№ 6 (06) 2011.

"Oil. Gas. Innovations ╩№ 5 / 2011

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Main theme of the issue: Oil and Gas

Oil and gas geology

Detailed correlation of layered Kashira Reservoir to improve the reliability of estimates of petroleum

Detailed Stage-by-Stage Correlation of Kashirsky Reservoirs to Increase the Verification of Oil Reserve Calculations

Arefiev YM, Baranov AG Arefiev Yu. M., Baranova AG {slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Arefiev YM, Baranov AG / SBD IPEN AS RT, Kazan / Contact: (834) 2983165 E-mail Anna.Baranova @ tatar.ru Arefiev Yu. M., Baranova AG (GBU IPEN AN RT, Kazan) {tab = keywords} Kashirsky horizon, the collector, correlation, reservoir, calculation of reserves. {Tab = Key words} kashir horizon, reservoir, correlation, exploration, reserves calculation. {Tab = Abstract} Kashirsky horizon - one of the primary return horizons, which, as a potentially oil-bearing, requires more detailed study. Due to such features of its structure, as occurrence of water-bearing interlayers hypsometrically higher oil within a reservoir, you need a detailed correlation of effective layered layers to avoid erroneous associations of different ages interlayers in a volumetric object. The thoroughness of the correlation Kashira deposits will contribute to more accurate assessment of oil reserves in these deposits and to develop further the optimum system for their development. {Tab = ABSTRACT} The Kashirsky horizon is one of prime returnable horizons. It is oil potential and demands more detailed studying. It is necessary detailed level-by-level correlation of effective pays for an exception of erroneous association uneven-age pay in one object of reserves calculation, because there is such feature of its structure as bedding aquiferous pays hypsometric above oil potential within one layer. Carefulness of correlation of kashir deposits will promote more exact estimation of reserves of oil in these deposits and development of more optimum system of their exploitation.

Field Development

Advanced technologies for the development of stranded oil in carbonate reservoirs

Perspective Procedures to Develop Hard to Recover Oil Reserves in Carbonate Reservoirs

Titov VE Titov VE {slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Titov VE / Samara State Technical University, Samara / Contact: (846) 242-13-17 Titov VE (Samara State Technical University, Samara) {tab = keywords} hard-to-oil, viscous oil, oil production in carbonate reservoirs, thermal cycling and thermopolymer stimulation, treatment of bottom-hole zones. {Tab = Key words} hard-to-recover oil reserves, viscous oil, oil production from Carbonate reservoirs, thermal cyclic and thermal polymer reservoir treatments, bottom-hole treatments {tab = Abstract} We consider the factors that ensure the effectiveness of technologies for the development of oil deposits in carbonate reservoirs. Proposed a set of conditions, compliance with which is necessary for successful implementation of the proposed technologies. {Tab = ABSTRACT} The author considers the factor that give effects in oil pool development procedures in Carbonate reservoirs. The author proposes a set of conditions required to apply successfully the proposed procedures.

Construction and repair of pipelines

Improving the safety of operations during emergency and major repairs on the main oil and gas pipelines

Safety Growth While Performing the Routine and Emergency Jobs with Oil and Gas Trunk-lines

Yanyshev RS RS Yanyshev {slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Yanyshev RS / OOO "NPF" VOSTOKneft ", Ufa / Yanyshev RS (OOO" NPF "VOSTOKneft", Ufa), contact: (347) 293-59-94, 255-56-22 {tab = keywords} repair of pipelines, Box outlets in the pipeline, the device "Cold Frame" rig Radhika Yanysheva (STORM). {tab = Key words} oil and gas pipeline maintenance, arrangement of pipeline branches, arrangement of "cold pipeline branching", Radik Yanyshev's drilling rig (BURIA ) {tab =} Abstract This paper presents an automatic device material "Cold Frame" in the pipelines with electric, hydraulic and pneumatic actuators (STORM). Currently, the range includes three devices STORM modifications allowing to solve some production problems. {tab = ABSTRACT} The paper presents the materials on automatic arrangement of "cold pipeline branching" using electric, hydraulic and pneumatic drives (BURIA). At present the set of BURIA rig models include three types of them that are ready to resolve a set of industrial problems .

