Главная Книжный магазин Разработка нефтяных месторождений Modern technology enhanced recovery of oil and high-performance evaluation of their application

Modern technology enhanced recovery of oil and high-performance evaluation of their application

Modern technology enhanced recovery of oil and high-performance evaluation of their application: a manual for students, bachelors, masters and PhD students enrolled in the direction of "Oil and Gas Business" / DG Antoniadi, AM Gaponenko, GT Vartumyan, JG Streltsov, GOU VPO "cube. state. Tekhnol. Univ. " - Krasnodar: Publishing House - South, 2011. - 420.

Shows the physical basis of thermal methods of oil field development, the mechanisms parotpelovogo stimulation, treatments parotsiklicheskih bottom-hole zones and in-situ combustion. Rassmoterny technological features of the oil by processing layer zones acid solutions, thermal, and physical effects, complicated by high deposits of hydrocarbon compounds. The estimation of the influence of thermal factors and the physico-chemical properties of the compounds on the intensity smoloparafinovyh parafinizatsii. The results of pilot tests of screw submersible pumps for oil extraction, magnetic, thermal, scraper device for removing asphalt-resinous paraffin deposits, assessed the effectiveness of their application.

The workbook is designed for students enrolled in the direction of "Oil and Gas Business" (bachelors, masters and PhD students) and engineering and technical personnel engaged in the development of oil fields and oil production.

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(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)