№ 3 (03) 2011.

Technology development by injection intra-contour well to the layers with anomalous properties of oil

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The main theme rooms: Mining stocks with hard-

Oil and gas geology

Geological and Environmental Assessment of development of hydrocarbon reserves of hard upper section of the Republic of Tatarstan

Assumption BV, MJ Borowski / JSC "NPO" A frame "/ SI Petrov, Fahrutdinov E.G

Geological and Environmental Evaluation of Hard-to-Recover Reserves Development from the Upper Cross-section Area of ​​the Republic of Tatarstan

Uspensky BV, Borovsky M.Ya., Petrov SI, Fakhrutdinov EG {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Assumption BV / Kazan (Volga) Federal University, Kazan / Borowski MJ / ZAO "NPO" A frame "/ Petrov, SI, Fahrutdinov EG / Kazan (Volga) Federal University, Kazan / Uspensky BV (Kazan (The Volga) Federal University), Borovsky M. Ya (ZAO NPO "Reper"), Petrov SI, Fakhrutdinov EG (Kazan (The Volga) Federal University) {tab =} Keywords: natural bitumen, heavy oil, Ufa tier development, natural resources and localization. Key words: natural bitumen, high-viscous oil, Ufimsky stage, exploitation, resource base, localization {tab = Abstract} The strategy of capacity of hydrocarbon resources is highly relevant for the old oil-producing regions. The Republic of Tatarstan, is considered the geological and environmental assessment of the development of hard-to-stock the top of the geological section of the sedimentary cover of platform areas. {Tab = Abstract}: The strategy to build-up hydrocarbon resources is very acute for the old oil-producing regions. Basing upon the example of the Republic of Tatarstan the authors consider the geological and environmental evaluation as related to the operation of hard-to-recover reserves located in the upper section of the geological cross-section of the sedimentary cover of the basement.

Analysis of the causes of flooding and water production technologies for study of clastic sediment deposits of the western slope of the South-Tatar arch

Khuzin RR, Miyassarov AS, Andreev, VE

Analysis of Water-cut Reasons and Substantiation of Water Shut-off Procedures in the Oil Pools of Terrigenous Sediments at the Western Flank of Yuzhno-Tatarsky Dome

Khuzin RR, Miassarov A.Sh., Andreev VE {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Khuzin RR, Miyassarov INC. / OOO "Thanks-Oil", Almetyevsk / Andreev, VE / Institute of Petroleum Technology and New Materials (INTNM), Ufa / Khuzin RR, Miassarov A.Sh. (OOO "Blagodarov-Oil", Almetievsk), Andreev VE (Institute of Oil and Gas Procedures and new Materials (INTNM, Ufa) {tab = Keywords}: highly viscous oil wells, producing formation, of highly active wells, clastic sediments, water influx. Key words: high-viscous oil, well, reservoir, well number with high water-cut, Terrigenous sediments, water inflow {tab = Abstract} analyzed with modern positions cause flooding and water production technologies for study of clastic sediment deposits of the western slope of South -Tatar arch. {tab = Abstract}: The authors from the modern stand-point analyze the reasons of water-cut provide the grounding for water shut-off procedures in Terrigenous sediments at the Western flank of Yuzhno-Tatarsky Dome.