Trenchless construction of pipelines

Building on the technology transition GNB

Construction of Crossings Using Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Procedure

Semin AM Semin AM {slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Semin AM / GC "Yunirus", Kazan / Contact: (843) 278-86-16, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Semin AM (GK "Unirus ", Kazan) {tab = keywords} complexes HDD, rig pnevmomolot, downhole drilling motors, roller cone reamers. {Tab = Key words} Equipment sets for HDD, drilling rig, air rammer, down-hole screw motor, cone reamer {tab =} Abstract We describe the practical experience of operating systems HDD Universal HDD with pnevmomolota Unihammer in complex geological conditions. Marked by reliability and high performance of the equipment, allowing the non-standard engineering design. {Tab = ABSTRACT} The paper present the practical experience in operating Universal HDD equipment sets c / w Unihammer pneumatic rammer in a complicated mining and geological structures. The applied equipment shows its reliable and high performance parameters and have enabled to complete the off-standard technical project.

Innovation in the construction and repair of gas pipelines - a method of horizontal directional drilling, using pipes with bending radius

Trunk-line Construction and Maintenance Innovations - Method of Horizontal Directional Drilling Using the Bending Pipes

Seleznev, GA Seleznev GA {slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Seleznev, GA / OOO "Podzemburstroy", Chelyabinsk / contact: 445 080, Chelyabinsk, st. Enthusiasts, the 15-d, ie (351) 266-58-98 Seleznev GA (OOO "Podzemburstroy", Chelyabinsk) {tab = keywords} laying gas pipeline, gas pipeline repair, horizontal directional drilling. {Tab = Key words} construction of trunk gas pipeline, repair of trunk gas pipeline, horizontal directional drilling {tab =} Abstract Submitted material of good, non-polluting method of the device small river crossings at major repair a gas pipeline. Its use can significantly reduce the time and several times to reduce the cost of the work. {Tab = ABSTRACT} The paper contains the materials on the advanced and environment friendly procedure while constructing a small water crossing during the repairs of truck gas pipeline. The application of this procedure enables to reduce significantly the construction time and to drop the construction costs in severely.

Direct Pipe technology from the company Herrenknecht: new standards for underground laying gas pipelines

{Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Herrenknecht tonnelservis 115114, Moscow, st. Derbenevskaya, 20, p. 26 Tel. (495) 956-63-56 Fax: (495) 956-63-57 This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it www.herrenknecht.de

High-quality Russian navigation systems for the drilling method of horizontal directional drilling

{Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Scientific and Industrial Institute "SENSE" 432 026, Russia, Ulyanovsk, ul. October, 22, p. 14, tel. (8422) 457-200, 980-888, 986-888

Construction pipeless gazotonneleprovoda

Project transcontinental pipeless gazotonneleprovoda Professor VM Senyukova (historical chronicle)

Design of Intercontinental Pipe-free Gas Tunnel Line of Professor VM Seniukov (historical overview)

