№ 2 (02) 2011.

"Oil. Gas. Innovations ╩№ 2 / 2011

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MAIN ISSUE: Environmental Risks. Industrial safety.


Typification of the geological environment to assess the degree of protection of underground water oil-regions

Ibragimov, RL, MJ Borowski, Fahrutdinov EG
Ibragimov RL, Borovskiy M.Ya., Fakhrutdinov EG {slide = details} Type-designing of Geological Environment to Evaluate the Degree of Subsurface Water Protection at Future Oil-producing Regions {tab = Abstract} to evaluate and timely action to prevent the processes contamination of geological environment in the areas where oil companies should typological zoning. Substantial assistance in the identification and prediction of the negative impact of pollution sources and halos reclaimed areas provided operational and environmentally acceptable methods of exploration geophysics. {Tab = Abstract} Type-design zoning is necessary to evaluate and duly apply the measures in preventing the pollution processes of geological environment in the areas where oil companies perform their activities. Operative and environment-friendly geo-physical procedures provide for the significant assistance in disclosing and predicting the negative impact upon the sources and pollution of the fields under development. {Tab = About the Authors} RL Ibragimov / TGRU "Tatneft", Kazan / MJ Borowski / ZAO NPO "A frame", Kazan / EG Fakhrutdinov / Kazan Federal University, Kazan / {tab = Authors} RL Ibragimov (TGRY OAO "Tatneft", Kazan), M.Ya. Borovskiy (ZAO NPO "Reper", Kazan), EG Fakhrutdinov (Kazan Federal University, Kazan) {tab = keywords} a water system, underground water pollution, protection of geological environment, geoecological environment, geophysical surveys, environmental and geophysical monitoring. {Tab = Key words} water drive system, subsurface water pollution, protection of geological environment, geo-ecological situation, geo-physical studies, ecological and geo-physical monitoring

The influence of the reservoir rocks to reduce the permeability of the well bottom zone for example Priobskoe

Sagirova LR
Sagirova LR {slide = details} Effect of Reservoir Rock Upon the Drop in Bottom-hole Permeability Reduction at the example of Priobskoye Oil Field {tab =} Abstract In this paper we examine the effect of the mineral composition of reservoir rocks in the deterioration of the permeability of the PPP. The calculation results are most likely deposits of inorganic salts to bed YULT Priobskoe. {Tab = Abstract} The paper presents the consideration of the reservoir rock mineral composition impact upon the degradation of BH permeability. The author presents the calculations of the most probable deposition of inorganic salt in YuLT of Priobsky oil {tab = About the Authors} LR Sagirova / UGNTU, Ufa / {tab = Authors} LR Sagirova (UGNTU, Ufa) {tab = keywords} of the reservoir, wellbore zone formation, scaling, diagnosis, mineral composition. {Tab = Key words} Reservoir rock, Reservoir bottom-hole, salt deposition, diagnostics, mineral composition