Information Database

Database on the physicochemical properties of oils

Kozin ES Polishchuk Yu.M., Yashchenko IG

Database on physic-chemical PROPERTIES of oils

Kozin ES, Polishchuk YM, IG Yashchenko IG {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Kozin ES Polishchuk Yu.M., Yashchenko IG / Institute of Petroleum Chemistry SB RAS, 634021, etc. Academic, 4, Tomsk, Russia, Fax: (3822) -49-14-57, E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it / Kozin ES, Polishchuk YM, IG Yashchenko IG / Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, 4 Academichesky Ave., Tomsk, 634021, Russia {tab =} Keywords: database, GIS system, hard-to-oil, viscous oil, vysokosmolstye oil, oil vysokoparafinistye Key words: database, geoinformation system, hard-to-recover oils, heavy oils, viscous oils, high-resin oils, high-paraffinic oils. {Tab = Abstract} We consider the development and use of database on physical and chemical properties of oil, created by the Institute of Petroleum Chemistry. We discuss the structure of the database and issues of information display on digital maps. Some results of analyzing the properties of heavy, viscous oil vysokoparafinistyh vysokosmolistyh and from various oil and gas basins of the world, produced using the database. {Tab = Abstract}: Development and use problems of database on oil physic-chemical properties created by Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, SB RAS are considered. Database structure and problems of information representation at digital maps are discussed. It is presented some results of analysis of properties of heavy, viscous, high-resin and high-paraffinic oils from different oil-gas-bearing basins of world using the database.

Innovative design

A hydrodynamic model of horizontal oil wells

Gilmiev DR, Diamond LS, BAIS, RR

Hydrodynamic model of horizontal oil producing well.

Gilmiev DR, Brilliant LS, Baisov RR {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Gilmiev DR, Diamond LS, Ph.D., BAIS, RR / JSC "Tyumen Oil and Gas Institute╩, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it / Gilmiev DR, Brilliant LS, Baisov RR (Tyumen Oil and Gas Institute) {tab =} Keywords: horizontal shaft, modeling, numerical methods. Key words: Horizontal well-bore, modeling, numerical methods {tab = Abstract} We consider the problem of unsteady flow of fluid to the horizontal well in a collaborative system of "well-formation." The effect of energy losses in fluid flow in the horizontal section of the distribution of flow along its length. {Tab = Abstract}: The article reviews a problem of unsteady fluid flowing to horizontal well in a collaborative system of well-rezervoir. Estimated influence of energy wasting on the distribution of flow along horizontal section of well.
Grishagin AV Kologreeva TI Grishagin AV, Kologreeva TI

Features of the objects surface facilities with highly viscous and waxy oils

Design Features of Surface Field Construction Objects with High-Viscous and Paraffin Content Oils

{Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Grishagin AV Kologreeva TI / OOO "SamaraNIPIneft" / Grishagin AV, Kologreeva TI (OOO "SamaraNIPIneft") {tab =} Keywords: high-viscosity oil, mining, collection, separation, transport via pipelines. Key words: high-viscous oil, oil production, oil gathering, separation, pipeline transportation Abstract. Analyze the main technical decisions made when designing objects oilfield surface facilities with high viscosity and paraffin oil. Indicated the need for an integrated approach to address the conceptual and design problems in the design of regional development, taking into account the dynamics of oil production and water injection, physical and chemical properties of the output of existing infrastructure and location of oil facilities. {Tab = Abstract}. The authors analyze the basic technical decisions accepted during the designing of the surface oil field facilities containing high-viscous and paraffin content oil. They provide the necessity to apply the comprehensive approach towards the solution of the conceptual and design targets during the designing of regional development patterns with due dynamic consideration of oil production and water injection, physical and chemical properties of the produced product and the current infrastructure to locate the oil field facilities.