Yulbarisov EM, Senyukov RV Vdovykin GP, ​​Yulbarisov IM Yulbarisov E.M., Seniukov RV, Vdovykin GP, ​​Yulbarisov IM {slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Yulbarisov EM, Ph.D., C. g.-m.n. / OOO "Neftegazmashservis", Ufa / Senyukov R., Ph.D. / RSU of Oil and Gas. IM Gubkin, Moscow / Vdovykin, GP d.g.-m.n./Institut History of Science and Technology. SI Vavilova RAN, Moscow / Yulbarisov IM / OOO "Neftegazmashservis" / contact: ildar.yulborisov @ mail.ru Yulbarisov E.M., PhD, ScD (OOO "Neftegasmashservice", Ufa), Seniukov RV, ScD (Gubkin Russian State Oil and Gas University, Moscow), Vdovykin GP, ScD (RAS Vavilov Institute on Natural History and Mechanics, Moscow), Yulbarisov IM (OOO "Neftegasmashservice, Ufa) {tab = keywords} gas transportation, pipeless gazotonneleprovod, VM Senyukov. {tab = Key words} gas transportation, pipe-free gas tunnel line, VM Seniukov {tab = Abstract} The geological conditions in the gas fields north of the Tyumen region - the presence of the 300-meter thick Paleocene clays of marine origin, a powerful clay cover, which creates conditions for integrity, led to the conclusion about the possibility of building gazotonneleprovoda deep puncture method, a system of explosion or simultaneous drilling (shield method) at depths of 150-200 m in the permafrost zone. {tab = ABSTRACT} The geological conditions in the area of ​​gas fields located at the north of Tyumen region (the presence of 300 meter pay of Paleogenic shales of marine origin, thick clay sealed and tight cover) have enabled to make a conclusion on a possibility to construct the subsurface gas tunnel line using pipe-jacking procedures, a system of explosions and multi-hole drilling (shield tunnel) at the depths of 150-200 meters in the area of ​​permafrost.

Laying of flowlines

New technology and equipment and gas-welding pipes and culverts

New Procedure and Equipment for Weld Oil and Gas Fields Pipelines and Water Lines

Beloshapkin GV Il'inykh RB Beloshapkin GV, Iljinykh RB {slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Beloshapkin GV, RB Il'inykh / "Scientific-Production Company" CNT ", Tomsk / Contacts: 634041, Tomsk, ul. Kartashov, 22, etc. (3822) 53-00-42 Beloshapkin GV, Iljinykh RB (OOO" NCT "Scientific and Research Co", Tomsk) {tab = keywords} OCTG, pipe welding friction welding machine, friction welding machine. {tab = Key words} oil and gas field pipes, pipe welding by friction, welding machines, welding machines by friction {tab =} Abstract Submitted material about one of the most advanced welding techniques for the construction of pipelines - a method of friction welding. This method provides a high quality weld and economical, since it does not require the use of any consumable welding materials. {tab = ABSTRACT} The authors present the materials on one of the state-of-art welding procedures to construct the pipelines - welding procedure by friction. The procedure ensures high quality of the weld joint and is economically effective, as it does not require the use of any welding consumption materials.

Pumping Equipment

Claw pumps Vogelsang (Germany) for the petroleum and chemical industry

Vogelsang (Germany) Cam-Driven Pumps for Oil, Gas and Chemical Industry

Ermakov AV, AB Pilipaka Yermakov AV, Pilipaka AB {slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Ermakov AV, AB Pilipaka / ZAO "TOP EQUIPMENT", Moscow / Contacts: 117218, Moscow, st. Krzyzanowski, 15, block 5, ie (499) 129-49-01 Yermakov AV, Pilipaka AB (ZAO "TOP-Equipment", Moscow) {tab = keywords} cam pump, screw pump, gear pump, peristaltic pump, driving element, the rotor, high-viscosity media. {Tab = Key words} cam-driven pump, screw pump, gear pump, peristaltic pump, driving element, high-viscous media {tab =} Abstract We present the advantages of cam pumps and their distinctive feature - the patented design of the working bodies and a number of hull and drive elements that provide the highest performance and significantly increase pump life and its duration of overhaul periods. Given the basic specifications of the cam pumps, Vogelsang. {Tab = ABSTRACT} The authors present the advantages of using cam-driven pumps and the features like patented structure of drive and some case and driving elements, that provide the highest pump performance and significantly improve its service life and extend its turnaround. They also provide the basic specification of Vogelsang cam-driven pumps.

