"Interval. Advanced Oil and Gas Technology "
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The results of the implementation of the PKK "GR Production Ltd.." New technologies to improve neftegazootdachi beds in various oil and gas producing regions of Russia
Manyrin VN, Cape V.Ya., Kovaleva GA, Sharipov R.Sh. {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Manyrin VN, Cape V.Ya., Kovaleva GA, Sharipov R.Sh. {/tabs}{/slide}
Terms of iron sulfide deposits in producing wells and methods to prevent sediment in the working bodies of downhole pumping equipment
Mukhametshin MM, Baymuhametov MK, Gonik, AA, Rogachev, MK, Y. Zeygman {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Mukhametshin MM, Baymuhametov MK, Gonik, AA, Rogachev, MK, Y. Zeygman / NGDU "Ufaneft", Ufa State Oil Technical University / {/tabs}{/slide}
Samarolukskie Lada - a unique example of cyclical continuity of planetary geological processes
{Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Ashirov KB, Borgest TM {/tabs}{/slide}
Scientific - technological ground, "Nedra": 21st century technology
Usachev, BP, Shashel AG, violating the VM, Ponomarev AG, a German AS {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Usachev BP, Ponomarev AG, a German AS / JSC "Giprovostokneft / Shashel AG / JSC" Samaraneftegaz "/ {/tabs}{/slide}
How much oil and gas left in the ground?
Abstract: Experts say: With regard to oil stocks recovered only a quarter of the world ... And to gas production, we can assume only just begun ... In preparing the material used the publication of the journal Oil & Gas Journal
New approaches to the problem of strength analysis of the oil industry
Kantaria SN / SamSTU / {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Kantaria SN / SamSTU / {/tabs}{/slide}