The correctness of the methods used interpretation of petrophysical data

Dulkarnaev MP, Mikhailov VN

On the Appropriate Application of Petro-physical Data Interpretation

Dulkarnaev MR, Mikhailov VN {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Dulkarnaev MR / CCI "Kogalymneftegas" LLC "LUKOIL - Western Siberia", Kogalym / Mikhailov, VN / OOO "TsSMRneft" Kazan / Dulkarnaev MR (TPP "Kogalymneftegas", OOO "LUKOIL-Western Siberia", Kogalym), VN Mikhailov (OOO "CSMRneft", Kazan) {tab =} Keywords: design of oil field development , well testing, geological and petrophysical model, petrophysical data, techniques, interpretation of petrophysical data, confluent analysis. Key words: designing of oil fields development projects, well survey, geological and petro-physical model, petro-physical data, methods to interpret petro- physical data, confluent analysis {tab =} Abstract In this paper, based on experience gained in the implementation of iterative algorithms for the construction of geological and petrophysical models for a number of operational facilities of oil fields CCI "Kogalymneftegas" [1] discusses the shortcomings and limitations of some of the standard is widely used methods of interpretation of petrophysical data. It is shown that the result of applying these techniques may be serious errors in calculating reserves and the construction of geological and hydrodynamic models of oil fields. Recommendations on how to avoid these mistakes. We describe the essence of new and improved approaches to processing and interpretation of petrophysical data to be applied in the design of innovative development of oil fields. {tab = Abstract}: The paper basing upon the practical experience gained during the application of the iteration algorithms while building geological and petro-physical model for several production objects at the oil fields of TPP "Kogalymneftegas" (1) describes the drawbacks and restrictions allocated to some commonly applied methods of petro-physical data interpretation. They show that the results of this model application may bring severe mistakes during the estimation of the reserves and designing the geological and hydrodynamic field models. The authors provide the recommendation on elimination of such mistakes. They give the essence of the new updated approaches towards petro-physical data processing and interpretation that should be applied during the innovative oil field development designing.

Development of oil and gas fields

Possibilities and limitations of some nonthermal methods of field development with viscous oil

Zakharov B.P., Ismagilov TA, Makatrov AK, Iksanov IM, Thelin AG, Diyashev RN

Possibilities and Limitations Related to the Application of Several Non-thermal Heavy-oil Field Development Procedures

Zakharov VP, Ismagilov TA, Makatrov AK, Iksanov IV, Telin AG, Diyashev RN {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} B.P. Zakharov, Ismagilov TA, Makatrov AK, Iksanov IM ., Thelin AG, Diyashev RN / Volga-Kama Regional Branch of RANS / Zakharov VP, Ismagilov TA, Makatrov AK, Iksanov IV, Telin AG, Diyashev RN (The Volga-Kama Regional branch of RAES) {tab =} Keywords: mining, non-thermal methods of oil displacement , an agent of repression, supplement, viscous oil. Key words: oil field development, non-thermal methods, oil displacement, displacing agent, active additive, viscous oil {tab = Abstract} In the present study shows that the priority of the nature of the active agent in the flooding deposits of viscous oil is due to strict observance of the criteria and limits of applicability. Techno-economic performance of projects can be significantly improved by optimizing the parameters of the laboratory "of oil displacement efficiency" and "composition of the agent of repression╩. {Tab = Abstract}. The presented paper shows that the priority in applying the active additives during viscous-oil field water -flooding is defined by the proper observation of the application criteria and limitations. The feasibility project indices may be significantly increased during the lab parameter optimization as related to "oil displacement efficiency" and "composition of displacing agent".

Operating well stock - second wind

Kirillov, A., Urusov SA Korchagin, VF, AV Lisyak

New Life to Operating Wells

Kirillov AV, Urusov S.A., Korchagin VF, Lysiakov A.V. {Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} A. Kirillov / Mid-Volga Region Department of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, Samara / Urusov SA / JSC "Samaraneftegaz", Samara / Pavel VF / Servisneftegaz LLC ", Samara / Lisyak AV / Samara expedition on the test bed, Samara / Kirillov AV (Sredne-Volzhsky branch of Federal Department on Environmental, Technological and Atomic Supervision, Samara), Urusov S.A . (JSC "Samaraneftegas", Samara), Korchagin VF (OOO "Serviceneftegas", Samara), Lysiakov A.V. (Samara reservoir test expedition, Samara) {tab =} Keywords: Drilling, Production casing, a depression in the deep wells, the interval of reservoir oil saturation, punch, tube-frame perfosistemy. Key words: drilling, production string, depression in deep wells, reservoir interval, oil saturation, perforator, pipe and cage perforation system {tab =} Abstract This article analyzes the experience of audit and further study of geological features of mature fields, the analysis of factual data for the previous GIS years, re-interpretation, classification and synthesis by individual wells, which helps to identify the range of tasks, which together help to find existing well stock a "second wind". {Tab = Abstract}: The paper provides the analysis of the experience and additional survey of geological features of the mature oil fields, analysis of actual well survey data for the previous years, re-interpretation, systematic approach and generalization of the materials by individual wells that rounds up the sphere of the issues and could give the second life to the presently operated wells.