Detection of damage to pipelines

Detecting leaks in place of the pipeline, transporting production wells

Locating the Non-tight Places in Pipeline Section That Transport Well Products

Sultanov, RG, Yarullin Ch.A., Faizulin RN, Mugafarov MR, VG Karamyshev Sultanov, RG, Yarullin Ch.A., Faizullin RN, Mugapharov MR, Karamyshev VG {slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Sultanov, RG, Yarullin Ch.A. / Ishimbai branch USATU / Faizulin RN / LEU "Interdisciplinary Institute" / Mugafarov MR / Ishimbai branch USATU / VG Karamyshev / SUE 'Institute for Transport Energy' / 'contact: (347) 284-37-58, 284-37-67 Sultanov RG, Yarullin Ch.A. (Ishimbai branch of UGATU), Faizullin RN (NOU "Mezhotraslevoy Instotute), Mugapharov MR (Ishimbai branch of UGATU), Karamyshev VG (GUP" Institute of Problems in Energy Transportation ") {tab = keywords} pipeline transportation of oil, methods for detecting leaky pipeline, measuring the flow and pressure at the ends of the pipeline feeding the liquid or gas. {Tab = Key words} transportation of oil by pipelines ways to locate the non-tight places in a pipeline, Metering of rate and pressure at the pipeline ends while it transports fluids or gas, {tab = Abstract} We consider a way to detect areas leaky section of pipe, wire, lift both liquid and gaseous media, which can significantly improve the accuracy of the leak. {Tab = ABSTRACT} The paper considers the method to locate the non-tight places in a pipeline section that transports both liquid and gaseous media. It significantly increases the accuracy in locating the non-tight places.

Automated device detection of unauthorized taps into the existing pipeline and a pipeline with defects in the surface of the ground-contact method

Automated Device to Locate the Illegal Tie-Ins in Operating Pipelines and Pipeline Damages from the Land Surface Using Non-Contact Procedures

Abdullaev, AA Abdulaev AA {slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Abdullaev AA / OOO "BINAPRO", Ufa / contact: 450 104, Ufa, ul. Russian, 25, office 7, ie (347) 284-00-26 Abdulaev AA (OOO "BINAPRO", Ufa) {tab = keywords} unauthorized tapping, equipment and means of detecting illegal tie-in pipeline, the magnetometer method for detecting penetrations defects in the pipeline and the pipeline. {Tab = Key words} illegal tie-ins, instruments and means to locate the illegal tie-ins in pipelines, magnetic metering procedure to locate the tie-ins in pipelines and pipeline damages {tab = Abstract} We consider physical methods to receive information about unauthorized intrusion into the pipeline before the magnetometer instrument for the detection of places the frame. {Tab = ABSTRACT} The paper considers the physical methods that enable to pick up the information on illegal tie-ins in pipelines and presents the magnetic metering instrument to locate these tie-ins.

Pipeline Protection

Magnetic filtration system for oil and chemical industry

System of Magnetic Filtering for Oil, Gas and Chemical Industry

Ermakov AV, AB Pilipaka Yermakov AV, Pilipaka AB {slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Ermakov AV, Pilipaka A.B / ZAO "TOP EQUIPMENT", Moscow / Yermakov AV, Pilipaka AB (ZAO "TOP - Equipment" , Moscow), contact: 117218, Moscow, st. Krzyzanowski, 15, block 5, ie (499) 129-49-01 {tab = keywords} magnetic filtration, a rare earth metal, black sludge, the magnetic field, stainless steel, technology, the erosion of the pipe walls. {Tab = Key words} magnetic filtering, rare-earth metals, black sediment, magnetic field, stainless steel, procedure, erosion of pipeline walls {tab = Abstract} The results of application of a magnetic filter, shows the main advantages of the filtration technology Psicon BV. Equipped with magnetic filtration systems, sophisticated processing equipment (particularly reciprocating compressors and pumps, pumping oil) increases the duration of the turnaround time by 20-30% and the total period of service in some cases a factor of 2. {Tab = ABSTRACT} The authors present the results of magnetic filtering using and demonstrate the basic advantages of Psicon BV filtration procedure. The complicated process equipment c / w magnetic filtration systems (especially for piston compressors and pumps to transport refined products) enable to increase the trouble-free operation period by 2 - to 30% and the total service life in some cases by 100%.

