№ 4 (04) 2011.

"Oil. Gas. Innovations ╩№ 4 / 2011

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Main Theme: Geology and geophysics of oil and gas

Exploration for oil and gas

Borowski MJ, Bogatov VI, VG Mavrichev Fakhrutdinov EG Borovskiy M.Ya., Bogatov VI, Mavrichev VG, Fakhrutdinov EG

Identification of oil and gas potential of the Moscow syneclise based on modern technologies for processing and interpreting geophysical data of past years

Identification of Oil and Gas Perspectives in Moscow Syneclise Basing Upon the Present Day Procedures to Treat and to Interpret the Geological Materials of the Past

{Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Borowski MJ, Bogatov VI / "NPO" A frame ", Kazan / Mavrichev VG / FGU NPP" Exploration ", St. Petersburg / Fakhrutdinov EG / Kazan Federal University, Kazan / Borovskiy M.Ya. , Bogatov VI / ZAO "NPO" Reper ", Kazan /, Mavrichev VG / FGU NPP" Geologorazvedra ", Saint-Petersburg /, Fakhrutdinov EG / Kazan Federal University, Kazan / {tab = keywords} prediction, search, outlook, oil , Moscow syneclise, geophysical methods, gravimetric, electrical exploration, VES, gradient. {Tab = Key words} Prediction, search, perspectives, oil, Moscow syneclise, geophysical methods, gravity survey, resistivity prospecting, VES survey, gradient {tab = Abstract} is proposed in light of new ideas about the physical and geological model of the hydrocarbon deposits of geophysical data review prior work, we used data of near-surface electrical exploration, from the perspective of creating an effective framework oil and gas areas of research. {Tab = Abstract} The authors propose in view of the modern knowledge on physical and geological model of hydrocarbon deposit to reconsider geo-physical data of the previously performed jobs, primarily the data from shallow resistivity prospecting from a position to arrange the effective basis for possible directions in oil and gas exploration studies.
Gololobov JN Gololobov Yu.N.

Hydrocarbon resources of the deep basins of water areas - significant reserves or illusion?

Hydrocarbon Resources in Deep Ocean Pools - Any Significant Resources or Just Illusions

{Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Gololobov JN, KG-PhD / FGU NPP "Sevmorgeo", St. Petersburg / Gololobov Yu.N. PhD / FGU NPP ╚Sevmorgeo╩, Saint-Petersburg / {tab = keywords} relict oceanic basins, collision, gravitational folding, olistostromes, landslide, paragenesis folds and tear, thrust, discharge, hydrocarbons. {Tab = Key words} relict ocean pool, collision, gravity folding, olistostrome, landfall, paragenesis of the folds and faults, overstep, down-throw, hydrocarbons {tab =} Abstract Comparative analysis of the geological structure of modern and ancient (buried) relict oceanic basins indicates that they are made consistent gravitational sedimentation near-tectonic complexes, corresponding to the phases of syn-and postcollisional development of these basins. Sinkollizionnye paragenetic Education (olistostromovye, landslide-fold), turbidites, and scaly-thrust dislocations of the inversion phase of oil exploration basins are of interest, but are characterized by spatial inconsistency and require focused study, including non-seismic methods. {Tab = Abstract} Comparative analysis of geological structure in modern and ancient (buried) relict ocean pools show, that they are composed by the alteration of a set of gravitational sedimentary / tectonic structures that correspond to the stages of syn-and post-collision development of these pools. Syn-collision paragenetic sediments (olistostrome, landfalls and folds) turbidites as well as scaly and overstepping dislocations of inversion stage in pool development posses an interest in oil and gas search, but are characterized by regional heterogeneity and require some focused study including the one by non-seismic methods.
Levashov SP, Yakimchuk N., Korchagin IN, Prilukov VV, Yakimchuk JN Levashov SP, Yakymchuk NA, Korchagin IN, Prilukov VV, Yakymchuk Ju.N.