Intensification of oil through the use of new technology to reduce its viscosity.

Marcus Faust, Thomas Veazers

New Viskosity Reducer Technology Improves Heavy Oil Production

Marcus Faust, Thomas Weathers, Ramon Parra {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Marcus Faust, Thomas Veazers, Raymond Parra (company ╚NALCO╩, USA,) Marcus Faust, Thomas Weathers, Ramon Parra (╚NALCO╩ Company, USA) {tab = Keywords}: heavy oil, particulate technology, chemical agents, emulsifying agent, chemical engineering, test well, an activator of dispersion, the installation of the separator. Key words: heavy oil, dispersion process, chemical reagent, emulsifying agent, chemical procedure, test well, dispersion activator, separation unit {tab =} Abstract The article describes a new technology to reduce the viscosity and increases production of heavy oil. The use of dispersed downhole technology creates new opportunities for more efficient production and transportation of heavy oil, with no risks with the difficult process of separating oil and water. {Tab = Abstract}: The authors present the new procedures to reduce the heavy oil viscosity and to increase its production. The application of dispersion well-bore procedure creates new possibilities for more effective heavy oil production and transportation without any risks allocated to the complex oil / water separation process.

Deformation phenomena in anthropogenic impact on the productive formations: facts and prognostic evaluation

Mukhametshin RZ , Borovsky MJ, Bogatov VI

Deformation Features in Case with Technogenic Effect Upon the Reservoir: Facts and Evaluation Predict

Mukhametshin RZ, Borovsky M. Ya, Bogatov VI {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Mukhametshin RZ / OOO "Neftegazkonsalt" / MJ Borowski, Bogatov VI / ZAO "NPO" Reference point ╩/ Mukhametshin RZ (OOO" Neftegasconsult), Borovsky M. Ya, Bogatov VI (ZAO "NPO Reper") {tab =} Keywords: hard-to-oil, clay-containing reservoirs, carbonate reservoirs, man-made processes prediction of deformation phenomena, geophysical methods of exploration. Key words: heard-to-recover oil reserves, clay reservoirs, Carbonate reservoir, technogenic processes, deformation feature prediction, geo-physical survey methods. {Tab = Abstract} In the case RT fields considered deformation processes that occur during operation of productive strata, including the use of secondary and tertiary oil recovery enhancement. To predict the deformation phenomena is recommended to use the methods of exploration geophysics, the technology which should provide dense observation systems, and detailed petrographic and mineralogical analysis of reservoir rocks. {Tab = Abstract}. Basing upon the examples taken at the Republic of Tatarstan, the authors consider the deformation processes that appear during the process of reservoir operation, including the ones with secondary and tertiary EOR procedures. While predicting the deformation effects the authors recommend the use of exploration geo-physic methods that should contain the tough system of observations and detailed petrographic-mineralogical analysis of the reservoir rock.

PTOS technology, physics, process, application experience, the principles of modeling

Ozhgihina MP, Antipin M. Ozhgikhina, MP, Antipin MA {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Ozhgihina MP, Antipin MA / JSC "Tyumen Oil and Gas Institute", Tyumen / Ozhgikhina, MP, Antipin MA ( ZAP "Tyumen Institute of Oil and Gas", Tyumen) PTOS-procedure: Physics, Application Procedure, Simulation Principles {tab = Keywords}: heavy oil, natural bitumen, bottom-hole zone wells paroteplovoe impact on the reservoir, hydrodynamic modeling of nonisothermal. Key words: heavy oil, natural bitumen, near well-bore area, steam cyclic effect, hydro-dynamic non-thermal simulation {tab =} Abstract The paper presents the analysis of the effectiveness of one of the methods of thermal development of oil fields with highly viscous oil - processing paroteplovoy face zone of boreholes (PTOS). {Tab = Abstract}. The paper presents the effective application analysis of one of the thermal high-viscous oil field development procedures - cyclic steam treatment of the well bottom-hole.