Environmental problems of operating pipelines

Environmental Problems and Operation of Trunk Pipelines

Gilmutdinov Sh.K., Bayburova MM, TA Khusnullin Gilmutdinov Sh. K., Baiburova MM, Khusnullina TA {slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Gilmutdinov Sh.K., Bayburova MM, TA Khusnullin / Almetyevsk State Petroleum Institute, Almetyevsk / contact: tel. 89196978664 Gilmutdinov Sh. K., Baiburova MM, Khusnullina TA (Almetievsk State Petroleum Institute, Almetievsk) {tab = keywords} corrosion inhibitor, environmental damage, pipelines, protection against corrosion. {Tab = Key words} corrosion inhibitor, ecological loss, trunk pipeline, corrosion protection {tab = Abstract} We consider the environmental problem of pipeline transportation of hydrocarbons. Offered her specific solutions to the current conditions of pumping. {Tab = ABSTRACT} The authors consider the ecological problem of hydrocarbon transportation by pipelines. The proposed the specific decisions for present day pumping conditions.

Anticorrosive coatings in oil and gas industry VICOR

Protective Polymer Coatings ROCOR for OilIndustry 54

Golovin, VA, Il'in AB, AI Vulfovich {Slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Golovin, VA, DE, Ilya A., Ph.D., Vulfovich IA. / OOO "NPO" VICOR ", Moscow / Contacts: 117342, Moscow, st. Obruchev, 40, K.4, P / O 13, (495) 979-54-19, 971 - 07-64 Golovin VA, ScD, Ilyin, PhD, Vulfovich IA / OOO "NPO" ROCOR ", Moscow / {tab = keywords} technology upgrades, anti-corrosive coating, VICOR, hydrogen sulfide gas, electrical, hydrocarbons, tank equipment, pipeline corrosion treatment, capacitors. {Tab = Key words} updating procedure, protective polymer coating, ROCOR coating, gaseous H2S, power safety, hydrocarbon raw material, tanks and vessels, pipeline, protective polymer treat ment, heat exchangers. {Tab = Abstract} Presented by a new generation of composite polymeric anticorrosive coatings research and production association "VICOR" to protect the industry. NGO "VICOR" is a recognized leader in the development, production and implementation of anti-corrosion materials in the industry who do not have analogues in the world by a combination of strength, anticorrosive and economic characteristics. {Tab = ABSTRACT} The authors present a new generation of composite protective polymer coatings of ROCOR Company to protect the industrial equipment. ROCOR Company is an outstanding leader in the area of ​​designing, manufacturing and application of industrial protective polymer materials that have no other international analogs in combination of their strength, corrosion control and economic features.

Disposal of oil waste

Thermal processing of oil waste

Thermal Treatment of Oil Wastes

Degtyarev, VN Degtiarev VN {slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} VN Degtyarev, Ph.D. / Samara State Technical University, Samara / Contact: (846) 274-21-56 Degtiarev VN, PhD (Samara State Technical University, Samara) {tab = keywords} oil, waste oil, oil sludge, oil waste processing. {Tab = Key words} oil, oil wastes, wasted oil, treatment of wasted oil {tab =} Abstract The paper presents data on the composition of sediments in reservoirs with commercial oil and a technology of thermal treatment. {Tab = ABSTRACT} The paper provides for the data on the composition of sediments in crude oil tanks and the author proposes a procedure of their thermal treatment

Liquidation nefteprolivov

The destruction of large water areas nefteprolivov water repelling-governmental neftesorbentami based on cheap mineral

Oil Spill Control in Water Ponds by Hydro-Phobic Oil Adsorbents at the Basis of Cheap Mineral Raw Materials