Detection and mapping of geoelectric methods anomalies such as "reservoir of hydrocarbons" in the fault zones of crystalline arrays

The deposit type anomalies revealing and mapping by geoelectric methods in fracture zones of crystalline massifs

{Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Levashov SP, Yakimchuk NA / Institute of Applied Ecology, Geophysics and Geochemistry, Centre for Management and Marketing in the field of earth sciences at IGS NASU, Kiev, Ukraine / Korchagin IN / Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine / Prilukov VV , Yakimchuk YN / Center for Management and Marketing in the field of earth sciences at IGS NASU, Kiev, Ukraine / {tab = keywords} Geoelectric shooting, elektrorezonansnoe sensing anomaly type deposit, gas, gas condensate, hydrocarbon accumulation, fault zone, the crystalline array, the foundation {tab = Key words} Geoelectric survey, electric-resonance sounding, deposit type anomaly, gas, gas-condensate, hydrocarbon accumulation, fracture zone, crystalline massif, basement {tab = Abstract} The results of experimental use in 2009 geoelectrical methods of formation of short electromagnetic field (SCIP) and the vertical elektrorezonansnogo sounding (VERS) (Express technology SKIP-VERS) in local areas in the northern part of the Ukrainian crystalline shield. Areal survey by SCIP in the area of ​​work identified and mapped four zones of anomalous geoelectric type gas accumulation (condensation) of the area for over 90 km2. Within one of the anomalies of the depth of the abnormally polarized layers (APP) such as gas and gas condensate defined sensing VERS. Anomalous zones are fixed within the major tectonic disturbances. Results of experiments show that the technology SKIP-VERS can be used for exploration and prospecting of hydrocarbon accumulations in crystalline arrays in tectonically disturbed (fault) zones of the crystalline basement. {Tab = Abstract} The experience of experimental application in 2009 of geoelectric methods of forming short-pulsed electromagnetic field (FSPEF) and vertical electric-resonance sounding (VERS) (FSPEF-VERS express-technology) on the local areas in the northern part of Ukrainian crystalline shield are given. The four anomalous geoelectric zones of over 90 km2 area of ​​gas (gas-condensate) type were revealed and mapped on investigation area by FSPEF method survey. The bedding depths of the anomalous polarized layers (APL) of gas and gas-condensate type were determined by VERS sounding within one anomaly area. The anomalous zones were fixed within large-scale tectonic fractures. The experiment results testify of practical possibility of the FSPEF-VERS technology using for the hydrocarbon accumulations exploration and prospecting in crystalline massifs and tectonically fractured zones of crystalline basement.
Yulbarisov IM Yulbarisov EM, Barykin IV Yulbarisov IM, Yulbarisov EM, Barykin IV

In the Orel-horizon Bymsko Kungurskaya basin is open "rukavoobraznaya" deposit

New Sleeve-Shape Oil Pool is Discovered in Orlovsky Horizon of Bymsko-Kungursky Depression

{Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Yulbarisov IM Yulbarisov EM, Barykin IV / ZAO "Ingeoholding", Ufa / Yulbarisov IM, Yulbarisov EM, Barykin IV (ZAO "Ingeoholding", Ufa) {tab = keywords} oil and gas complex (OGC), an abnormally low reservoir pressure (ANPD), a test bed for the pipes (IPT). {Tab = Key words} Oil and gas bearing structures, abnormally low formation pressure, drillstem tester {tab =} Abstract Despite the high degree of geological exploration of oil-bearing Paleozoic Republic of Bashkortostan, the prospects for the discovery of new hydrocarbon pools in traditional oil regions of the country have been exhausted. This is confirmed by the achievements of the so-called Archives of Geology and successful search for oil in remote areas, implemented with the full range of modern methods of research and forecasting. {Tab = Abstract} In spite of high level of geological knowledge on oil-bearing Palaeozoic structures at the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the perspectives to discover new hydrocarbon reserves in traditional oil-production regions of the Republic are not yes finalized. This is verified by the achievements of the so-called archival geological data and successful oil discoveries in the remote areas performed through the application of the complete set of modern oil survey and prediction methods.