Biopolymer Fluids Series HBN 2010 for exploration drilling in Eastern Siberia

Shamans SA, Primakoff E., Moyse N., Moyse JN
Shamanov SA, Primakova E. Yu, Moisa N.Yu. , Moisa Yu.N. {Slide = details} HBN 2010 Biopolymer Drill Mud for Exploration Drilling in Western Siberia {tab = Abstract} The results of field data on application development company "NPO" Himburneft "on Chikanskoye, Sobinsky and South Kovykta fields in Eastern Siberia, confirming the effectiveness of the proposed bio-polymer drilling fluid systems series "HBN 2010", allowing for the nominal diameter of the barrel in salt deposits, to prevent the absorption or elimination of the absorption in combination with insulating compounds, "Himpak" exclude rapoproyavleniya and quality drilling-with preservation of reservoir properties for the well. {tab = Abstract } The authors present the results of field tests related to the application of OOO "NPO" Chimburneft "design products at Chikanskoye, Sobinskoye and Yuzhno-Kovyktinskoye fields (Western Siberia), that prove the effectiveness of the applied biopolymer drill mud systems of HNB 2010 series. They enable to get the nominal borehole diameter in salt depositions, to prevent or to control drill mud loss in combination with "Chimpack" isolating compositions, to eliminate the brine flow and to tap the reservoir with high quality preserving the natural reservoir properties. {tab = About the Authors} SA Shamans, E. Yu Primakov / Branch "Krasnodar Drilling" LLC "Gazprom", Krasnodar / NY Moisa, N. Moyse / OOO "NPO" Himburneft " , Krasnodar / OOO "NPO" Himburneft "Actual address: 350063, Russia, Krasnodar, ul. Kubanonaberezhnaya, 7, of. 502 Legal address: 350063, Russia, Krasnodar, ul. Kubanonaberezhnaya, 7, of. 502 Tel / Fax: (861) 268-54-57, 268-48-81 E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it www.himburneft.ru {tab = Authors} SA Shamanov, E.Yu. Primakova (affiliate of "Krasnodat Bureniye, OOO" Gasprom ", Krasnodar), N.Yu. Moisa, Yu.N. Moisa (OOO "NPO" Chimburneft ", Krasnodar) {tab = keywords} zone drilling, mining and geological conditions, biopolymer drilling fluids, chemicals, process parameters, exploratory drilling. {Tab = Key words} zones of drilling, mining and geological conditions, biopolymer drilling mud, chemical reagents, process parameters, exploration drilling

Ecological safety of marine oil and gas basins, and the role of the federal monitoring of the geological environment of Western Arctic Shelf in solving this problem

Shkatov M., Korneev, O., Rybalko AE, Fedorov NK
Shkatov M.Yu., Korneev O.Yu., Rybalko AE, Feodorova NK {slide = details} Ecological Safety of Offshore Oil and Gas Pools and the Role of Geological Environment State Control in Western Arctic to Fulfill This Objective {tab = Abstract} In this paper, improvement of the environmental safety of offshore oil and gas basins, and the role of the federal monitoring of the geological environment for the West - the Arctic shelf. In FGUNPP "Sevmorgeo" was drafted with the geo-ecological station graviseysmicheskim, electrometric and sedimentological modules with 12 cups for the annual collection of sediment, channel satellite communications. {Tab = Abstract} The paper considers the issues related to the improvement of ecological safety system at offshore oil and gas pools and the role of geological environment state control in Western Arctic offshore zone. "SEVMORGEO" Co. Has designed a project of a geo-ecological station with gravitational / seismic, electro-metering and sedimentological modules, equipped with 12 samplers to perform the all-year round collection of suspended matters and with satellite communication channel. {Tab = About the Authors} MY Shkatov, O. Korneev, AE Rybalko, NK Fedorov / FGUNPP "Sevmorgeo", St. Petersburg, (812) 252-67-67, fax. (812) 252-44-16, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , www.sevmorgeo.ru/ {tab = Authors} M.Yu. Shkatov, O.Yu. Korneev, AE Rybalko, NK Feodorova ("SEVMORGEO" Co, Saint-Petersburg) {tab = keywords} environmental safety, marine oil and gas basin, monitoring, geological environment, geoecological station, exogenous processes seismoacoustic study. {Tab = Key words} environmental safety, offshore oil and gas pool, monitoring, geological environment, geo-ecological station, xenogenetic processes, seismic and acoustic surveys

Oil and Gas Development

Assessment of environmental and hydrogeological situation in the mining viscous oil by thermal methods

