№ 2 (02) 2011.
"Oil. Gas. Innovations ╩№ 2 / 2011
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MAIN ISSUE: Environmental Risks. Industrial safety.
Typification of the geological environment to assess the degree of protection of underground water oil-regions
Ibragimov, RL, MJ Borowski, Fahrutdinov EGIbragimov RL, Borovskiy M.Ya., Fakhrutdinov EG {slide = details} Type-designing of Geological Environment to Evaluate the Degree of Subsurface Water Protection at Future Oil-producing Regions {tab = Abstract} to evaluate and timely action to prevent the processes contamination of geological environment in the areas where oil companies should typological zoning. Substantial assistance in the identification and prediction of the negative impact of pollution sources and halos reclaimed areas provided operational and environmentally acceptable methods of exploration geophysics. {Tab = Abstract} Type-design zoning is necessary to evaluate and duly apply the measures in preventing the pollution processes of geological environment in the areas where oil companies perform their activities. Operative and environment-friendly geo-physical procedures provide for the significant assistance in disclosing and predicting the negative impact upon the sources and pollution of the fields under development. {Tab = About the Authors} RL Ibragimov / TGRU "Tatneft", Kazan / MJ Borowski / ZAO NPO "A frame", Kazan / EG Fakhrutdinov / Kazan Federal University, Kazan / {tab = Authors} RL Ibragimov (TGRY OAO "Tatneft", Kazan), M.Ya. Borovskiy (ZAO NPO "Reper", Kazan), EG Fakhrutdinov (Kazan Federal University, Kazan) {tab = keywords} a water system, underground water pollution, protection of geological environment, geoecological environment, geophysical surveys, environmental and geophysical monitoring. {Tab = Key words} water drive system, subsurface water pollution, protection of geological environment, geo-ecological situation, geo-physical studies, ecological and geo-physical monitoring