"Oil. Gas. Innovations ╩№ 4 / 2011
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Main Theme: Geology and geophysics of oil and gas
Exploration for oil and gas
Borowski MJ, Bogatov VI, VG Mavrichev Fakhrutdinov EG Borovskiy M.Ya., Bogatov VI, Mavrichev VG, Fakhrutdinov EG
Identification of oil and gas potential of the Moscow syneclise based on modern technologies for processing and interpreting geophysical data of past years
Identification of Oil and Gas Perspectives in Moscow Syneclise Basing Upon the Present Day Procedures to Treat and to Interpret the Geological Materials of the Past
{Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Borowski MJ, Bogatov VI / "NPO" A frame ", Kazan / Mavrichev VG / FGU NPP" Exploration ", St. Petersburg / Fakhrutdinov EG / Kazan Federal University, Kazan / Borovskiy M.Ya. , Bogatov VI / ZAO "NPO" Reper ", Kazan /, Mavrichev VG / FGU NPP" Geologorazvedra ", Saint-Petersburg /, Fakhrutdinov EG / Kazan Federal University, Kazan / {tab = keywords} prediction, search, outlook, oil , Moscow syneclise, geophysical methods, gravimetric, electrical exploration, VES, gradient. {Tab = Key words} Prediction, search, perspectives, oil, Moscow syneclise, geophysical methods, gravity survey, resistivity prospecting, VES survey, gradient {tab = Abstract} is proposed in light of new ideas about the physical and geological model of the hydrocarbon deposits of geophysical data review prior work, we used data of near-surface electrical exploration, from the perspective of creating an effective framework oil and gas areas of research. {Tab = Abstract} The authors propose in view of the modern knowledge on physical and geological model of hydrocarbon deposit to reconsider geo-physical data of the previously performed jobs, primarily the data from shallow resistivity prospecting from a position to arrange the effective basis for possible directions in oil and gas exploration studies.