Mingazov MN Ternovskaya IA, Petrov GI, MJ Bohr, VA Bolshov VA , Fahrutdinov EG
Mingazov M.N., Ternovskaya I.A., Petrova GI, Borovskiy M.Ya., Bolshov V.A., Fakhrutdinov E.G. {Slide = details} Evaluation of Ecological and Hydro-geological Situation During the Development of Heavy Oil Fields by Thermal Procedures {tab = Abstract} In the example of viscous oil deposits Ashalchinskoye RT hydrogeoecological summarizes studies involving geophysical methods and to assess the geological changes environment when using methods of thermal effects on the reservoir. {Tab = Abstract} At the example of Ashalchinskoye extra-viscous oil field (Republic of Tatarstan) the authors show the possibility to perform the hydro-geo-ecological studies that include the geo-physical methods, so as to evaluate the changes in geological environment while applying the thermal application procedures for the reservoir. {Tab = About the Authors}, MN Mingazov, IA Ternovskaya, GI Petrova / TatNIPIneft, Republic of Tatarstan, Bugulma / MJ Borovsky, VA Large / ZAO NPO "A frame", Kazan / EG Fakhrutdinov / Kazan Federal University, Kazan / {tab = Authors} M.N. Mingazov, I.A. Ternovskaya, GI Petrova ("TatNIPIneft, Republic of Tatarstan, Bugulma), M.Ya. Borovskiy, V. A. Bolshov / ZAO NPO "Reper", Kazan), E.G. Fakhrutdinov (Kazan Federal University, Kazan) {tab = keywords} upper part of the section, viscous oil, heat, hydro-chemical studies, geophysical methods, protection of groundwater, Neogene incision. {Tab = Key words} cross-section upper part, super-viscous oil, thermal procedures, hydro-chemical survey, geo-physical methods, protection of subsurface water horizons, neogenic section

Protection of natural resources and environmental security oil-producing regions

Faizullin IN, Borowski MY, Fahrutdinov EG
Fayzullin IN, Borovskiy M.Ya., Fakhrutdinov E.G. {Slide = details} Protection of Natural Resources and Provision of Ecological Safety in Regions of Oil Production {tab = Abstract} analyzed with modern viewpoint the protection of mineral resources and environmental safety oil-producing regions. Talk about the formation of a multicomponent geological and geophysical basis for various applications of two types based on the latest geophysical (airborne) technologies and on the basis of geological and geophysical data of the past. {Tab = Abstract} The authors analyze the contemporary issues natural resources conservation and provision of ecological safety in oil production regions. They speak about the arrangement of multi-component geological-geophysical basis with various objectives of two types: at the basis of modern geophysical (air geo-physical) procedures and at the basis of geological-geophysical materials of past. {Tab = About the Authors} IN Faizullin / OAO "Tatneft" / MJ Borowski / ZAO NPO "The frame / EG Fakhrutdinov / CFI / {tab = Authors} IN Fayzullin (JSC" TATNEFT "), M.Ya. Borovskiy (ZAO NPO" REPER), E.G. Fakhrutdinov (KFU) {tab = keywords} environmental safety, petroleum, environmental geophysics, geo-ecological mapping, the drilling process, water seepage, chemical analysis of water, late stage of operation, the geological environment. {Tab = Key words} ecological safety, oil production, ecological geo-physics, geo-ecological mapping, drilling process, water show, water chemical analysis, late stage of production, geological strata

Removal of gas from the packer in the operation of wells with leaky casing

Shaydakov VV, Shaydakov EV, Novikov, AN , Robin A., A. Stefamirov
Shaidakov VV, Shaidakov E.V., Novikov A.N., Robin A.V., Stefamirov A.V. {Slide = details} Gas Removal Behind the Packer During Operation of a Well with Non-tight Column {tab =} Abstract The paper analyzes the technical solutions for the removal of gas from the packer leaks at the column. Recommended withdraw gas at the mouth using a metal-pipe. {Tab = Abstract} The authors analyze technical solutions to remove the gas behind the packer in case with leaking column. It is recommended to transport the gas to X-tree through the application of metal-polymer pipeline. {Tab = About the Authors} VV Shaydakov, EV Shaydakov, AN Novikov / Engineering Company Ltd INKOMP-oil ", Ufa / A. Robin, A. Stefamirov / LLC" Pskovgeokabel ", Pskov / {tab = Authors} VV Shaidakov, E. V. Shaidakov, A. N. Novikov (OOO "INCOMP-neft Engineering Co.", Ufa), Alexander V. Robin, A. V. Stefamirov (OOO "Pskovgeocable", Pskov) {tab = keywords} wells, packer, leaky column casing, metal-pipe. {tab = Key words} well operation, packer, non-tight (leaking) column, casing column, metal-polymer pipeline