Alexandrov K., Spassov, AV, Filatov, NI Alexandrov K.A., Spasov A.V., Filatov NI {slide = More} {tab = About the Authors} Alexandrov K., Ph.D., Professor / Research and Innovation Center "Zenith", the Dimitrovgrad / AV Spasov / Plant and petroleum chemical engineering, "Zenit" ("Zenith Himmash"), Dimitrovgrad / NI Filatov / SSC Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Center of it. Keldysh" (Roscosmos), Moscow / contact: 433 504, Ulyanovsk region., Dimitrovgrad, st. M. Tereza, 5 "G", of. 3, ie (84 253) 08.03.94, (917) 623-68-73 Alexandrov, K.A., PhD, Professor ("Zenith" Scientific and Innovation Center, Dimitrovgrad), Spasov A.V. ("Zenith" Oil and Chemical Equipment Plant ("Zenith-KhimMach"), Dimitrovgrad), Filatov NI (GNTs FGUP "Center named after MV Keldysh" ("Roskosmos"), Moscow) {tab = keywords} nefteprolivy, sorbents, sand, diatomite, water-repellency treatment, oil, offshore production and transportation.

Key words

oil spills, absorbents, sand, diatomites hydro-phobic effect, oil, offshore oil production, transportation,


Главная экологическая задача при ликвидации нефтепроливов заключается в том, чтобы убрать нефть с поверхности воды. Разработаны нефтесорбенты на базе гидро-фобизированного дешевого минерального сырья (диатомиты, песок). При впитывании нефтепродукта сорбенты тонут, очищая поверхность раздела ⌠вода-воздух■. Предложены простые технологии применения сорбентов.


The main environmental objective while controlling the oil spills is to remove the oil from the water surface. There are the absorbents at the basis of cheap hydro-phobic mineral raw materials (diatomites, sand). When soaking the refined oil products these absorbents sink thus cleaning the ⌠water-air■ surface boundary. The authors propose the simple procedure to use these absorbents.

Переработка попутного нефтяного газа

Блочно-модульные комплексы для переработки природного и попутного нефтяного газа

Packaged Modular Units to Process Natural and Associated Petroleum Gas

Горбачёв П.А., Кирячёк В.Г., Филипченко С.А., Даничев А.В. Gorbachev PA, Kiriacheok VG, Filipchenko SA, Danichev А.V.

Об авторах

Горбачёв П.А. /ООО "Борисфен Авиа", г. Москва/ Кирячёк В.Г. /ЗАО "Ренфорс √ Новые Технологии", г. Москва/ Филипченко С.А. /ЗАО "Ренфорс √ Новые Технологии", г. Москва/ Даничев А.В. /ООО "Борисфен Авиа", г. Москва/, контакты: г. Москва, ул. Песчаная, д.4, т. (495)411-51-11 Gorbachev PA (ООО "Borisfen Avia",Moscow), Kiriacheok VG (ZAO ⌠Renforce √ New Technologies", Moscow), Filipchenko SA (ZАО "Renforce √ New Technologies", Moscow), Danichev А.V. (ООО "Borisfen Avia",Moscow)

Ключевые слова

GTL, попутный нефтяной газ, синтез-топливо, утилизация ПНГ, энергосбережение, блочно-модульные комплексы, БМК.

Key words

GTL, associated petroleum gas, synthetic fuel, utilization of associated petroleum gas, energy-saving, packaged modular units, BMK


В данной работе представлены блочно-модульные комплексы переработки ПНГ в синтетическую нефть и синтетическое топливо для нефтяных промыслов. По предлагаемой технологии возможно получение электроэнергии, тепла (горячей воды, пара) и синтетического топлива (дизельного топлива, керосина, бензина), экологические параметры которого соответствуют нормам Евро-5.


The present paper presents packaged modular units to process associated petroleum gas into synthetic crude and synthetic fuel for oil fields. Basing upon the proposed procedure it is possible to get electric power, heat energy (hot water, steam) and synthetic fuel (diesel, kerosene, gasoline) the environmental features of which correspond to Euro-5 Codes.