Experience in implementation of joint development of technologies of several horizons LLC "SP-Bars" in the oil producing companies in Russia

Pariychuk NI

Experience in Practical Application of OOO "SP-BARS" Joint Development Procedures for Several Oil Reservoirs in Various Oil

Pariychuk NI-producing Companies of Russia {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Pariychuk NI / OOO "SP-Bars╩ / Pariychuk NI (OOO "SP-BARS") {tab = Keywords}: well, oil and hard-to-stock, elektropaker, water content, downhole pumping, fluid flow rate Key words: well, oil production, hard-to-recover reserves, electric well packer, water-cut, pumping inside the well, fluid production rate {tab = Abstract} presents the results of the implementation of joint development of technologies of several horizons LLC "SP - Bars" in the oil producing companies in Russia. Shows the experience in developing heavy oil deposits, stable emulsion and high gas content in the wells, mechanical impurities, salts, and paraffin. Tailored to individual requirements, all of circuit layouts have received deserved recognition on the part of the customer. {Tab = Abstract}. The paper presents the application of OOO "SP-BARS" joint development procedures for several oil reservoirs in various oil-producing companies of Russia. The authors give illustrate the practical experience in viscous oil filed development, containing stable emulsion, high gas content in wells, solids, salts and asphalt / wax / paraffin sediments. All equipment arrangement pattern designed in due consideration with specific requirements have deserved recognitions on the behalf of the Clients.

Development of high-viscosity oil pool, with an active water drive.

Sazonov, BF, Ponomarev AG, EK Solozhenkin EK

Development of High-viscous Oil Pools Possessing Active Water Drive

Sazonov BF, Ponomarev AG, Solozhenkina EK {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Sazonov, BF, Ph.D., AG Ponomarev, Ph.D., EK Solozhenkin EK / OOO "Technological Center" BF Sazonov, "Samara / Sazonov BF, PhD, Ponomarev AG, DSc, Solozhenkina EK (OOO" Technological Center of BF Sazonov ", Samara) {tab = Keywords}: highly viscous oil , water drive, horizontal wells, vertical displacement of oil by water. Key words: high-viscous oil, water drive, horizontal wells, vertical oil displacement by water Abstract. We consider technology to significantly improve the efficiency of development of deposits of high-viscosity oil in water drive. The experience of the development of oil deposits in the reservoir B2 (CI) Ozerkinskogo field, where the displacement of heavy oil carried across the strata, in combination with horizontal technology {tab = Abstract}. The authors consider the procedures that enable to improve significantly the high-viscous oil pool development efficiency using water active drive. They provide the description of oil pool development in pay B2 (C-1) of Ozeorkinskoye field, where high-viscous oil was displaced across the pay zone, in combination with horizontal procedures.

Development and application of integrated effects technology for bottom-hole zone wells

Titov VE, Roshchin PV

Development and Application of Comprehensive Effective Procedure Upon the Well Bottom-hole

Titov VE, Roschin PV {slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Titov VE, Roshchin PV /Самарский государственный технический университет, г. Самара/ Titov VE , Roschin PV (Samara State Technical University, Samara)

Ключевые слова

: трудноизвлекаемые запасы нефти, интенсификация добычи нефти, обработка призабойной зоны скважин, карбонатные трещинно-поровые коллекторы, реагенты, карбоновые кислоты, поверхностно-активные вещества Key words: hard-to-recover oil reserves, oil production stimulation, well BH treatment, Carbonate fractured / porous reservoirs, reagents, carbonic acids, surfactants Аннотация. Рассмотрены условия применения обработок призабойной зоны скважин на различных этапах эксплуатации. Предложена технология, обеспечивающая комплексное воздействие на призабойную зону скважин и на пластовую систему в целом, обеспечивающая интенсификацию добычи нефти.