Removal of gas from the packer in the operation of wells with leaky casing

Shaydakov VV, Shaydakov EV, Novikov, AN , Robin A., A. Stefamirov
Shaidakov VV, Shaidakov E.V., Novikov A.N., Robin A.V., Stefamirov A.V. {Slide = details} Gas Removal Behind the Packer During Operation of a Well with Non-tight Column {tab =} Abstract The paper analyzes the technical solutions for the removal of gas from the packer leaks at the column. Recommended withdraw gas at the mouth using a metal-pipe. {Tab = Abstract} The authors analyze technical solutions to remove the gas behind the packer in case with leaking column. It is recommended to transport the gas to X-tree through the application of metal-polymer pipeline. {Tab = About the Authors} VV Shaydakov, EV Shaydakov, AN Novikov / Engineering Company Ltd INKOMP-oil ", Ufa / A. Robin, A. Stefamirov / LLC" Pskovgeokabel ", Pskov / {tab = Authors} VV Shaidakov, E. V. Shaidakov, A. N. Novikov (OOO "INCOMP-neft Engineering Co.", Ufa), Alexander V. Robin, A. V. Stefamirov (OOO "Pskovgeocable", Pskov) {tab = keywords} wells, packer, leaky column casing, metal-pipe. {tab = Key words} well operation, packer, non-tight (leaking) column, casing column, metal-polymer pipeline

APG utilization

Modular technology APG

Kiryachek VG, Gorbachev PA
Kiryachek VG, Gorbachev P.A. {Slide = details} Packaged-modular Procedure to Utilize Associated Gas {tab = Abstract} to APG in the fields of oil, it is proposed to equip the oil fields of mobile modular complexes, various amounts of associated gas. Processed products with this technology are: electricity, heat (hot water, steam) and synthetic fuels, which are the end products of diesel fuel, kerosene, gasoline, fuel environmental parameters corresponding to Euro-5. {Tab = Abstract} In order to process the associated gas at the oil fields the authors propose to equip the oil fields with mobile packaged-modular equipment sets for various volumes of associated gas. The resulted refined products are: electric power, heat (hot water, steam) and synthetic fuel with final products presented in a form of diesel fuel, kerosene, gasoline. The fuel ecological parameters correspond to Euro-5 norms and standards. {Tab = About the Authors} VG Kiryachek, / ZAO "Renfors - New Technology", tel / fax: +7 (846) 240-86-91, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it www.synfuelenergy.com/, PA Gorbachev / OOO "Borisfen-Avia", t. / f.. (495) 411-51-11 / {tab = Authors} VG Kiryachek (ZAO "Renforce - New Techologies"), P.A. Gorbachev (OOO "Borisfen-Avia") {tab = keywords} GTL, associated gas, synthetic fuel, disposal of associated gas, energy efficient, block-modular complexes, BMC. {Tab = Key words} GTL, associated petroleum gas, synthetic fuel, associated petroleum gas utilization, power supply, packaged modular sets of equipment, BMK

Model of combustion of hydrocarbon mixtures

Tazetdinov RK, VG Karamyshev
Tazetdinov RK, Karamyshev VG {slide = details} Model of Hydrocarbon Mixture Combustion {tab =} Abstract This paper attempts to investigate the combustion of contaminated gaseous hydrocarbons of headroom in the flare and the development of methodology for calculating combustion parameters - speed and diameter of the flat top. {Tab = Abstract} The paper provides an attempt to study the combustion process for polluted has fraction of hydrocarbon at the tip of the flare stack. It also presents the procedure to calculate the combustion process parameters - velocity and flare tip diameter. {Tab = About the Authors} RK Tazetdinov, VG Karamyshev / State Unitary Enterprise "Institute of Transport Energy Code (IPTER)", Ufa / {tab = Authors} RK Tazetdinov, VG Karamyshev (GUP "Institute of energy transportation problems, RB (IPTER)", Ufa) Karamyshev Victor G., Dr. Engineering, State Unitary Enterprise "Institute of Transport energy," the head. Technical Department, tel. 8-917-465-2184 {tab = keywords} burning gaseous hydrocarbons of the oxidation of hydrocarbons, the heat of combustion, combustion parameters methane-air mixture. {Tab = Key words} combustion of gaseous hydrocarbon fracture, hydrocarbon oxidizing, combustion heat, air-methane mix combustion parameters.


