calculated according to standard requirements allows for maximum carrying out of the activities aimed at mitigation of permafrost soils impact on pipeline facilities and upon the environmental conditions of construction site. {Tab = About the Authors}, TN Drynkina, V. Gusev, k.g-Ph.D. / Samara State Technical University, Samara / {tab = Authors} TN Drynkina, VV Gusev, PhD (Samara State Technical University, Samara) {tab = keywords} design, piping, frozen ground, the physical and mechanical properties of soils, thermokarst , solifluction. {Tab = Key words} Designing, pipeline, permafrost, soil physical and mechanical properties, thermokarst, solifluction.

Valuation coordinates of defects detected during ultrasonic testing of butt welded joints.

Piluy VA
Piluy VA {slide = details} Search of Coordinates with Defects Revealed During Ultrasonic Weld Joint Control {tab = Abstract} The questions assess the origin of defects detected during ultrasonic testing of butt welded joints. {Tab = Abstract} The author considers the issues related to evaluation of defect coordinates revealed by ultrasonic weld joint control. {Tab = About the Authors} Piluy VA / Samara State Technical University, Samara / {tab = Authors} VA Piluy (Samara State Technical University, Samara) {tab = keywords} ultrasound, ultrasonic testing, flaw, depth, weld, a defect {tab = Key words} ultrasound, ultrasonic control, non-destructive test instrument, depth meter, welded connection, defect

Oil and gas

Analysis of the critical indicators of the quality of petrol and a delayed coking unit, separated from his narrow fractions

Zhavoronkova NV, Plaksina RV Petruhnova EV Konovalov VV, Pimerzin AA, Minaev, PP
Zhavoronkova NV, Plaksina PB, Petrukhnova EV, Petrukhnova EV, Konovalov VV, Pimerzin AA, Minaev PP {slide = details} Analysis of Critical Quality Parameters of Petrol Deferred Coking And Narrow Fractions Separated From It {tab = Abstract A detailed analysis} physical and chemical properties of gasoline, and separated from his faction, identifies the most "problematic" part and sensitive quality indicators, which are the main criteria for choosing the option of refining gasoline coking. {Tab = Abstract} The paper presents the detailed analysis of physical and chemical properties of petrol, and fractions separated from it, reveals most critical parts and critical parameters of their quality, which are the basic criteria while choosing an option to upgrade the petrol coking . {Tab = About the Authors} NV Zhavoronkova, RV Plaksina, EV Petruhnova / JSC "Novokuibyshev refinery '/ VV K.h.n Konovalov, AA Pimerzin, Ph.D., PP Minaev {tab = Authors} NV Zhavoronkova, PB Plaksina, EV Petrukhnova (OAO "Novokuibyshevsk Refinery"), VV Konovalov, PhD, AA Pimerzin, DSc, PP Minaev (Samara State Technical University, Samara) {tab = keywords} petrol, delayed coking, narrow fractions, petroleum refining, secondary distillates, physical and chemical properties {tab = Key words} petrol, deferred coking, narrow fractions, oil refining, secondary distillates, physical and chemical properties.

The study of physical and chemical stability and dielectric properties PAOM in long-term storage and maintenance

Naumova TI, Grigoriev VV, Surovskaya GV, Kulikov, IA
Naumova TI, Grigoriev VV, Surovskaya GV, Kulikova IA {slide = details} Stability Study of PAOM Physical and Chemical and Electro-insulating Properties in Conditions of Long Shelf Life and Operation {tab = Abstract} Presented study on changes in the quality polyalphaolefin oils the course of their long-term storage and use. Research evidence that in storage a decrease in the dielectric properties of oil due to hygroscopicity, and in conditions of storage in a specialized area (in stock) to a lesser extent than in the outdoor storage warehouse. {Tab = Abstract} The paper provides the study of changes in quality of poly-alpha-olefin oils during their long shelf life and operation. The conducted researches have shown that during their storage they reduce dielectric properties of oil as caused by their hydroscopic capacity, that their storage conditions inside the specialized premises (at a warehouse) are to a lesser degree affected by this than while storing at an open air warehouse. {Tab = About the Authors} Naumova TI, V. Grigoriev, Ph.D., Surovskaya G., Ph.D., Kulikova IA / JSC "Srednevolzhskiy Research Institute of Oil Refining" Novokuibyshevsk / {tab = Authors} TI Naumova, VV Grigoriev, Dsc, GV Surovskaya, PhD, IA Kulikova (OAO "Srednevolzhsky R & D Institute on Oil Refining", Novokuibyshevsk )

Ключевые слова

полиальфаолефиновые масла (ПАОМ), физико-химические свойства, электроизоляционные свойства, хранение, эксплуатация, негативные факторы, гигроскопичность.

Key words

Poly-alpha-olefin oil (PАОМ), physical and chemical properties, electro-insulating properties, storage, operation, negative factors, hydroscopic capacity


Кинетика испарения углеводородов с поверхности объектов накопления нефтесодержащих отходов Шкаруппа С.П., Быков Д.Е, Шупляк А.Ю, Хорина Н.В.
Shkaruppa SP, Bykov DE, Shupliak A.Yu., Khorina NV
Hydrocarbon Evaporation Kinetics from Waste Oil Storage Objects


В данной статье представлены результаты исследования процесса испарения углеводородов с поверхности нефтешламонакопителей. Получена математическая модель изотермической кинетики испарения углеводородов с поверхности нефтешлама. Поднята проблема оценки выбросов с накопителей нефтесодержащих отходов для расчёта экологических рисков.


The given paper provides the results of hydrocarbon evaporation study from the surface of waste oil pits. The authors have obtained the mathematical model of hydrocarbon evaporation isothermal kinetics from the surface of waste oils. The paper considers the evaluation of emissions from waste oil pits for further assessment of environmental risks.

Об авторах

Шкаруппа С.П., к.х.н., Быков Д.Е, д.т.н., Шупляк А.Ю., /Самарский государственный технический университет, Самара/ Хорина Н.В./ОАО ╚Самаранефтегаз/


SP Shkaruppa, PhD, DE Bykov, DSc, A.Yu. Shupliak (Samara State Technical University, Samara), NV Khorina (OAO ⌠Samaraneftegas■)

Ключевые слова

нефтешламонакопитель, испарение, риск, модель, отход.

Key words

waste oil pit. evaporation. risk. model. waste product


Особые экономические зоны и положение относительно разработки месторождений полезных ископаемых (на примере технико-внедренченской зоны Томской области и инновационного региона Рейн-Неккар)

Энгельбрехт-Зенкина З.В.
Engelbrecht-Zenkina ZV
Special Economic Zones and Regulation Related to Development of Mineral Resources (at an example of technical and application zone of Tomsk Region and Rhine-Neckar Innovation Region)


Предлагается рассмотрение особых экономических зон и их положения относительно разработки месторождений полезных ископаемых, на примере, технико-в


The author presents the consideration of special economic zones and their regulation related to development of mineral resources using an example of technical and application zone of Tomsk Region and Rhine-Neckar innovation region (Germany).

Об авторах

Энгельбрехт-Зенкина З.В. /Национальный исследовательский Томский политехнический университет, г. Томск


ZV Engelbrecht-Zenkina (National Research Tomsk Polytechnical University, Tomsk)

Ключевые слова

экономические зоны, инновационно-технологические центры, инновационный проект, энергетическое сырье, месторождения нефти внедренческой зоны Tомской области и инновационного региона Рейн-Неккар (Германия).

Key words

economic zones, innovation and technological centers, innovative project, power resources, oil fields

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