Geophysical work in oil and gas

SG Bychkov SG, Mityunin IJ Bychkov SG, Mityunina I.Yu.

Determination of statistical adjustments to the seismic and gravity data

Statics Determination Usung Seismic And Gravity Data

{Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} SG Bychkov SG / Mining Institute, UB RAS, Perm / Mityunin IY / Perm State University, Perm / Bychkov SG / Mining Institute of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Perm / Mityunina I.Yu. / Perm State University, Perm / {tab = keywords} statics, seismic, gravity, complex interpretation. {Tab = Key words} static calculation, seismic reflection survey, gravity data, joint inversion {tab =} Abstract The technology of calculation of static corrections for seismic constructions using gravity data and the use of seismic data for interpretation of gravity materials. Examples of the use of technology for geophysical work in oil and gas. {Tab = Abstract} The paper presents a technology of time statics calculation using gravity data and gravity interpretation with the help of seismic near-surface information. Examples of technology applications on geophysical exploration for oil and gas are given.
Gubaidullin AA, Ananiev VV, Smelkov VM Fomichev, AV, EA Yudintsev GUbaidullin AA, VV Ananiev VV, PhD, VM Smelkov VM,, Fomichev A.V., Yudintsev EA

Physical features of the structure and lithological Kashira sediment basin Melekesskoy Republic of Tatarstan in the preparation of petrophysical parameters of reservoir modeling and refinement of interpretive techniques of GIS

Physical and Lithological Structural Features of Kashirsky Sediments, Melekess Depression of Republic of Tatastan in Relation to Petrophysical Studies of Reservoir Properties and Verification of Interpretational Models of Well Survey Procedures {tab = About the Authors} 1.Gubaydullin Alfred Absalyamovich - Senior Engineer Department of Petroleum Geology Gas Kazan (Volga) Federal University, Office address: 420 008, Kazan, ul. Kremlin, 18, Kazan (Volga) Federal University, tel. 8 (843) 292-62-93;
Home address: 420061, Kazan, ul.N.Ershova, 14 / 2, kv.14, tel. 8 (843) 238-80-58;
E-mail: a.gubaidullin37 @ mail.ru
2.Ananev Victor V. - Head of the hydrocarbons of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Tatarstan;
Office address: 420 108, Kazan, ul. RT, 55
Tel. 8 (843) 200-00-41, 8-987-296-85-52
E-mail: Viktor.Ananev @ tatar.ru
3.Smelkov Vyacheslav Mikhailovich - Associate Professor of Petroleum Geology, Kazan (Volga) Federal University;
Office address: 420 008, Kazan, ul. Kremlin, 18, Kazan (Volga) Federal University, tel. / Fax. 8 (843) 292-62-93, 8 (843) 233-79-94;
Home address: 420111, Kazan, ul. Pravobulachnaya 37, kv.37, tel. 8 (843) 292-47-94
E-mail: kaf.gng @ ksu.ru
4.Yudintsev Eugene A. - Senior Fellow TatNIPIneft OJSC "Tatneft";
Office address: 423 236, Bugulma, st. MA Jalil, 32
Home address: 423 236, Bugulma, st. Gogol, d.66, kv.81, tel. 8 (85594) 440-32
5.Fomichev Alexander - head. Laboratory TatNIPIneft OJSC "Tatneft";
Office address: 423 236, Bugulma, st. MA Jalil, 32, 8 (85594) 78-9-68
{Tab = core keywords}, petrophysics of rocks, petrophysical relationships, methods of GIS. {Tab = Key words} core, rock petrophysics, petrophysical dependencies, well survey procedures {tab =} Abstract The paper presents the results of a complex synthesis of physical and lithological parameters of rocks on the horizon Kashira 3777 core samples and standard deviation 71 17 oil wells, confined to VishnevoPolyanskoy , Pioneer, Akansko-Stepnoozerskoy, Aksubaevo-Eshtebenkinskoy, Zyuzeevskoy Maksimkinskoy and structural zones Melekesskoy Basin (MB). Taking into account the lateral variation of the content of the selected lithotypes% rock and reservoir properties, the development of new petrophysical dependence, separately for structural zones, and CF in general, to evaluate the permeability and oil saturation of reservoirs on the methods of GIS. {Tab = Abstract} The paper provides the results of a comprehensive general study of physical and lithological parameters of Kashirsky Sediments by 3777 core samples and wireline drilling core tests in 71 well of 17 oil fields allocated to Vishneovo-Polianskaya, Pionerskaya, Akansko-Stepnoozeoskaya , Aksubaevo-Eshtenenkinskaya, Zuzeevskaya and Maksimkinskaya structural zones of Melekess depression (MD). Taking into account the lateral percent change in contents of discovered rock litho-types and their reservoir properties, the authors have designed the new petrophysical dependencies individually by structural zones and MD as a whole, to evaluate reservoir permeability and oil saturation by well survey procedures.
Mavrichev VG , Molodtsov IV , Masagutov AD Mavrichev VG, Molodtsov IV, Masagutov R.Kh.