Автоматизация производственно-технологических процессов в газовой отрасли

ИУС-ГАЗ - платформа для создания иерархической диспетчеризации и построения единого информационно-технологического пространства региона

IUS-GAS information and Monitoring Control System as a Platform to Create the Hierarchic Dispatching and to Arrange a Unified Information and Process Sphere of the Region

Криворучко В.Е., Хайрулина А.С. Krivoruchko VE, Khairullina AS

Об авторах

Криворучко В.Е., Хайрулина А.С. /ООО "АНТ-Информ", г. Москва/, контакты: (931)221-18-91, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Krivoruchko VE, Khairullina AS (OOO ⌠ANT-Inform■, Moscow)

Ключевые слова

иерархическая диспетчеризация, интеграционная платформа, газовыесети, режимы транспортировки газа, оперативно-диспетчерское управление, сервисноориентированная архитектура, картографическая информация, единое информационнотехнологическое пространство.

Key words

hierarchic dispatching, integrated platform, gas nets, gas transportation modes, operative dispatch control, service aimed structure, mapping information, single information and process sphere


Рассматривается информационно-мониторинговая управляющая система (ИУС-ГАЗ) платформа для автоматизации диспетчерских и производственно-технологических процессов в энергетике, разработанная ООО "АНТ-Информ". В статье представлены принципы построения платформы ИУС-ГАЗ. На основе опыта создания диспетчерских пунктов в газовой отрасли рассмотрена возможность формирования единого информационного пространства всех газовых служб региона.


The authors consider the information and monitoring control system (IUS-GAS) as a platform for automation of dispatching and industrial processes in power sector, being a product of OOO ⌠ANT-Inform■. The paper illustrates the arrangement principles of IUS-GAS system. Basing upon the experience in organizing these dispatch and control centers in gas industry the authors consider a possibility to formulate a single information sphere for all gas services of the region.

Oil and gas

Использование рецикла газов как способ снятия экологической нагрузки при регенерации катализаторов облагораживания бензиновых фракций

Use of Gas Recycle as a Way to Minimize the Environmental Impact During the Catalyst Reprocessing that is Used in Gasoline Fraction Refining

Зеленская Е.А., Завалинская И.С., Петренко П.А., Гончаров Д.Е., Маликов И.В. Zelenskaya Е.А., Zavalinskaya IS, Petrenko PA, Goncharov DE, Malikov IV

Об авторах

Зеленская Е.А. /ЗАО ╚НИПИ ╚ИнжГео╩, г. Краснодар/ Завалинская И.С., к. х. н., Петренко П.А., Гончаров Д.Е., Маликов И.В. /Кубанский государственный технологический университет, г. Краснодар/ контакты: тел. (861)279-81-59 Zelenskaya Е.А. (ZAO ╚NIPI ╚EngGeo╩, Krasnodar), Zavalinskaya IS, PhD, Petrenko PA, Goncharov DE, Malikov IV (Kuban State Technological University, Krasnodar)

Ключевые слова

окислительная регенерация, цеолитсодержащий катализатор, облагораживание низкооктановых бензинов, рецикл газов регенерации.

Key words

oxidizing regeneration, zeolite catalysts, refining of low-octane gasoline, recycle of regenerated gases


Реактивация катализаторов процессов глубокой переработки нефтяного сырья является неотъемлемой частью технологического процесса, зачастую определяющей его экономические и экологические показатели. Использование рецикла части отходящих газов регенерации позволяет снизить количество токсичных продуктов неполного окисления коксовых отложений катализатора при незначительных капитальных затратах на организацию данной операции.


Reactivation of catalysts used in deep crude oil refining processes is an integral part of the flow-chart that defines frequently its economic and environmental indices. The use of recycle in regenerating a part of used gases enables to reduce the quantity of toxic products as a result of incomplete oxidizing of catalyst coke depositions in frames of negligible capital cost to perform this operation.

Новое - хорошо забытое старое

(Опубликовано в №06/2011 журнала «Нефть. Газ. Новации»)