Technology generation of synthetic gas flowing cluster chemical reactors (PHR) on bottom of injection wells to increase oil recovery in flooded fields

Musin, IG, Novokshonov NL, Namazov MO
Musin IG, Novokshonov NK, Namazov MO {Slide = details} Procedure to Produce Synthetic Gas by a Cassette-type Flow-through Chemical Reactor at the Injection Well Bottom-hole With an Objective to Enhance Oil Recovery at Water-flooded Oil Fields {tab = Abstract} A innovative production of synthetic allowing gas to revive old oil fields inundated unprofitable highly teplogazovym way (due to production of synthetic gas and synthetic gas cyclic injection and hot water in the reservoir), to support the natural reaction of hydrocarbon synthesis occurring in the oil reservoir, and thereby increase neftegazootdachu {tab = Abstract} The proposed innovative procedure to produce synthetic gas enables to rehabilitate old uneconomic oil fields with high water-cut by the use of highly efficient thermal gas procedure (by the production of synthetic gas and cyclic reservoir injection of this synthetic gas and hot water), to maintain natural reactions of hydrocarbon synthesis that take place in oil reservoir, and finally to increase oil and gas recovery. {Tab = About the Authors} IG Musin / NPF "Energosintez", Kazan / NL Novokshonov / NPF "Energocom", Kazan / MO Prayers / OOO NPP "EkoEnergoMash", Kazan, etc. (843) 212-53-07, 212-53-04YU 212-53-05, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it / {tab = Authors} IG Musin (OOO NPF "Energosynthes", Kazan), NK Novokshonov / OOO NPF "Energocom", Kazan), MO Namazov (OOO NPP "EcoEnergoMach", Kazan) {tab = keywords} synthetic gas, synthesis of hydrocarbons, neftegazootdacha, flooded fields, chemical reactors. {Tab = Key words} Synthetic gas, hydrocarbon synthesis, oil and gas recovery, oil field water content, chemical reactor.


Industrial safety - the scientific approach

Grazhdankin AI Lazarenko BS, Pecherkin AS, Sidorov VI
Grazhdankin A.I., Lazarenko BS, Pecherkin A.S., Sidorov VI {slide = details} Scientific Approach Towards the Industrial Safety {tab = Abstract} Manufacturing foundation of modern industrial civilization. Conceived in the last century, the sphere of industrial safety was established at the turn of the century to protect the population and economy from the costs of unbridled expansion of technology into the nature of industrial accidents. Served as a warning to the 70-80s last century, when it became apparent that the complexity of technical systems develops tools used to ensure their reliability. {Tab = Abstract} Commercial production is the basis of modern industrial civilization. Initiated in the last century the sphere of industrial safety was created at the edge of the centuries so as to protect the population and the national economy against the short-comings of rampant machinery invasion into the nature of industrial collapses. 1970 - 1980 were the years of warning when it became evident that the complexity of technical systems overgrows the applied tools that provide their safety. {Tab = About the Authors} AI Grazhdankin, Ph.D., Department Head, BS Lazarenko, Head of Department, A. Pecherkin, Ph.D., Chairman of the Board of Directors / RC MI / VI. Sidorov, Ph.D., president of the group of companies "Industrial safety" / Group "Industrial Safety" / (495) 620-47-47, fax. (495) 620-47-46, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , www.safety.ru {tab = Authors} A.I. Grazhdankin, BS Lazarenko, A.S. Pecherkin, VI Sidorov ("Industrial Safety" Group of Companies) {tab = keywords}, Safety, inspection, declaration, risk assessment, licensing, the journal "Safety in Industry", a comprehensive pre-certification training and certification experts, CATI software package + risk. {Tab = Key words} industrial safety, expertise, declaration, risk evaluation, licensing, "Industrial Labour Safety" magazine, comprehensive preliminary certification training and certification of experts, CATI + risk software complex.