Identification neftegazokontroliruyuschih mikrograbenov aeromagnetic

Discovery of Oil and Gas Monitoring Micro-Rift Valleys by Airborne Magnetic Survey

{Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Mavrichev VG , Molodtsov IV / FGU NPP "Exploration", St. Petersburg / Masagutov AD / OOO "Bashneft Geoproekt", Ufa / Mavrichev VG, Molodtsov IV / FGU NPP "Geologorazvedka", Saint-Petersburg /, Masagutov R. Kh / LLC "Bashneft-Geoproject", Ufa / {tab = Keywords airborne} complex, highly sensitive devices, quantum aeromagnitometr, fault zone, structurally complex material, the anomalous field, aeromagnetic survey, aerial photography, density, highly sensitive equipment, the foundation slabointensivnye anomalies. {Tab = Key words} airborne geophysical set, high-sensitive equipment, quantum airborne magnetic meter, zone of fault, structural and compositional complex, abnormal field, airborne magnetic land survey, airborne land survey, density, high-sensitivity equipment, foundation, low intensity abnormity. {Tab = Abstract} We consider the application of large-scale (1:25,000 - 1:50,000) aeromagnetic with highly sensitive domestic production in the Volga-Ural oil province. High-precision magnetic field measurements are processed by the new copyright technology, which allows to identify local effects of non-structural hydrocarbon traps in the bulk of the weakly deposits of sedimentary cover. To fill the resource base of hydrocarbon province requires a more intensive study of the region not only with increasing depth of research, but the search in complex and small objects. New discoveries require sophisticated methods of exploration, drilling, and large amounts of, respectively, of appropriations. The proposed search technology trap of easy, cheap and environmentally safe method of prospective areas in the short term will increase the oil and gas resources. {Tab = Abstract} The paper considers the application issues of large-scaled (1:25000 - 1:50000) airborne magnetic land survey with high-sensitive Russian-made equipment in the Volga-Urals oil-bearing province. High-accurate magnetic field measurements are treated using the new proprietary procedures enabling to disclose the local effects of non-structural hydrocarbon traps in the depths of low-magnetic sediment covers. In order to restore the hydrocarbon resource basis of the region it is required to perform more intensive land studies with more profound survey procedures, but also by a search of complex structural and small-sized objects. New discoveries require more complicated search and exploration procedures, larger volumes of drilling and respectively more investments. The proposed procedure to discover these oil traps by less complicated, cheap and environmentally safe procedures in oil promising areas will enable in recent time to increase the amount of oil and gas resources

Development of models of hydrocarbon

Arzanova YV, Kovalenko, RV Arzanova Yu.V., Kovalenko RV

Building adaptive model of hydrocarbon deposits on the basis of input petrophysical parameters, taking into account geological and technical factors (for example, the reservoir BS11 Tevlinsko Russkinskoye-field)