. The paper considers the well BH treatment application conditions at various stages of well operation. The authors propose the procedure that ensures the comprehensive effect upon the BH zone and reservoir system in general and provides the intensified oil recovery.

Применение соляной кислоты для обработки призабойных зон скважин вскрывших карбонатный трещинно-поровый коллектор

Титов В.Е., Рощин П.В.

Application of Hydrochloric Acid for Well BH Treatments that Discover Carbonate Fracture-porous Reservoirs

Titov VE , Roschin PV
{tab=Об авторах} Титов В.Е., Рощин П.В. /Самарский государственный технический университет, г. Самара/ Titov VE , Roschin PV (Samara State Technical University, Samara)

Ключевые слова

: трудноизвлекаемые запасы нефти, вязкая нефть, карбонатные коллекторы, соляно-кислотная обработка призабойных зон скважин Key words: hard-to-recover oil reserves, viscous oil, Carbonate reservoirs, Hydrochloric acid bottom-hole treatment Аннотация. Анализируются условия применения соляной кислоты для обработки призабойных зон скважин, вскрывших карбонатный коллектор. Оценивается значение некоторых основных параметров процесса, влияющих на его эффективность.


. The authors analyze the application conditions of hydrochloric acid treatments for well bottom-holes that discover Carbonate reservoirs. They evaluate the significance of several major process parameters influencing the process efficiency.

К вопросу оптимальной глубины обезвоживания высоковязких нефтей

Гришагин А.В., Калинина О.С., Мелошенко Н.П., Шерстникова Ю.Е.

Optimum Depth of High-viscous Oil Dewatering

Grishagin AV, Kalinina OS, Meloshenko NP, Sherstnikova Yu.E.
{tab=Об авторах} Гришагин А.В., Калинина О.С., Мелошенко Н.П., Шерстникова Ю.Е. /ООО ⌠СамараНИПИнефть■/ Grishagin AV, Kalinina OS, Meloshenko NP, Sherstnikova Yu.E. (OOO ⌠SamaraNIPIneft■)

Ключевые слова

: обезвоживание водонефтяных эмульсий, реологические свойства нефтей и нефтяных эмульсий, динамическая и кинематическая вязкость, температура застывания. Key words: dewatering of water-oil emulsions, rheological properties of oil and oil emulsions, dynamic and kinetic viscosity, solidification temperature Аннотация. Приведены результаты исследования физико-химических и реологических свойств обычных угленосных и аномальных девонских нефтяных эмульсий различной остаточной обводненности с высокой температурой застывания (+36оС) после обезвоживания и подготовки к транспорту. Целью работы является наработка экспериментальных данных, необходимых при разработке рекомендаций для обезвоживания и надежного трубопроводного транспорта нефти с такими же или аналогичными свойствами.


. The authors present the results of physical/chemical and rheological studies with ordinary Carbonate and abnormal Devonian oil emulsions of various residual water content with high temperature of solidification (+36оС) after dewatering and further treatment for transportation. The objective of the present paper is the accumulation of the experimental data required for the development recommendations for oil dewatering and reliable oil pipeline transportation with the same or similar properties.

Разработка интенсифицирующих устройств для процесса подготовки сверхвязких нефтей (природных битумов)

Крюков В.А., Вольцов А.А., Мухамадеев Р.У., Судыкин С.Н., Губайдуллин Ф.Р.