The method of determining the amount of recovered mineral resource

Romanov VV, Halaimov SN Kiyaschenko IV, Mishakov Y.
Romanov VV, Khalaimov SN, Kiyaschenko IV, Mishakov Yu.V. {Slide = details} Method to Evaluate the Amount of the Produced Natural Resource {tab = Abstract} The results of applying the method proposed by the TRC Ltd "EMC." The method provides a reliable estimate of the amount of oil produced. In applying the proposed algorithm, there is clarification and "restoration" of the measurements in the wells is estimated to be due to systematic errors (additive and multiplicative) as a result of more accurate measurements obtained in the collection system and training. Algorithm is approved by the Finance Ministry experts, Ministry of Natural Resources, Rosstandart RF.


The authors present the results of test procedure proposed by ООО КIP "МЦЭ■. It provides the verified evaluation of the amount of produced oil. While applying the proposed algorithm there comes the verification and the restoration of the well test data due to the evaluation of the system error components (additive and multiplicative) upon the results of more accurate measurements obtained in the system of well product gathering and treatment. This algorithm is approved by the experts of RF Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Natural Resources and Rosstandard.

Об авторах

В.В. Романов, С.Н. Халаимов, И.В. Киященко Ю.В. Мишаков /ООО КИП "МЦЭ", г. Москва, тел./факс: (495) 491-78-12, 491-86-55/ E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


VV Romanov, SN Khalaimov, IV Kiyaschenko, Yu.V. Mishakov (all ООО КIP "МЦЭ", Moscow)

Ключевые слова

метод конфлюэнтного анализа, математическая модель, объем добычи нефти, скважина, потери нефти, систематическая погрешность, занижение количества добытой нефти.

Key words

method of balancing calculation, mathematical model, amount of produced oil, well, oil loss, system error, reduction in volume of produced oil


Полимеры акриламида на защите и охране окружающей среды

Байбурдов Т.А., Ступенькова Л.Л.
Baiburdov TA, Stupen'kova LL
Acryl Polymers Protect and Preserve the Environment


В работе представлены данные о эффективности применения коммерческих полимерных продуктов ООО "АКРИПОЛ". Традиционно для реагентных способов очистки сточных вод предприятий предлагаются анионные АК 631 и катионные АК 636Р водорастворимые полимеры акриламида и катионный водонабухающий полимер акриламида АК 639. Разработаны водопоглошающие полимеры АК 639 сельскохозяйственного назначения. Для оптимизации агрохимических условий биологической рекультивации нефтезагрязненных земель рассев семян рекомендуется проводить в композиции с полимерами АК 639, которые способствуют уменьшению потери влаги из почвы и стимуляции роста растений.


The paper provides the treatment data related to the application of OOO ⌠Acrypol■ commercial polymer products. Traditionally they propose to use anionic AK631, cationic AK636R water soluble acrylamide polymers and cationic AK639 water swelling acrylamide polymer for commercial chemical waste water purification. There are also AK639 water-absorbing polymers for agricultural application. In order to optimize the agro-chemical conditions of oil-spilled soil reclamation the process of seed planting is recommended to perform jointly in composition with AK639 polymers that is good in reducing the soil moisture loss and stimulates the growth of plants.

Об авторах

Т.А. Байбурдов, Л.Л. Ступенькова /ООО "Саратовский химический завод акриловых полимеров "АКРИПОЛ" г. Саратов, т.(8452)92-97-54/


TA Baiburdov, LL Stupen'kova (OOO ⌠ACRYPOL - Saratov acryl polymer chemical plant■, Saratov)

Ключевые слова

полимеры, реагентная очистка сточных вод от нефтепродуктов, очистка от ПАВ, реагентная очистка отработанных буровых растворов, очистка почв от нефтезагрязнений.