Development of Hydrocarbon Reservoir Adaptive Model at the Basis of Initial Petro-physical Parameters with Due Consideration of Geological / Process Factors (at the example of Pay BC11 of Tevlinsko-Russkinskoye Oil Field)

{Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Arzanova YV, Kovalenko, RV / OOO "KogalymNIPIneft", Tyumen / Arzanova Yu.V., Kovalenko RV / LLC "KogalymNIPIneft", Tyumen / {tab = keywords} model, deposit, deposit, oil, water, stock, GTO. {Tab = Key words} Model, oil pool, fields, oil, water, reserves, well interventions {tab = Abstract} In the present hydrodynamic calculations used in the various project documents, used a static model of the distribution of fluid saturation in the reservoir. However, in the development of many physical properties of reservoir fluids and saturating his change. One of these parameters, reflecting the change of an object under the influence of geological and technical development, is the magnitude of surface tension on the border of the "oil - water", which determines the course of capillary processes and influences during different phases. In this paper we examine the effect of reference and experimental values ​​of this parameter on the calculation of the distribution of oil and water above the level of zero capillary pressure in the reservoir for example, reservoir-BS11 Tevlinsko Russkinskoye field. {Tab = Abstract} The presently applied hydro-dynamic calculations used in various design documents use static model of well fluid saturation and distribution by the pool. However during the process of field development many physical properties of the reservoir and its saturated fluids change. One of these parameters that reflect the development object changes as a result of work-over actions is the value of oil-water interfacial tension that defined the capillary processes and impact upon the flow of various phases. The paper considers the influence of reference and experimental values ​​of the obtained parameters upon the oil and water distribution calculation above the level of zero capillary pressure in the oil pool being presented by Pay BC11 of Tevlinsko-Russinskoye field.
Zeenat HG, Efimov AA Zinatov Kh.G., Efimov AA

The choice of oil-bearing areas in Pespublike Tatarstan on the basis of neogeodinamicheskih research and development of models of hydrocarbon deposits using tectonophysical analysis

Selection of Oil Promising Areas at the Territory of the Republic of Tatarstan at the Basis of Neo-geodynamic Studies and Hydrocarbon Field Development Models Through the Use of Tectonic and Physical Analysis

{Slide = details} {tab = About the Authors} Zeenat HG, Efimov AA / "NPO" A frame ", Kazan / Zinatov Kh.G., Efimov AA / ZAO" NPO "Reper", Kazan / {tab = keywords} geodynamics, satellite imagery, tectonophysical analysis, models of hydrocarbon ; Volzhsko_Kamskaya anteclise, Republic of Tatarstan, forecast and search for oil deposits. {Tab = Key words} geodynamics, space images, tectonic and physical analysis, hydrocarbon field models, the Volga-Kama anteclise, Republic of Tatarstan, prediction and search of oil fields {tab =} Abstract In the article the volcano-and gidroeksplozivnaya function ore-controlling role and rudolokalizuyuschaya paragenetichnyh dislocations shear zones of ancient and young orogenic areas and platforms with respect to the solid and fossil fuels. We consider the methodology and the technique of forecasting and mapping of latent foci of discharge in the sedimentary cover and crystalline basement crustal root RT Deep Fluids, including hydrocarbons, on the basis of interpretation for satellite images of the structural drawings neotectonically paragenetichnyh active dislocations and their subsequent interpretation by neogeodinamicheskoy tectonophysical analysis of geological and geophysical information. {Tab = Abstract} The paper describes the volcano and hydro-explosive functions, ore-controlling and ore-localizing roles of paragenetic dislocations in zones and platforms of ancient and new orogenic shear deformations as related to hard and combustible fossil fuels. The authors consider the prediction and mapping methods for the source of hidden unloading into the sedimentary cover and crystalline foundation of the crust of the Republic of Tatarstan the deep geo-fluids including the hydrocarbons as a result of decoding the space images of structural sketches of neo -tectonic active paragenetic dislocations with their further neo-geodynamic interpretation through the application of tectonic and physical analysis of geological and geophysical data.
Kunakasov AA, Halle TR, Sorokin EV Kunakasov AA, Galiev T.R., Sorokina E.V.