Designing of Stimulation Devices to be Used in Super-viscous Oil (Natural Bitumen) Treatment Processes

Kriukov VA, Voltsov AA, Mukhamadeev RU, Sudykin SN, Gubaidulling FR
{tab=Об авторах} Крюков В.А., Вольцов А.А., Мухамадеев Р.У. /ЗАО НТК "МодульНефтеГазКомплект"/ Судыкин С.Н., Губайдуллин Ф.Р. /ТатНИПИнефть/ Kriukov VA, Voltsov AA, Mukhamadeev RU (ZAO NTC ⌠ModuleNefteGasComplect), Sudykin SN, Gubaidulling FR (⌠TatNIPIneft■)

Ключевые слова

: высоковязкая нефть, природные битумы, водонефтяная эмульсия, паро-гравитационный дренаж, эффективный адсорбент, цикл адсорбции, режим эффективной регенерации. Key words: high-viscous oil, natural bitumen, water-oil emulsion, SAGD process, effective adsorbent, absorption cycle, effective regeneration mode Аннотация. Представлены результаты применения технологии интенсификации подготовки сверхвязкой нефти Ашальчинского месторождения разработанной и реализованной Научно-технической компанией "МодульНефтеГазКомплект" и "ТатНИПИнефть". Результаты внедрения технологии и устройств НТК "МодульНефтеГазКомплект" показали эффективность предлагаемой технологии.


. The authors present the application results of super-viscous oil stimulating treatment procedure that was applied at Ashalchinskoye field/ this procedure was developed by ⌠ModuleNefteGasComplect■ Scientific & Research Company and ⌠TatNIPIneft■ Company. The procedure and equipment application results designed by ⌠ModuleNefteGasComplect■ have shown the effectiveness of the proposed procedure.

Стратегические конкурентные преимущества в управлении активами нефтяных компаний

Spade AV

Strategic Competitive Advantages in Managing the Assets of Oil Companies

Zastupov AV
{tab=Об авторах} Заступов А.В. /Самарский государственный экономический университет, г. Самара/ Zastupov AV (Samara State Economic University, Samara) {tab=Об авторах}

Ключевые слова

. Ресурсный потенциал; геологоразведочные работы; управление активами; эффективная стратегия; конкурсы и аукционы; трудноизвлекаемые запасы; нефтеотдача; конкурентные преимущества Key words: Resource potential, geo-exploration works, asset management, effective strategy, tenders and auctions, hard-to-recover reserves, oil recovery, competitive advantages {tab=Аннотация} В условиях снижения ресурсного потенциала новых месторождений, выставляемых на конкурсы и аукционы, такая форма покупки запасов особенно выгодна для небольших фирм, поскольку крупные компании не интересуются малыми месторождениями. Что касается приращения запасов в результате геологоразведочных работ, то такая стратегия увеличения стоимости нефтегазовых активов является одной из самых капиталоемких. Наиболее эффективной представляется комплексная стратегия управления активами нефтяной компании. Компания, первой сумевшая выработать такую стратегию, сможет воспользоваться конкурентными стратегическими преимуществами предлагаемых форм управления активами.


. In conditions when the resource potentials of the new fields presented for the tenders and auctions are reducing, such format of resource acquisition becomes especially beneficial for small-sized firms as the larger-sized companies are not interested in small oil fields. What relates the resource build-up as a result of geo-exploration activities, such a strategy to increase the cost of oil and gas assets is one of the most capital-intensive. The most effective strategy is presented by the comprehensive management of oil company assets. The Company that was the first to develop such a strategy can use these viable strategic advantages of the proposed formats in asset management.

Читайте в следующем номере

Скважинная компоновка с устьевым устройством гидроимпульсного воздействия СК-УСН-ГИГ и ее применение

Внедрение единой системы контроля и управления производством ГРП на этапах планирование-добыча, как фактор повышения качества разработки месторождений

Исследования  наножидкостей для мун. Перспективы развития

Новости отрасли

«Национальная компьютерная корпорация» представила новое направление для промышленной автоматизации ─ реинжиниринг АСУТП

7 ноября 2024 года в конгресс-центре «Петроконгресс» состоялась ежегодная конференция «САПР-Петербург 2024», посвящённая насущным проблемам импортозамещения с примерами конкретных решений на базе собственных разработок ГК «САПР-Петербург»

Вниманию специалистов

«Инжиниринговые решения в нефтегазодобыче: современные вызовы и возможности»

Новое - хорошо забытое старое

(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)