Key words

polymers, waste water chemical reagent treatment against oil refined products and surfactants, used drill mud chemical treatment, soil treatment against oil spills

Методика восстановления нефтезагрязненных систем путем применения технологии рекультивации загрязненных нефтью и нефтепродуктами почвы и воды при помощи выделенных из аборигенной микрофлоры микробов-деструкторов ООО ╚ЭКОЙЛ╩

AV Косов А.В. , Ивасенко Д.А.
Kocov AV, Ivasenko DA
Procedure to Restore Oil-polluted Systems by Using the Soil and Water Reclamation Methods Through the Application of OOO ⌠ECOIL■ Destructing Microbes Recovered from the Native Florula


В данной работе предлагается универсальная, экономически рентабельная технология рекультивации загрязненных нефтью и нефтепродуктами почвы и воды при помощи выделенных из аборигенной микрофлоры микробов деструкторов разработанная ООО "ЭКОЙЛ" (г. Томск). Технология прошла государственную экологическую экспертизу федерального уровня и успешно зарекомендовала себя в практических условиях на месторождениях Западной Сибири и Крайнего Севера.


The present paper proposes the all-purpose and economically feasible procedure of oil and oil product spilled soil and water reclamation through the application of OOO ⌠ECOIL■ destructing microbes recovered from the native micro-florula. The procedure has passed the state ecological expertise and has been successfully applied at the fields of Western Siberia and Extreme North.

Об авторах

А.В. Косов, Д.А. Ивасенко /ООО "ЭКОЙЛ", г. Томск, т. (3822)42-07-12, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , www.ecoil.tomsk.ru/


AV Kocov, DA Ivasenko (ООО "ECOIL", Tomsk)

Ключевые слова

рекультивация нефтяных загрязнений, нефтезагрязненный участок, восстановление экосистем, нефть и нефтепродукты, штаммы деструкторы нефти.

Key words

Reclamation of oil pollutions, oil-spilled soil, rehabilitation of ecosystems, oil and oil refined products, oil destructing strains

Экологические аспекты разлива нефти на воде

Селуянов А.А., Шутов Н.В.
Seluyanov AA, Shutov NV
Environmental Aspects of Oil Spills in Water


В статье рассматриваются экологические аспекты разлива нефти на воде. Говориться о том, что независимо от масштабов разлива нефти на воде ликвидационные работы должны проводиться в кратчайшие сроки и включать три основные операции: локализацию пятна, сбор разлитой нефти и ликвидацию последствий разлива, в том числе очистку береговой зоны в случае ее загрязнения.


The paper considers the ecological aspects of oil spills into water. It says that irrespective of volumes of oil spills into water the emergency operation should be conducted in due time and should include three operations: localization of the spill, collection of oil spill and control of spill consequences, including the cleaning operations at the coastal area in case with its pollution.

Об авторах

А.А. Селуянов, Н.В. Шутов /Уфимский ГНТУ, г. Уфа/


AA Seluyanov, NV Shutov (UGNTU, Ufa)

Ключевые слова

нефтедобыча, экологическая безопасность, выброс нефти, разлив нефти на экосистему, предприятия нефтедобычи, химическое воздействие, нефтеводяная эмульсия, концентрации нефтяных загрязнителей.

Key words

oil production, environment safety, oil blowout, oil spill into ecosystem, oil production companies, chemical effect, oil-water emulsion, concentration of oil pollutants

Растение эйхорния - очистное сооружение в миниатюре и основной источник образования нефти и газа

Рыженко Б.Ф.
Ryzhenko BF
Water Hyacinth as a Miniature Treatment Facility and the Major Source of Oil and Gas Formation


С помощью плавающего водного растения эйхорнии можно извлечь из сточных вод загрязняющие воду вещества, в том числе нефтепродукты. Но самое главное, как утверждает автор, эйхорния имеет прямое отношение к происхождению нефти и газа на нашей планете.


The use of floating water hyacinth can extract from waste water the polluting substances including the refined oil products. But the most important upon the standpoint of the author is the fact, that water hyacinth has the direct relation with the origin of oil and gas on our planet.

Об авторах

Б.Ф. Рыженко /г. Ессентуки, т. (87934) 7-50-56, т. 89283455181/

Ключевые слова

очистка озер от нефтепродуктов, эйхорния, происхождение нефти.

Key words

purification of lakes against oil product spills, water hyacinth, origin of oil

Новое - хорошо забытое старое

(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)