Использование метода ядерно-магнитного резонанса для контроля изменения структуры порового пространства горных пород при моделировании процессов разработки месторождений и методов повышения нефтеотдачи пласта

Application of Nuclear-Magnetic Resonance Procedure to Control the Change of Rock Pore Structure While Simulating the Field Development Processes and EOR Procedures


Об авторах

Кунакасов А.А., Галлиев Т.Р., Сорокина Е.В. /ООО "КогалымНИПИнефть", г. Когалым/ Kunakasov А.А., Galiev Т.R., Sorokina Е.V. /ООО "KogalymNIPIneft", Kogalym/

Ключевые слова

ЯМР, горные породы, месторождение, моделирование, образец, ПНП

Key words

nuclear-magnetic resonance, rocks, field, modeling, sample, EOR


Представлены результаты применения метода ЯМР для контроля изменения структуры порового пространства горных пород при лабораторном моделировании процессов разработки месторождений и методов ПНП. Метод ЯМР-контроля позволяет оценить, как изменяется структура порового пространства конкретного образца в ходе проведения его длительных многоэтапных исследований.


The paper presents the results of nuclear-magnetic resonance procedure application to control the structural changes in porous space of the rock during the process of lab studies performed to simulate the process of field development and the application of EOR procedures. The nuclear-magnetic control enables to evaluate the changes in porous structures of the specific sample during the performance of long-term multi-stage studies.
Загороднюк П.А., Кашуба Г.А. Zagorodniuk P.А., Kashuba G.А.

Перспективы наращивания углеводородного сырья на действующих месторождениях нефти и газа

Perspectives to Build-up the Hydrocarbon Raw Materials at the Currently Operated Oil and Gas Fields

Об авторах

Загороднюк П.А., Кашуба Г.А. /ООО "Невская геофизика", г. Санкт-Петербург/ Zagorodniuk P.А., Kashuba G.А. /ООО "Nevskaya Geophysics", Saint-Petersburg/

Ключевые слова

коэффициент пористости, граничные значения коэффициента пористости, низкопористые коллекторы, полуколлекторы.

Key words

porosity factor, extreme values of porosity factor, low-porous reservoirs, semi-reservoirs


В статье рассмотрены возможности наращивания добычи углеводородного сырья за счет разработки низкопористых пород-полуколлекторов.


The paper considers the possibilities in building-up the hydrocarbon raw material production due to the development of low-porous rock and semi-reservoirs.
Хусаинов В.М., Магдеева О.В., Магдеев М.Ш. Khusainov VM, Magdeeva OV, Magdeev M.Sh.

Геолого-геофизический контроль за разработкой многопластовых нефтяных месторождений на разных стадиях эксплуатации

Geological and Geophysical Control of Multilayered Oil Fields Development at Different Production Stages

Об авторах

Хусаинов В.М., к.г.-м.н., Магдеева О.В., к.т.н. /институт ⌠ТатНИПИнефть■, г. Бугульма/ Магдеев М.Ш. /РГГРУ им. С. Орджоникидзе, г. Москва/ Khusainov VM, PhD, Magdeeva OV PhD, /■TatNipineft■ Institure, Bugulma/, Magdeev M.Sh. (RGGRU named after S. Ordzhonikidze, Moscow)

Ключевые слова

объект разработки, гамма-каротаж, радиогеохимический эффект, затрубная циркуляция, нефтеводонасыщенность, обводнение, промыслово-геофизические исследования.

Key words

development object, gamma log, radio-geo-chemical effect, annulus circulation, oil and water saturation, water content, field and geophysical studies


В статье рассматривается возможность использования данных естественной радиоактивности (гамма-каротаж ГК) в комплексе геофизических исследований скважин с целью выявления источников обводнения продуктивных пластов. Приведены результаты практических исследований по скважинам многопластового нефтяного месторождения.


The paper considers the feasibility of using gamma-ray logging data in the well logging suite to locate water production sources. Case studies for a multilayered oil field are presented.
Новиков С.С., Рабаева Н.С. Novikov SS, Rabaeva NS

Применение трехкомпонентного геоакустического каротажа для решения

нестандартных задач при разработке и эксплуатации нефтегазовых скважин

Application of Three-Component Geo-acoustic Logging to Resolve the Off-Standard Challenges During the Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Wells

Об авторах

Новиков С.С., Рабаева Н.С. /ООО ⌠ПКФ ⌠Недра С■, г. Астрахань/ Novikov SS, Rabaeva NS /ООО ⌠PCF ⌠Nedra-С■, Astrakhan/

Ключевые слова

трехкомпонентный геоакустический каротаж, нефтегазовая скважина, флюидопроявление, межколонный переток, пласт, палеогеновая система, газоконденсатное месторождение.

Key words

three-component geo-acoustic logging, oil and gas well, well fluid show, annulus cross-flow, reservoir, Palaeogenic system, gas condensate field


Представлены результаты применения трехкомпонентного геоакустического каротажа для решения нестандартных задач при разработке и эксплуатации нефтегазовых скважин. Трехкомпонентный геоакустический каротаж способен решать задачи, связанные не только с техническим состоянием разного рода колонн и подземного оборудования, но и с экологической обстановкой недр.


The paper presents the three-component geo-acoustic logging application results to resolve the off-standard challenges during the development and operation of oil and gas wells. This three-component geo-acoustic logging is capable to resolve the issues related not only to technical status of various piping and BH equipment, but also to the environmental status of natural resources.
Хакимов Р.В., Хакимов В.С. Khakimov RV, Khakimov VS

Перспективы и проблемы гидродинамических исследований испытателями пластов на трубах в осложненных геолого-технических условиях

Perspectives and Challenges in Hydro-dynamic Studies Performed by Drill-stem Testers in Complicated Geological and Technical Conditions

Об авторах

Хакимов Р.В., Хакимов В.С. /ОАО НПФ "Геофизика", г. Уфа/ Khakimov RV, Khakimov VS /ОАО NPF "Geophysics", Ufa/

Ключевые слова

гидродинамические исследования скважин, интерпретация данных, испытатель пластов на трубах, горизонтальная скважина, беспроводной канал связи.

Key words

hydro-dynamic well studies, data interpretation, drill-stem tester, horizontal well, wireless communication channel


Метод испытания пластов на трубах является прямым методом определения характера насыщения и гидродинамических параметров перспективных на нефть и газ интервалов в открытом стволе скважины. Стандартное оборудование для испытания на трубах применяется с определенными ограничениями на геометрию ствола скважины и термобарические условия, однако в настоящее время возникает необходимость использования инструментов для ведения поисковоразведочных работ на нефть и газ на больших глубинах с высокими значениями температур и давлений, где нередко содержатся сероводород и углекислый газ. Широко внедряется технология разработки месторождений при помощи горизонтальных скважин, которая должна сопровождаться получением достоверной информации о параметрах пласта вдоль всего ствола скважины. Изменившиеся условия требуют нового оборудования, технологических схем и методов обработки информации. В статье кратко освещены проблемы, с которыми приходится сталкиваться в сложных геолого-технических условиях при испытании на трубах, и намечены шаги по их решению.


Procedure to perform reservoir drill-stem tests is a direct method to evaluate the saturation character and hydro-dynamic parameters of oil and gas perspective intervals in the open hole of the well. Standard equipment for drill-stem tests is used with some specific restrictions related to well-bore geometry and thermobaric conditions. However, presently there exist the necessity in using the tools for oil and gas exploration at some significant depths with high temperatures and pressures where hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide may be available. Now the procedure of field development by horizontal wells is widely applied. It should be accomplished by the acquisition of reliable data on reservoir parameters along the whole well-bore. The presently changed conditions require new equipment, process flowcharts and methods of data processing. The paper provides the brief description of these problems presented in complicated geological and technical conditions while performing drill-stem tests and puts the further step on the way to resolve them.

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(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)